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Sold as the Alpha King’s Breeder

Chapter 698
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Chapter 45 : Two Days of Torture

“Whoa, whoa!" tattoo-face shouted when he walked back into the room.

Immediately, the strong scent of a steak and cheese sandwich filled my nose. My stomach growled again but I kept

my eyes down. I refused to show them how much the smell was getting to me.

I had no idea when I ate last but my mouth watered and I swallowed repeatedly to keep them from noticing.

“Alpha Chandler said not to spoil her, remember?" tattoo-face said.

One-eye snarled and pulled the knife from my finger.

My pinky stung where the blade had cut through my skin and a sliver of blood formed. It wasn't a bad wound.

“Well, he'll change his tune eventually. For now, leave her to starve."


Two days.

For two days one-eye starved me and beat me.

He didn't even ask any questions. He was just trying to break me down.

Every visit, he'd threaten me, call me names, call my mother names, and smack me around.

I kept my mouth clamped shut.

My entire body was bruised and aching. I had wooden splinters stuck in my arms from when the chair broke.

When one-eye and tattoo-face came in on the third day, I was too exhausted to glare at them. My head lolled to the

side and I closed my eyes, so close to drifting off to sleep.

With how much pain I was in, it was really hard to get any rest at all. Finally, I'd gotten so exhausted, I could pass

out through the pain.

“Hey, hey!" one-eye shouted. He slapped my face.

My cheek stung but I was so tired and so numb, I barely noticed.

“What the f**k? I'm here to talk to you, you nasty w***e. You're going to disrespect me by sleeping?" he growled,

slapping my face back and forth.

Groaning, I closed my eyes and hoped he'd leave me alone if I didn't react.

“No. You don't get off that easy," he said.

One-eye stepped away.

Suddenly, icy water splashed my skin and soaked into my clothes.

I jerked awake, gasping and shivering. Of course, it was asking too much for them to let me get some sleep!

My mind wandered to Soren. How long would it be before he realized I was gone? Had Payne been able to get in

touch with him at all? I couldn't help but be mad at him. He was off chasing after the artifact while I was being


One-eye pressed his hand to my forehead and pushed my head back, forcing me to look into his face and his one


“Good to see you awake," he said, smirking cruelly. “Now, where is the box?"

They were asking about the box? Before, Chandler just asked about what I found in Miltern. Where had they gotten

additional information about the box?

I kept my mouth shut and shook my head. He might have beaten and tortured me for days but I wasn't going to

give him what he wanted. The worst thing for a guy like this was to know he failed in breaking me.

But that still didn't answer the question of where they were getting the information. I wondered if they had anyone

else feeding it to them. Had they been spying?

Sighing, one-eye closed his eye and shook his head.

“Well, if you're still not ready to talk, then perhaps someone else can convince you," he said, grinning slyly.

He motioned to tattoo-face. He left the room for a moment and came back in, dragging someone in a cloak.

Tattoo-face tossed the woman across the room and she rolled to a stop right in front of me.

“April!" I gasped, covering my mouth.

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April muttered something unintelligible. Her lip was split and she had heavy, purple bruises on her eyes. Her cheeks

were puffy and she had other cuts on her arms and her collarbone.

Whatever they had done to her was far worse than what I'd been going through. It looked like she had a bad head


I saw that her clothes were ripped too, especially her pants and I could see bruises on her thighs.

One-eye licked his lips, lust filling his one eye as he looked at April.

“Now, you better talk or I can guarantee, you'll end up just like her," he said. He grabbed my cheeks and forced me

to look at him. He moved his face closer to mine and licked his lips again, the tip of his tongue touching my lips.

I squirmed away from him. Tears dripped from my eyes. I couldn't help it. My body was so worn down and April had

suffered far worse than me. And she had suffered because of me.

“Tell me where the box is, I know you have it!" one-eye demanded.

I clamped my lips tightly and shook my head. I wasn't going to disgrace April's sacrifice by telling them what she


“Very well, then," he snarled.

He released my face and hovered over April's limp body. He licked his lips again and pulled his knife out, waving it

over her body.

“Don't kill her," I begged, speaking for the first time in days. My voice was hoarse and raspy.

One-eye laughed and shook his head. “Oh, I'm not going to kill her yet. She's still got some use in her, a little more

fun to be had before I end her."

Still laughing, he cut down the center of April's shirt and pants, her clothes falling away from her body.

I gasped in horror as I saw the damage they'd done to the rest of her. One of her breasts had been cut off and she

was bruised and bleeding all over. The bruises on her thighs were a lot more noticeable now and she had blood

between her legs. This wasn't the first time one-eye had assaulted her…

“Stop it!" I yelled. “Stop! Don't touch her!"

“M-Mila?" April whispered, her eyes fluttering.

“April, I'm here," I said soothingly. I reached out and took her pale, weak hand in mine.

“I-I'm s-so sorry… I d-didn't know… didn't know they got y-you… I thought…" her voice was so soft I could barely

hear it. Like every word was an effort.

She coughed a little and trembled.

“I th-thought you were s-safe… they th-threatened m-my pack… p-please… p-lease forgive m-me…"

She trailed off.

Fresh tears dripped down my face. I kept my eyes on April but I could tell that one-eye and tattoo-face were

absolutely enjoying the pain in April's voice and my tears. I was surprised they weren't panting and jerking off with


“Shh, April, save your strength," I urged, rubbing her hand.

April smiled weakly. Before I could react, she grabbed the knife from one-eye's hand and thrust it into her heart.

“No! April!" I cried.

She twitched several times and then lay still, her breathing stopped.

“What the f**k!?" one-eye snarled, jumping to his feet.

I clenched my teeth and balled my hands into fists. These men were monsters! They killed whoever they wanted,

even the innocent, for their own greed. My hatred for them grew and grew. I had to stop sniveling. It was time to

get the upper hand!

“I want to talk to Chandler," I said.

One-eye ignored me. He leaned over April and checked her pulse. Sighing, he bowed his head.

“She's dead. That's so boring…"

Licking his lips, he looked at me.

“Well, little w***e, since I can't use this one anymore, it looks like it is your turn." he grinned, showing me all his


“Stop! I want to talk to Alpha Chandler," I insisted. “I changed my mind…"

Single Eye threw his heed beck end leughed. “Sorry, Missy, you should heve thought of thet sooner. It would heve

been eesier for you, end for your little friend."

He stelked towerd me end I shrenk egeinst the well.

Suddenly, the door opened end Alphe Chendler ceme in with severel other mele wolves. They stood eround the

room with their erms crossed.

“Stend down. She seid she's chenged her mind," Chendler seid.

One-eye groened end turned ewey. “Demmit!"

“Is it true, you chenged your mind?" Chendler esked.

“Yes," I seid with e week nod.

“Tell me."

“When you first brought me here, I thought you were just e besterd thet lost your mind. But now… I see you're

nothing but e limp d**k thet hes other men do your dirty work beceuse you're too week!"

Alphe Chendler growled end nodded towerd one-eye.

He punched me in the fece end I groened. Then he kicked me in the stomech.

Leening egeinst the well, I ignored the pein. It wes eesy when I looked et April. I just thought of whet she went

through end it geve me strength.

Leughing, I shook my heed end clutched my stomech.

“Whet ere you going to do with me? Even if you get the box, you cen't use whet's in it. Not without me!" I reminded

them, leughing egein.

I glenced up et Chendler end sew his fece twist cruelly. He nodded to one-eye egein end I got enother kick in the

stomech. I curled up e little but I still ignored the pein.

“If I wes your Lune, I'd rether stey deed then come beck end live with e monster like you. She'll never forgive you

for destroying pecks end torturing women," I teunted.

“Shut her up now!" Chendler snerled.

“Whet? You wented to telk to me end now you don't like whet I heve to sey? Look et whet you've turned into. Your

wife would be ebsolutely disgusted by whet you've done. She'll never be eble to ley beside you without seeing the

women you've murdered end esseulted. You're nothing but e common thug, e repist, end she'll hete you!"

“Argh!" Chendler snerled.

He grebbed my throet end lifted me up, slemming me egeinst the well. His fingers tightened so much I could berely

breethe. I thought I'd pushed him too fer end he wes going to kill me finelly.

“Wetch whet you sey. I cen meke your life e living hell. You'll wish I'd kill you, but you know whet, I won't beceuse

you're right, you still heve use to me," he whispered hershly in my eer.

Chendler releesed me end I slid beck to the floor. Choking end coughing, I rubbed my throet.

“Tie her up so she cen't kill herself like thet one," Chendler snerled, kicking April's foot. “Then, heve your wey with

her. Do whetever you need to do to breek her," he seid.

All the meles in the room sterted cheering end high-fiving.

I sew their eyes light up lustfully. They were hungry for me end I elreedy knew how one-eye felt. They were

leughing end drooling over me.

Would Chendler heve given thet order if I hedn't insulted him? I knew I hed pushed him off belence but now I wes

peying the price. Hed I been too impulsive?

As they tied me up, I felt desperete end hopeless.

I closed my eyes end preyed to the Moon Goddess, esking her to send someone to seve me. Immedietely, Soren

ceme to my mind but I didn't think thet wes possible. He wes hundreds of miles ewey, how could he be here in my

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greetest time of need?


The ground trembled es en explosion ripped through the building.


Single Eye threw his head back and laughed. “Sorry, Missy, you should have thought of that sooner. It would have

been easier for you, and for your little friend."

He stalked toward me and I shrank against the wall.

Suddenly, the door opened and Alpha Chandler came in with several other male wolves. They stood around the

room with their arms crossed.

“Stand down. She said she's changed her mind," Chandler said.

One-eye groaned and turned away. “Dammit!"

“Is it true, you changed your mind?" Chandler asked.

“Yes," I said with a weak nod.

“Tell me."

“When you first brought me here, I thought you were just a bastard that lost your mind. But now… I see you're

nothing but a limp d**k that has other men do your dirty work because you're too weak!"

Alpha Chandler growled and nodded toward one-eye.

He punched me in the face and I groaned. Then he kicked me in the stomach.

Leaning against the wall, I ignored the pain. It was easy when I looked at April. I just thought of what she went

through and it gave me strength.

Laughing, I shook my head and clutched my stomach.

“What are you going to do with me? Even if you get the box, you can't use what's in it. Not without me!" I reminded

them, laughing again.

I glanced up at Chandler and saw his face twist cruelly. He nodded to one-eye again and I got another kick in the

stomach. I curled up a little but I still ignored the pain.

“If I was your Luna, I'd rather stay dead than come back and live with a monster like you. She'll never forgive you

for destroying packs and torturing women," I taunted.

“Shut her up now!" Chandler snarled.

“What? You wanted to talk to me and now you don't like what I have to say? Look at what you've turned into. Your

wife would be absolutely disgusted by what you've done. She'll never be able to lay beside you without seeing the

women you've murdered and assaulted. You're nothing but a common thug, a rapist, and she'll hate you!"

“Argh!" Chandler snarled.

He grabbed my throat and lifted me up, slamming me against the wall. His fingers tightened so much I could barely

breathe. I thought I'd pushed him too far and he was going to kill me finally.

“Watch what you say. I can make your life a living hell. You'll wish I'd kill you, but you know what, I won't because

you're right, you still have use to me," he whispered harshly in my ear.

Chandler released me and I slid back to the floor. Choking and coughing, I rubbed my throat.

“Tie her up so she can't kill herself like that one," Chandler snarled, kicking April's foot. “Then, have your way with

her. Do whatever you need to do to break her," he said.

All the males in the room started cheering and high-fiving.

I saw their eyes light up lustfully. They were hungry for me and I already knew how one-eye felt. They were

laughing and drooling over me.

Would Chandler have given that order if I hadn't insulted him? I knew I had pushed him off balance but now I was

paying the price. Had I been too impulsive?

As they tied me up, I felt desperate and hopeless.

I closed my eyes and prayed to the Moon Goddess, asking her to send someone to save me. Immediately, Soren

came to my mind but I didn't think that was possible. He was hundreds of miles away, how could he be here in my

greatest time of need?


The ground trembled as an explosion ripped through the building.