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Sold as the Alpha King’s Breeder

Chapter 657
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Chapter 4: Rich and Powerful, and Dangerous

Ashley and Lee cared for the girl for a few days but it didn't seem like her condition was changing. Lee mentioned it

could be dangerous to move her while she was still unconscious, so I left her in my room and I moved to a room

down the hall.

So far, she hadn't woken up and Payne hadn't reported back with any information about her.

We all gathered together for dinner in the bar most nights. Unlike the night the girl arrived, we weren't always

partying and drinking. I sometimes thought of it as a community meal because these shifters were as close to a

community or a pack as I had.

I sat at the head of the table.

“Has anyone heard from Payne?" I asked as I finished off a glass of wine.

My men hurried to swallow whatever they were devouring to offer answers.

“Last I heard, he was heading east."

“He hasn't checked in for a few days."

“He didn't have anything new."

I nodded and they all went back to their voracious eating. Unlike most of them, I'd been raised in a family that had

strict table manner requirements and I had been hating it. It was refreshing to be around those who didn't care

what they looked like while eating, and just simply appreciate the enjoyment food would bring.

Three days and no one had heard anything new from Payne.

I poured myself another glass of wine and swirled it slowly around in the glass.

Usually, when Payne set out to find information on someone, he got answers very quickly. Of course, he usually had

more to go on than a first name, which we discovered when going through her things.


Sighing, I finished the wine and headed upstairs.

Someone so uniquely beautiful had to be known. She was the kind of girl that turned heads when she walked into a

room and drew stares from across the street when she passed by. Someone had to have seen her and know

something about her.

I walked past the door to my room. It was closed so the girl could rest undisturbed. One door down was where I

would stay temporarily.

When I pulled my shirt off to change for bed, my elbow knocked a vase on a table. I grabbed it and set it upright.

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt


This room was a lot smaller than mine. I wondered how much longer I'd have to stay here.

Sighing, I threw on a cotton shirt and a pair of sweats for bed. As irritating as it was to be put out of my own room,

at least I was being inconvenienced to save a young woman's life.

Not that I was some sort of a selfless saint, but the fact that someone had poisoned her and drugged her just didn't

sit well with me. On top of that, intentionally or not, I took her first time. Just for that reason alone, I owe her to at

least nurture her back to a somewhat healthy state.

I closed my eyes, but snapped them open again. f**k, I couldn't get the image of her out of my head—especially

when she had her back to me, how much she looked like Rosalie.

Knock. Knock.

“Soren, are you in there?" Lee called through the door.

I unlocked the door and stepped back to allow Lee inside. He immediately closed the door behind him. Whatever he

had to say was private.

“I'm not disturbing you, am I?"

I shook my head firmly. “You have news of her condition, I assume?"

“Yes. And it is rather… strange. The poison in her system is actually breaking down and dissolving."

I arched an eyebrow. “Isn't that what the medicines are for?"

“Not exactly. This is a very strong poison and what I gave her were not exactly antidotes. The medicines may hold it

at bay and help her body to gain strength, but it wasn't supposed to break down the poison," he explained.

Lee seemed unusually perturbed by her reaction to the meds. I knew as much about healing as I did this strange


“She seems to have some kind of natural immunity to the poison, which is probably why it didn't kill her

immediately. But… that is incredibly rare," Lee said with a bewildered shrug.

“You think the poison was meant to kill her?"

“Soren, this isn't a garden variety poison. The ingredients themselves aren't easy to come by. Only someone with

incredible power or wealth could get their hands on it and you know what that means," he said, shrugging again.

“This poison is rich and powerful, and dangerous," I muttered.

Lee nodded in confirmation. “But it is like the girl has some protective force within her, keeping her safe from harm.

At least, safe from the poison. Anyone else who took that high of a dose would be dead… except…"

“Except?" I pressed when Lee trailed off, his eyes distant.

“I only know of one other that might have survived…"

A girl that young with the ability to survive a lethal poison. I didn't know whether to be impressed or concerned. She

had special abilities and that wasn't always a good thing. Now, I wondered if someone had tried to poison her to kill

her or if they were testing her abilities.

“Soren, I can't urge you enough, but you should send her on her way the moment she is able. Don't give her your

name, and don't exchange pleasantries. Just get rid of her," Lee said firmly.

Lee clasped his hands behind his back and rocked back on his heels. He looked nervous. I could tell he was holding

back things he knew about the girl. He wouldn't caution me twice on the same matter if there wasn't more going on

with the girl.

I knew I could trust Lee. He'd never let me down or led me astray and he knew how to be discreet. He knew when

to share information and when not to ask questions. As a healer, he ended up learning people's medical histories,

which were often accompanied by their secrets.

He was the only one allowed to ask questions about others' past here but I trusted him to keep the answers to

himself. More than anyone, he strictly followed the rules.

Lee wasn't a busy body, nor was he a wordy man. It was unlike him to repeat himself and be so… forceful. That girl

must have had big secrets to shake the healer up. I couldn't ignore his warnings.

After everything we'd accomplished, the last thing I needed was to invite trouble into this territory. I no longer had

the luxury to be curious about that Mila woman. I had to treat her like a threat.

“No matter what, when she wakes up, let her go. Trust me, like you always do. You don't want a woman like her

around," Lee emphasized.

I nodded once. “Do you know when she might regain consciousness?" I asked flatly.

“Any day, now. I don't know precisely," Lee confessed.

“Okay, Lee. Leave it to me."

After Lee left, I went back to my bedroom, where Mila was. She was still unconscious but Ashley was there with her.

“Soren," Ashley beamed at me.

I noticed that Ashley had recovered Mila's bag and put a fresh outfit on her, leaving a pile of Mia's belongings


“That's everything she had on her?" I asked.


“Well, what?" I asked when she hesitated.

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

Slowly, Ashley stuffed her hand in her pocket and pulled something out. She opened her hand and revealed a very

intricate, antique looking ring resting in her palm. It was made of precious metal and the detailed work was

exquisite. The gemstones in the band were perfectly cut and the large center stone was sparkling with colorful


“Is that hers?" I asked.

Ashley handed the ring to me. I studied it a moment longer. It wasn't a normal trinket that could be picked up in any

jewelry shop. If I had to guess, this ring had been passed down for generations.

“We've put a lot of time and energy into taking care of her and finding out who she is. We even saved her life. She

ought to pay us something."

I wondered if Ashley even realized the treasure she'd discovered.

“For now, put all her valuables back, Ashley. I don't want her belongings disturbed. Am I clear?" I asked. I shoved

the ring back into Ashley's hand.

Ashley sighed and rolled her eyes. “Fine, fine."

I softened my tone. “Be good."

Ashley bit her lip and smiled shyly. She turned back to Mila's belongings and tucked the ring away securely.

“I want you to watch her things. If anything is missing when she wakes up, I'll hold you responsible, alright?"

I trusted Ashley and Payne and they would never disobey me. However, this was an inn in the rogue zone. Theft

wouldn't even be considered a crime here.

“You can count on me," she replied.

“Now, keep administering the medicine as instructed. I know she is healing on her own but I don't want to take any

chances. I need answers from her."

If Payne couldn't find any information on her, I'd need some answers. It was the only way to protect ourselves if

anyone came after her. I had to know what we were up against.

“Alright, I'll look after her," Ashley agreed. “What answers do you need? I thought Payne was out gathering


“He is."

“Well, isn't he back yet?"

“Not yet but he should be checking in tomorrow," I replied, wondering whether she had something else to say.


I arched an eyebrow at Ashley, waiting for her to continue. As she was thinking, a small movement caught my


It was from the woman in my bed. Her eyes were still closed, but her finger had just wiggled.