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Shadows of Destiny: A Tale of Liberation

Chapter 59
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Chapter 59

Putting on the mask of concern, Briar said, “Isn’t that a bad idea? She’s still your cousin’s wife, after


Charlotte took Briar’s arm and persuaded her righteously, “Bri, you’re just too kind-hearted. Think about

how this woman trampled you at the charity banquet. Don’t you want to give her some payback? Didn’t

you see how lustful she was acting just now? I’m so generous that I even lent her my boyfriend to help

her out! She’ll have to thank me later! Don’t worry. I’ll take care of it if anything happens! It won’t be

your fault!”

“You’re so kind to me, Charlotte!”

Though Briar looked touched, she was laughing inwardly at Charlotte’s stupidity. The stupid girl didn’t

even know she was being used, yet she was still working herself to the bone for Briar!

A short while later, Stefan returned to the villa. A chilling aura exuded from his tall figure, and he asked

sternly,” Where is she?”

Not seeing Renee after surveying the spacious parlor, his brows knitted tightly together.

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Briar approached him with an innocent look and stammered, “Stefan, Miss Everheart is… she’s with

Micah…’ Charlotte gave him an aggrieved look and lamented, “Stefan, your demure and virtuous wife

took advantage of our absence to seduce my boyfriend and get him into her bed!”

Right after that, she hurriedly led Stefan upstairs. Stefan didn’t say a word, his lips pursed and his gaze


They arrived at Renee’s old bedroom, only to find that the door was tightly closed, and sultry sounds

were coming from inside.

Briar tried to open the door but found that it was locked.

“Stefan, it’s locked. I can’t open it…”

Stefan’s face turned red as the simmering rage under his skin finally ignited into a burning fire.

“Get out of the way!”

The next second, he kicked the door open with a loud bang, but the scene inside made them freeze.

They saw that Micah, whose gaze was unfocused, was lying on the floor, hugging a life-size teddy bear

and acting lewdly. (1

“Hey, hottie…”

On the other hand, Renee was sitting leisurely on the couch with her legs crossed. She was casually

holding her phone with one hand, filming the whole thing, and eating popcorn with her other hand. She

didn’t seem to be drunk like how she acted just now!

“Hey, you came. Come on here quick! Watch this live performance. It’s so entertaining!” Renee said as

she beckoned. the three at the door enthusiastically.

“W-what’s going on here?”

Briar’s face turned gloomy. This was not what she wanted at all!

Renee was definitely more difficult to deal with than what others had said!

On the other hand, Charlotte exploded and rushed toward Renee fiercely, trying to grab the cell phone

in her hand as she screamed, “What have you done to my boyfriend, you bitch?! Why is he like this?!”

Renee dodged her easily, and Charlotte took a bad tumble, making herself look somewhat awkward.

“Shouldn’t you know better why he’s like this?” Renee replied, casting a condescending look at

Charlotte. The former’s gaze was disdainful as if looking at an insignificant ant.

‘Hah, I thought these people would devise some great tricks to deal with her… And this is it? Just the


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How disappointing! It was so uncreative and boring!

She knew something was wrong with the wine immediately, so she switched it with Micah’s when they

weren’t looking. She also pretended to be drunk to cooperate with them in the drama.

“Charlotte, my baby, why are you here? Let me kiss you…” (1)

Micah, who was playing happily with the teddy, immediately pounced on Charlotte when he saw her

falling next to


And the scene became unbearable!

“Haha, wonderful, I’ve learned something!”

Renee picked up her phone and continued to film the scene before her happily. With this video,

Charlotte would never dare to do anything to her again. Otherwise, she would buy the largest

advertising screen in the busy area and broadcast it twenty-four hours a day!

When she was in the middle of filming, someone suddenly grabbed the back of her collar.

“Stop watching already!”

Stefan, whose face was as cold as ice, carried Renee out of the room like a mother cat carrying its
