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Shadows of Destiny

Chapter 88
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The Dark Side Of Fate By Karima Sa’ad Usman Chapter 88

88 A Memory-Turned Nightmare


I was having the nightmare again. The very dream that plagued my sleep and reminded me of my pain.

It was the first night Max beat Mia. I felt the chain and the silver, the command and the pain.


Max had stayed out all night, and I felt pain all through the night.

I did not need anyone to tell me what was happening. I knew he had gotten intimate with someone

behind my back. I did not know why and was determined to find out when he returned.

I sat in bed and wept. I was mad at him and waited for him to return home.

He did not come home until noon the

next day. By then, I had body pains and a terrible headache caused by his actions.

He walked into our home and did not say

a word to me.

Our eyes met, and he looked away


I could see the guilt in his eyes, and he

knew that I knew.

He did not speak. Instead, he walked away immediately.

I was mad. So I followed him. My head hurt, and my body ached, but I refused to be disrespected. 1

“Where were you?” I asked, and he was taking off his shirt.

He did not say anything. He took off his shirt and placed the shirt in a laundry bin.

“Max… Maxwell!” I asked, feeling

insulted, and he sighed. He turned to look

at me and sat at the foot of the bed.

“I am sorry, Ave. I am so sorry,” he said, and I got pissed.

“Is that what you have to say for yourself? “I asked him, and he bowed his head.

“What do you want me to say, Ave? You know I fucked up last night,” he said, close to tears.

“I had no control over it,” he said and

looked at me.

His tears fell freely, and it broke my heart because the pain was registered in his


“Control over what?” I asked him, and he shook his head and pinched the bridge of his nose between

his eyes.

“I have screwed up, Ave; I am finished,”

he said, and I did not know what to tell

him. I began to suspect it was an act to

take me away from the fact that he was

with someone all through the night.

“What happened last night? Why didn’t you come home?” I asked him, and he looked at me and bowed

his head again.

“I found my fated, Ave; I found her,” he

said, and his words were like a moving


It hit me, and I moved back until my back

was against the wall.

I was instantly overcome with fear, anger

and confusion. My eyes welled up with tears, and my hands began to shake.

“No, no, no, no,” I said, more to myself

than to him.

This was not supposed to happen to me.

This was an impossible situation. No one

had a fated in our pack. We knew it was

impossible. That was why no one

bothered and just named a chosen and claimed them during the blue moon. Why

was I an exception?

“No!” I cried, knowing what would


Max had fucked her all through the night;

I believed we were past debating what he would do now. I believed he had accepted


“Why?” I asked him, and he did not


“If you love me, you will reject her,” I

said, trying my luck, but my voice held no


I was hopeful, but I wasn’t sure.

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

He was my alpha; I was connected to him. If he accepts her, I know he won’t reject me. Where will I go

to? How will I survive?

“You are my husband, my mate, Maxwell.

88 A Memory-Turned Nightmare

After all that we have been through together, you have to reject her. Prove to me that I matter to you,

and let her go. I

will support and carry you. I have been by your side for a long time, Max,” I said,

not knowing what to say again.

I was out of words.

“But I have touched her. I didn’t want to,

but Echo didn’t give me a chance,” he

said, and Mia growled in my head, feeling betrayed by Echo.

I wept, and soon he came to sit with me

on the floor.

He touched my hand and asked me to

look into his eyes.

“I accepted her, Ave,” he said, and my

heart broke.

“She is moving in today,” he said, and my

hand began to shake seriously, my heart

racing and beating against my chest. I

was sweating, and my stomach churned. I wanted to throw up.

“I have claimed her, and she is coming. I

had no choice. Echo sank his teeth in before I could stop…” he said, and I slapped him. I hit him with

all my might. He did not do anything, and I hit him. repeatedly until I began to cry.

He held me without saying a word, but I felt alone in those moments. I knew my

life was over.

“Set me free,” I said, looking at him, and

he shook his head.

“Set me free!!!” I yelled and moved away from him. I was enraged.

“Let me go, Max! I did not care for the weakness; I want to go and find another mate!” I yelled at him.

“Snap out of it!” he yelled, and I looked at

him. He had fear in his eyes. That was the

first time he would yell at me. ↑

“You were hysterical. I needed you to calm down,” he said, pulling me into his

arms. 1

“I am sorry, my love. I am so sorry, but I can’t set you free. I can’t bear losing you. Fate has fucked our

union up but let us

try to make it work. Please,” he said, but

he also knew I had no choice.

If he did not set me free, I couldn’t leave.

No one would take me in. The ball was

actually in his court, and he had stylishly told me he wouldn’t let me go. 3

Max held me, and I wept in his arms.

“You are my Luna, Ave; you will always be

Luna, and Michelle has no choice but to

respect and serve you. I have told her, and

she is okay with it. I know this will work,”

he said, and I could not believe how

delusional he was. What made him think

a woman he was fucking would be

subservient to me?

Michelle moved into our home. She was

nice at first, and Max could not leave her


I listened to them most of the time.

Max gradually stopped caring and

showed a lot of affection to her in public.

It got to me, and I showed it. I would get angry and throw things. I broke a lot of things in the house. I

wanted out, but I

was his prisoner. 1

Everything got to me, especially the disrespectful pack members who

gossiped behind my back or tried to be

disrespectful towards me.

What added to my misfortune was that I did not grow up in Hill valley, so they

already had issues with me because I

wasn’t from there.

Michelle’s grandfather happened to be

from Hill valley, so they were nicer to her.

One day I got home, and Michelle had

made a mess of the kitchen. The Omega

had gone home, and I needed to cook

because they had dinner and did not

include me.

I went to the living room, where she was watching the television.

“Michelle, come clean your mess; I need

to cook,” I said to her nicely, and she

looked at me.

She was always disrespectful when Max

wasn’t around.

“If you can’t wait till morning when the

omegas would do it, then clean it yourself,

she said, and I got angry.

She wasn’t only a bitch; she was lazy too.

I had a bad day that day and could not

take her shit anymore.

“You better come and clean your kitchen mess, Michelle,” I said with a low growl,

and she looked at me.

I knew she could see my intent, and she knew she would not last on a one-on-one

with me.

Max wasn’t around. I would have beaten

the shit out of her before he returned. I did not plan to touch her, but I knew that was what she was


She was reluctant at first, then she smiled and got up to clean the mess, but she was so slow that I

decided I would eat at the pack house. There may be some leftovers in the fridge there.

I went to the pack house and ate, then hung around a bit so I would just sleep when I got home.

I returned home only to find Max on the

couch, fuming angrily.

I wanted to walk past him and go to my room, but he didn’t let me.

“What did you do to Michelle?” he asked,

and I frowned.

I did not understand.

“I came home and found my men helping her. She had bruises on her, and they found this on her

wrist,” he said,

showing a thin silver bracelet used for torture. It was one of the ones I kept in the house for protection.

Usually, it was best to clamp it around your attacker’s wolf’s hind leg, forcing them to shift back to their

human form and allowing me to beat the shit out of them. How did Michelle get her hands on it?

“When did you become so wicked, Avery? I get your tantrums, but this? You clamped silver on her wrist

and beat the shit out of her simply because you were

hungry and the dinner was finished. I know you are jealous and do not want to share, but this is

extreme, Avery. Did you think I wouldn’t find out? Unfortunately for you, she passed out on the floor, so

she could not free herself like you ordered her to. I am glad my men helped her because if she had

freed herself, her

wounds would heal, and it would be your

word against hers,” he said, and I was in shock. I was so shocked I could not speak.

“All I asked her to do was clean her mess

in the kitchen because I wanted to cook.

She was rude about it, and I insisted. She

went to clean it eventually without me touching her. She was too slow about it, so I went to the pack

house to eat the leftovers; where is all this coming from?” I asked him, and he shook his head, livid.

“Liar!” he yelled at me with command, and I shook and stepped back out of fear.

“Fucking Liar. She told me she was

cleaning the kitchen and you got angry that there was no meal for you. I know

you, Ave. I know you are quick-tempered and impatient,” he said, and I was


“I might be quick-tempered, but that is too silly for me to beat her like this,” I

said, and he shook his head.

“She said you got angry and told her you wished she could disappear and that she

is not wanted in this house. She tried to

reason with you, and you got mad and slapped her. She threatened to tell me.

You went to the room while she continued

the cleaning, only for you to return and clamp the silver around her wrist and

beat her with the kitchen utensils. Then

you threw the bracelet key at her to

release the cuffs by herself; you also told

her to make sure the mess is clean before

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

you return, and if she tells me, you will do

worse to her…” he said.

I looked in the direction of the kitchen, trying to figure out how she would make

up such a story.

“The kitchen is a mess. It has your scent, and her blood is everywhere, Avery,” he said, and I went to

the kitchen and lo and behold, he wasn’t lying. There was a terrible mess of broken things, dented pots

and pans with blood on them.

“I did not do this, Max. You have to

believe me,” I said, and he shook his head.

“How can I? You never wanted her here.

You asked me to reject her. You have been cold towards her. I also learned you do this often. You bully

and sometimes beat her when I am not home. My men

confirmed it,” and I realised there was a ganging up against me. The sinister look in Max’s eyes made

me know that I would

not win.

He dragged me out of the house to the


He was fuming with rage, and I wondered where he was taking me to.

“She is pregnant, Ave, she is fucking pregnant!” he said, dragging me with him, and I tried to defend

myself, but he used his authority on me, forcing me to comply.

Tears streamed down my eyes.

“Please, Max, please. I did not do it. She is lying,” I said in tears.

“She has no reason to lie. I treat her well.

You, on the other hand, feel you have been wronged. I wouldn’t have believed her if my men did not

corroborate her story.” He said; he pushed me into the garage and locked the door, then I

watched him wear thick rubber gloves

and wound a silver chain around his

hand. I wanted to run, but he commanded

me to remain. He was livid.

“You beat a defenceless woman and used silver to make sure she feels the pain and does not heal

quickly. I also learned this isn’t the first time. If she had not passed out, I wouldn’t have known. Michelle

had told me you hated her. I did not realise it was this bad,” he said, and tears began to stream down

my cheeks.

“Better pray she does not lose the baby, Ave, or it will worsen. Now shift!” he

commanded me.

He beat Mia with the chain until we

passed out…

The garage became my discipline room,

and soon it became a norm.

He would lock me up there for a day or

two without food.

Sometimes he would be sweet and loving towards me, and then Michelle would lie against me with the

help of his men

guarding our house, and then he would relapse and take me to the garage.

That became my life until he gave me to

the northern soldiers… 1


I woke up panting, relieved that the

beating was a dream. I had a nightmare of that garage and silver chain, which still

had the same effect on me. Marcel woke

up and held me while I cried.

“It’s okay, darling, it was just a bad

dream,” he said, gently rubbing my back

and kissing my neck.

“He can never hurt you gain. I promise,”

he said, and I cried and held him.

It had been a while since I dreamt about

Max; why did I dream about him this night?

Marcel held me, and I kissed him.

He returned the kiss with passion and started taking off my nightgown to make love to me. I wanted it.

“Let me bring you back to the present,” he whispered, burying himself into me, and the pleasure shock

went straight to

my head.

The dream was a distant memory as Marcel took me to great heights, reassuring me of his love.

We went to the sports arena early the

next day, and our men went to handle

state matters leaving Tamia, Katya,

Stephanie, Linda and me in the booth.

Stephanie, Katya and Tamia went to watch the croquet game, leaving Linda

and me in the booth.

Linda excused me to get a sandwich, and I sat alone, only for Max to approach the booth, looking at

me with pleading eyes.