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Shackled (The Lord Series) by Amy T

Chapter 130
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130. Olivia


Fifteen years old,

When Camila and | becfriends, | never thought it would leadto him, the one that | felt | would be with from

the moment | saw him.

| have never been one to believe in love, as I've never liked boys or girls romantically, and | even thought | was aromantic until

about eight months ago when Camila invitedtoe over to her house. That's when | first saw him, and despite him being

older thanand not showing any interest in me, | couldn’t deny the pull | felt towards him. Of course, | never acted on it, never

showed | liked him, because not only is he older than me, but he is also from the other side of the city, so | knew | never stood a

chance. | even tried to et about him, but seeing him every so often makes it almost impossible.

A month ago, he started showing skind of interest in me. | couldn’t believe it, we kept having conversations on all kinds of

topics, and then he askedfor my phone number. Many girls would have jumped right into the occasion, but not me, as |

wanted to be sure he wasn’t messing around with me...or wanted to get into my pants.

| was told by many that not only do | look older than | am, but | also act older. Growing up in my family forcedto mature faster,

and | don’t do things teens typically do, like going to the movies or fan all over celebrities. Instead, | am seriously considering my

future and my future career. Despite being born into a Duke family and knowing that one day | will be forced to marry someone

my father chooses for me, | still like to think | have a choice in what | will study when | go to University. While my father hates my

very existence, | took a liking to his political career ever since | saw

him in a debate on TV.

As a sophomore in a high school that recently started accepting Dukes and Lords’ children as students, | am part of a debate team

formed of three girls, includingand one boy. Last week, the topic of how this new concept might affect the two secret societies

was debated, and my team did really well. We have been invited to other debates.

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

The apple orchard behind his housees into view, and | leave the bike leaning against a fence. After making sure the wind

didn’t mess up my hair and my clothes didn’t have any creases, | slowly make my way to where he is waiting

for me.



He is sitting on a rock, his back to me, smoking. | stop a few feet from him, my light steps not betraying my presen00:4

learned to be very silent from a very young age since my brother hates any sounding fromand often hitsor throws

things atif he hearsaround the house. That's why | prefer to spend most of my free teither locked in my room or with


After taking a few more drags from his cigarette, he throws it in the grass and smashes it with the heel of his shoe.

| am about to let him know | arrived when he pulls his phone out of his pocket and types something on it. A moment later, the

sound of a new textes from my backpack.

He turns his head around the smoment | remove my backpack and try to find my phone, but the zipper opens more than |

wanted, and a few books fall on the ground. | mutter curses under my breath and kneel so | can shove the books back in the

backpack. Seconds later, he squats next toand grabs one of my books, and heat rushes to my


130. Olivia

“Give it back,” | demand.

His eyebrows inch up as he reads the title of the book, and | try to snatch it out of his hands, but he stands fast and opens it.

“Uh oh, | didn’t expect the senator's daughter to read such... scandalous books,”

“It's for English class,” |e up with an excuse.

He starts reading out loud from it. “He kisseslike | have never been kissed before, his hand massaging my breast.” He looks at

me. “Are you sure this isn’t for Sex Education class?” My face feels like it's on fire. His gaze returns to the book, and he flips more

pages. “He kneels between my legs, his lips kissing the inside of my thighs until they reach...” Flipping more pages, he keeps

reading, “His penis throbs inside of me...”

“Stop.” | groan.

“Have you ever seen one in real life?” | frown. “You know, a...penis,” he smirks.

| shake my head because even if | read...scandalous books, as he puts it, my dream is to belong to only one man and give him my

first ton our wedding night.

“| should have guessed you are a virgin from the way you always blush,” he says and givesback my book.

| shove it to the bottom of my backpack with the promise to burn it later.

He grabs my chin between his fingers and haslooking at him. “Chil, little rabbit. | won't tell anyone about your book.”

“I'am not a rabbit,” | huff.

He chuckles. “Are you tellingyou won't run away if | try to kiss you right now?”

My heart hammers in my chest, and | lick my lips. “You want to kiss me?”



He cups my cheek, his thumb stroking my skin. “I've wanted to do it for stime, but | didn’t think it was appropriate since you

are much younger than me, but | like you, Olly.” He removes his hand and lets out a sigh. “You probably think | am a creep.”


“Not at all. | might like you as well.”

“Do you?” He doesn’t seem to believe me.

“Why do you think | learned how to play Call of Duty? To spend twith you, doing something you like.”

He laughs. “Sneaky little rabbit.”

| don’t know how he cup with that nickname, but | kinda like it.

His turquoise gaze falls on my lips. “I bet you taste like that vanilla ice cream you ate earlier today.”

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

130. Olivia


“You sawat the arcade?”

He nods. “I was there with sfriends, and | saw you.” He takes a step back. “We should not even be here talking, but | don’t

seem capable of staying away from you. Has anyone kissed you before?” | shake my head. “I am glad you


too. | want you to be my first kiss.” And last.

He looks atlike he cares about me. | really hope it is true.

“Olly, | wish we could be so much more.”

| should not want this, not when he is a Lord, but the heart wants what it wants. too,” | whisper, and | close my eyes and wait

to feel his lips against mine and to give him my first kiss, but instead, he ruffles my hair while he laughs.

“Best not rush things.”

“But you have been with girls before,” | point out.

He rubs the back of his neck. “I wasn’t serious about them, not like | am about you.” Taking my hand into his large one, he adds,

“One day, you will be my wife.”

| should not believe a word of what he is saying, not when he is a Lord, but he giveshope that one day, | might be

free from my family.

“Promise me.”

“I do.”

End of flashback





