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Shattered Girl (Emmy)

Chapter 20
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Chapter 1 20 I wake up the following day, cuddled between the twins. They were both still sleeping soundly, so I lay still, enjoying the quiet and comfort of being surrounded by two men who cared about me. My need to pre finally forcedout of the comfort of bed. I carefully st off the end of the bed, leaving the guys still asleep. After using the bathroom and washing my hands, I decided coffee would be my next chore. Wandering into the kitchen, I found the coffee and set the pot to brew. As I waited, I looked through the cabinets for something easy to eat. When I ran across a box of chocolate chip pancake mix, I danced happily and pulled out everything I needed to make it. I poured more batter into the skillet when a sleepy-eyed Jake wandered out. Making a beeline for the coffee pot, he veered off to kisswhen he spottedby the stove. "That smells perfect, sweetheart." Jake leaned over and kissedbefore returning to the coffee pot that had just finished brewing. He poured two cups and brought one over to me. Smiling my thanks, I took a sip and hummed happily, It was excellent. Jake wandered off with his coffee as I continued making the rest of the pancakes. When they were done, I put them in the oven to keep warm and began scrambling eggs. I was dishing up plates when both guys wandered into the kitchen; they lacked rumpled like they had just rolled out of bed. Josh went for the coffee pot as Jake cover, taking the full plates fromand heading toward the table. Both guys looked adorable when they first woke up; their hair was sticking up in every direction, and they both held onto their coffee mugs like they were lifelines. They were only wearing pajama bottoms, so their tight muscles were on display, and I was having difficulty focusing on eating. After dropping my third bite of pancakes, Josh snorted. "focus, baby girl, you're going to need all the energy you can get." Blushing, I looked down at my plate and got the next bite into my mouth. When we finished eating, they insisted on cleaning up, so I headed off to shower and get dressed, When I returned to the living room forty-five minutes later, both guys were lounging on the couch, dressed with gcontrollers. I wiggled my way between them, kissing them, and sat back, watching as they battled zombies in a first-person shooter game. After several rounds, Jake handedhis controller and toldto try it. After several attempts ended up with my character getting eaten by a zombie, I finally got the hang of it. When Josh and I made it to the end of the level, I squealed excitedly and jumped at Josh, giving him kisses everywhere I could reach. Turning off the game, Josh laughed and pulledinto his lap to cuddle.

"Good job, baby girl. Did you enjoy yourself?" Smiling, I nodded and curled up in his lap. Jake picked up the TV remote and searched through movies until we found one we all wanted to see. This is how our day continued. We took turns picking movies, and I made sure I switched who I was cuddling with often. We all helped to make lunch, and when dinner trolled around, Josh paused our current movie and asked about ordering takeout. Jake opened his phone to a delivery app, and soon, we had an order placed for pizza. Just as we finished the movie, Josh's phone alerted us that our food was here, and he left to meet the driver at the front door. Once he returned with the food, we all sat down to eat; the guys teasedabout my pepperoni, pineapple, and jalapeno pizza. I offered to let them have a slice, but they refused. Oh well, more for me, Dinner had been cleaned and put away, and we were trying to decide what to do with our evening when Josh's phone alerted us to a text message. As Josh read it, a big grin split his face. "It's Drew; he and Mike are stateside, at their base. They have to be debriefed but can fly out tomorrow afternoon. Their plane should be landing around 5. I smiled along with the twins. I was both excited and nervous to have the two oldest brothers home. Yes, we had talked through video chats, but that was different than seeing each other in person. What if they decided they didn't like me? Or if I was too much trouble? Jake must have spotted the anxiety on my face because he cover and wrappedin a hug. "Drew and Mike are going to love having you here, you have nothing to worry about, sweetheart," Jake assured me.

"I know, but I'm still nervous; I don't know them well. What if they change their minds once we meet?" Looked between the twins anxiously. Josh stepped up, wrappingin his arms. "Baby girl, they feel the sway about you that we do. Now go find a swimsuit; we have a surprise for you." With that, he slapped my a** and pointedin the direction of my bedroom. Once the bedroom door closed behind me, I turned and stuck my tongue at it. Smiling that I got away with it, I began searching through drawers until I found one with several different swimwear choices. I pulled out two that I liked. There was a one-piece with cutouts in the front and back. The front cutout would leave a lot of my boobs exposed but as long as I didn't jump around a lot, I should be fine. The back cutout ended only centimeters above my a**, but at least it was covered. The two-piece was made out of thin straps and strategically placed triangles. I thought the guys would enjoy both of them, but since I didn't know exactly what we were doing, I opted for the one-piece. Once changed, I pulled on a t-shirt and pair of shorts before joining the guys back in the living room. While I had been changing. Jake had gotten towels for all of us, and both had changed into swim trunks. Chapter 20 Josh grabbed my hand and led the way out of our wing, heading toward the back pawhere the dinner party had been held the night before. We crossed the paand continued further down the walkway after another couple of turns. Josh stopped at a beautiful hot tub. The area around it had been paved with flat stones; in the center sat the hot tub, soft blue lights shining through the water. There was an area for changing clothes and even a towel warmer. A small har sat behind the hot tub, with beer taps and a wine fridge. There was also a mini fridge with sodas, juice, and water. Someone had strung small lights between tall posts that bordered the hot tub. It gave everything a magical glow that madesmile. We walked to the changing area; I placed my towel in the warmer and pulled my clothes off. As I was folding them, I heard two groans and a whispered "Holy F**k." Chapter Comments Kerri Sellers Kamper POST COMMENT Maybe a little too exuberant considering her condition, plus the additional beating the previous night from her mother

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