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Shadows of Destiny

Chapter 200
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I must admit that I was worried when Vino linked to inform me what had happened. Tamia wasn’t

beside me then, and I didn’t want her to know what had happened because I knew she would be


That was why I left without telling her.

When she arrived at the hospital, the look on her face made me know I was in trouble.

I knew she would punish me for not telling her directly.

I wondered which of my brothers told her. It definitely wasn’t Dominic, so I suspected David.

I looked at him where he stood, and Knight growled a bit.

Everyone looked at me instantly, and I calmed down and plastered a fake smile.

“I am just mad about what happened,” I said, and it was believable because everyone was mad about

what had happened.

I returned my gaze to David, and my anger remained.

He would go home, and Nicole will be warm and loving towards him, but Tamia would give me hell for

not informing her about the accident myself. I wasn’t looking forward to the confrontation that would


I noticed Vino was acting weird, and I suspected it had something to do with that doctor because she

had no reason to go and speak to him when he stepped out.

Amanda was a doctor, so I suspected Claudia went to the same medical school as Amanda. Maybe

Vino knew her from there.

I did not want to be nosey, but I knew he would tell me if it was something serious.

It was finally time to return to Lucland.

Vino wanted to stay behind, but I insisted he returns with us and told him he could visit the hospital in


I wasn’t going to take any chances. I did not want to lose anyone.

Vino grumbled a bit but soon agreed.

He seemed desperate to stay, which might have something to do with Claudia, but I did not bother to

ask, so he won’t give me a valuable reason to stay.

Dominic, our big brother, told him it was a must to return with us.

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

David agreed.; We all had the same worry.

Amelia was the only one at an advantage, and she belonged to Leo, and Leo did not like Vino.

I doubted the bad blood would go anytime soon.

Leo hated the Lawrences initially, then found out about Amanda and Vino which made him lose it.

It served him right because he wasn’t a saint either, but all were bygones now, and we were now family,

Leo inclusive, but the man wouldn’t let it go. I wasn’t comfortable leaving my younger brother at his


Leo and Amelia remained in the hospital to watch Avery and Marcel recover.

Amelia was our best bet right now because she was immune to silver. If those freaks tried to attack

again, she would have an advantage.

Theodore and Linda opted to follow us home. It was amazing to see how Leo recovered quickly from

the attack.

Theo was still weak, but Leo was already back to a hundred per cent. It was as if they did not inhale the

same amount of silver. I planned to look into it later, but I would have to be satisfied that everyone

survived except for the kappa driver and escort, who were mutilated by the bastards.

We arrived at the Mansion, and Tamia and I headed straight to our wing while the others went to theirs.

I knew Max would be in knots, so I asked David to tell him what happened and assure him Leo and

Amelia were okay. It was the least I could do.

“Sylvester, I am glad you are back. I am coming to see you in your room,” I heard my mother in my

head, and I grumbled a bit.

I was tired, but I could not tell her no.

It was normal that she would be worried. It was normal that everyone would be concerned.

I am sure Nicole and Katya would have wanted to come along, and their husbands would have pleaded

with them not to go because someone had to be home.

Tamia must have stubbornly joined them. No one would stop her because she is queen.

I looked at her from the corner of my eyes while we walked down the hallway, and her silence made my

stomach churn.

“Okay,” I told my mother, hoping my mother’s presence would douse the situation.

I was mad at Dominic and David. They had all headed to their wings now and would end up cuddling

with their wives while I will spend most of my morning apologising to mine.

We finally entered the room, and Tamia did not speak a word.

She was not happy about what I did. I could feel it.

She went to the closet to change her clothes and wanted to follow her in.

I waited a bit, then managed the courage I could and went in after a few minutes. What I saw broke my

heart. Tamia was sitting on the stool, crying.

I rushed to hold her, and she wrapped her arms around me. I realised her silence was to prevent her

from crying in public.

“I had my heart in my mouth Sylvester,” she confessed, and I rubbed her back gently.

“Avery is pregnant, Leo has finally moved on, and Linda has never been so happy. I was scared. What

would I tell their children? I thought of all the ways these could go wrong. I thought I would lose my

friends,” she wept, and I held her.

It was quite devasting to Tamia.

Other than me, the only people she knew as family were in the crash. Here I was, thinking she was

mad because of me. Little did I know that it had nothing to do with me.

Tamia broke the hug and looked at me with rage in her eyes.

“We need to catch those bastards. Stepanovs or not, I do not care, but we need to catch them. Who

says they wouldn’t do this again? Luckily for us, Amelia was there; what if she wasn’t? She doesn’t live

in the north, and we cannot use her like that. She, too, will have her limits, Sylvester.

We need to catch them. I did not care how, but I want to arrest Alexie and Clay. I want to know how

they used silver on their opponents. I believe Max right now. I believe everything he said. They might

not have a hand in this, but we have to start from somewhere.” She said with rage in her eyes, and all I

could do was hold her.

“You need to be calm, my love. Take comfort knowing they’re okay. Acting out of anger will make us

make mistakes. I am equally affected by the matter. Theodore and Marcel aren’t just my best friends;

we are distant cousins. They are my family too.

Taking them away would be the same as ripping my soul out. We have done everything together, and

our friendship has been tight. Because of them, I had something Dominic did not have growing up. I

had companionship; I learned to play and let go. They are a part of me. If I tell you I did not feel it, I am

lying to you, Tamia, because I felt it. I felt every bit of it, and it hurt, Tamia.” I confessed, remembering

exactly how hard it was for me to compose myself. That was why I sat in the back and let Vino drive.

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

“We cannot be irrational, my love. It will be stupid of us, and we might end up playing into their hands

that way.” I said, and Tamia nodded.

“The fear I felt made me force Vino to follow us back; there was no way I would leave Vino in the

Lucland where they could get him. Leo hates him, and we both know why. I had to ask him to return

even though he wanted to stay in the hospital because I was afraid. Please, Tamia, calm down,” I said,

and she looked at me with her green eyes and nodded.

I kissed her on her lips to help us calm down and assure her everything would be okay. Then, I tried to

break the kiss, but she held on to me, and I continued to kiss her. I travelled from her lips to her neck

and kissed my mark gently. I felt her relax. That was all I wanted. I wanted her to be relaxed, and I had

achieved that.

I finally broke away and smiled at her.

“My mother is on her way here. Guess she couldn’t sleep. We will just speak to her briefly and send her

back to her room.” I told Tamia, and she smiled to assure me she was okay,” I left the closet and heard

the knock on the door.

I walked to the door quietly and opened the door for my mother.

My mother stepped in, wearing her night robe and swollen eyes. Evidently, she had been crying, and

Jake had been consoling her.

Once Jake handed his pack to his son, he had been a permanent resident at the Volkov estate.

I had opted that they get a house in town, but right now, I knew it would be a bad idea. I did not want

anyone getting to my mother and using her against me.

My mother walked in and looked around. Tamia was still in the closet. I knew my mother was searching

for her.

“She is fine, Mother. She is dressing up in the closet,” I told her, and she sighed with relief.

My mother covered her mouth and sobbed. I pulled her close and hugged her.

“They are all fine, mother. Avery and Marcel are in recovery. Theodore and Linda are back, and Leo

and Amelia are in the hospital to keep Avery and Marcel safe. They are fine,” I said, and she pulled

away from me.

“I was afraid. Dominic told us, and I wanted to follow, but Tamia said no,” she said, and I was surprised

that Dominic was the one that broke the news and not David. I felt terrible a bit because Knight growled

at him.

“It is okay, mother,” I told her, and just then, Tamia came out of the closet, and my mother went to hug

her. They hugged for a bit before breaking the hug