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Shattered Illusions: Love, Lies, and Redemption

Chapter 627
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Liz clutched her hands tightly, fighting the urge to storm in and confront Remington.

In the study, Remington's handsface seemed shrouded in a haze, his brows furrowed with a heavy menace.

It was a suffocating mix of regret and resentment, heavier than mere hatred.

Suddenly, his heart skipped a beat. With a sharp look, he signaled Ray to shut up, stood up, and strode to the

door, yanking it open forcefully. However, the hallway outside was empty.

Still uneasy, Remington quickly headed to the bedroom. He opened the bedroom door and saw Lizetta peacefully

lying in bed; even the slippers beside the bed hadn't moved an inch. His heart settled, and he closed the door


Long after the soft click of the door, Lizetta didn't move. Only when she was sure Remington was truly gone did

she suddenly start gasping for air, curling up on her side. At that moment, she realized how terrified she had

been of being discovered by that man. Her breaths cin quick gasps, afraid to attract the attention of the

devilish man. She rolled up her pajama sleeve and bit down hard on her arm.

So much hate! She really hated him! To this point, Remington still chose to hide the truth, to deceive her! He had

never planned to avenge Daisy. Indeed, once the investigation pointed towards the West family, everything

would cto a halt. Lizetta could even guess what he would say next. He would tell her they hadn't found the

perpetrator yet and to wait a bit longer until she was in better health. Until she was once again charmed by his

words, perhaps even pregnant, gradually forgetting her Daisy, and this matter would fade away. But how could

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she forget the pain of losing a child?

Cara thought Mrs. Remington was particularly sleepy today. She went upstairs twice in the afternoon and Lizetta

hadn't woken up. Thinking Lizetta had just suffered a difficult delivery and lost a lot of blood, Cara wasn't

surprised she was sleeping a lot and didn't wake her.

Around four, with Lizetta still not up, Cara worried she'd have trouble sleeping at night and hurried upstairs to

wake her.

"Ma'am, I've made ssnacks.

Please have a little to tide you over. I'll go shopping soon and make you a lovely dinner tonight." Cara smiled as

she placed the freshly made snacks on the nightstand, helping a groggy Lizetta sit up.


Rubbing her eyes, Lizetta asked, "Where's Remington?"

Cara paused, then replied with joy, "You hadn't been asleep long when the Mister went out, but he'll definitely be

back to have dinner with you."

Cara was firmly in Remington's


camp and naturally hoped for a reconciliation between Lizetta and Remington. In the two days she cared for

Lizetta, Lizetta had been icy towards Remington. And Remington, being who he was, hadn't shown any temper

but instead was accommodating, caring, and gentle with Lizetta. Cara thought Lizetta didn't realize how good

she had it.

Now that Lizetta finally asked about Remington, Cara hoped Lizetta was starting to see things differently. She

saw it as an opportunity to

encourage Lizetta further, hoping to earn a hefty tip if she could mediate their reconciliation.

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Ma'am, it's heartbreaking to lose a

child, but you can always have, m

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bol to you; what's there to worry

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about the future?" The content is on

novelenglish.net! Read the latest

chapter there!

"Focus on recovering. You're so young; you could be expecting again next year."

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Being cold to the Mister just gives

other women a ces? getolose

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counterproductive?" The content is

on novelenglish.net! Read the latest

chapter there!

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By the way, is there anything specific

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you'd like for dinner tonight? PA 90

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bol for you and the Mister to have a

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nice meal together, clear the air...


Cara babbled on, noticing a couple of Lizetta's pajamas tossed aside on the bed, and started to fold them.