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Shadows of Destiny: A Tale of Liberation

Chapter 44
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Chapter 44

“This is my wedding ring, which symbolizes my marriage to my husband. Although it might not be the

most priceless item here, it is still endowed with a special meaning. Now, I would like to donate it, and I

hope it would garner a good price and help as many people who needed help as possible.”

This move instantly stirred the crowd into a flurry. How could she so easily decide to donate her

wedding ring?!

Some people praised her generosity and charitable nature and for not binding herself to sentimental

attachment to objects. But others were beginning to suspect if the rumors about the rift in the marriage

between Stefan and Renee

were true after all.

Stefan, who was right in the center of the audience, exuded a chilling aura that warned people from

approaching him. His dashing face betrayed no signs of emotions.

Meanwhile, Liam could not be more delighted. With a wicked smile, he uttered the following words as if

they were cuts from a dagger aimed at Stefan’s heart, “Tsk tsk tsk, my own Miss Everheart used to

treasure that ring above anything else! No matter what she did, she was never willing to take it off. Yet

now, she donated it without giving it a second thought. It looks like she is extremely disappointed in you

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and her marriage to you, Master Hunt! But I’m glad that she’s finally ready to move on now.

Congratulations, Ren!”

As soon as he uttered his last word, he shot up on his feet and whistled approvingly at Renee, who was

still onstage.

“Don’t worry, Ren! Even if I had to sacrifice half of the Osborne family’s fortune today, I would do

anything in my power to get that ring back for you!”

Liam’s dramatic declaration of his love for Renee again blew up the scene like a bombshell. The crowd

never expected that Mrs. Hunt, who had always appeared so dignified and prim and proper, would be

so suspiciously close with the infamous playboy, Liam Osborne!

Onstage, Renee looked at Liam with an appreciative expression. She could not deny that this junior of

hers had been. very helpful in preserving her dignity and reputation today. She could not be more

grateful to him!

“Mrs. Hunt,” the host interrupted, “this diamond obviously carries much meaning to you. Are you

absolutely sure that you want to donate it?”

Renee stared at the ring and the diamond on it that was almost the size of a pigeon’s egg. She fell

silent. Images of her life in the past four years raced through her mind. She remembered how, in the

past, she had treasured this ring as if it was the most precious thing in her life. She treasured it so

much that she would not take it off even when she was taking a shower, eating, and sleeping. She

treasured this ring just as much as her marriage to Stefan Hunt. (1)

Yet all she got in exchange was herself being discarded and left high and dry.

Now, as she took off the ring, she finally realized that the only things this extravagant object ever

brought her were not love or hope but merely the shackles that bound her in a cage.

Letting go and moving on-aren’t those the important lessons that a person should learn in life?

That was why she decided that it was time to let go now.

“I’ve thought about it,” Renee firmly said, “and I’m ready to let it go. This ring should go to a place that

is more suitable for it, where it would be more useful and hold a greater value.”

Her speech was followed by thunderous applause from the audience. Everyone praised her for her

kindness and generosity. 1

Renee could sense that Stefan’s gaze was fixed on her, staring at her with burning eyes, a gaze that

could easily tear


her into pieces. But none of that mattered to her anymore. She did not even bother to look at the man.

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After stepping off the stage, Renee did not immediately return to her seat. Instead, she entered the

restroom and splashed her face with cold water. With her hands on the washstand, she studied the

reflection in the mirror before.


The woman looking back at her seemed magnificently dignified and glamorous. No longer did she see

the poor daughter-in-law who was pushed around everywhere by everyone.

She felt alive again!

She did not need any man! She had a brilliant career ahead of her!

She could not help thinking of Stefan’s dour and gloomy expression and found herself immensely

delighted by it!

Now that her reason for coming to the dinner gala had been fulfilled, she fixed her lipstick and prepared

to leave. But suddenly, she heard a man’s voice coming from the toilet..

“As soon as Stefan Hunt gets onstage,” the voice said, “we move in on the target immediately. This

time I’m sure he’ll have nowhere to run!”

“Hmph! Three months ago, he had his brother as a human shield, but this time… let’s see if he gets

lucky again!” 1

Renee tensed up immediately. Her long slender fingers curled up in a ball without her realizing it.

Was that guy… in trouble?!