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Secretly The Billionaire Boss by Debbie chocolate

Chapter 142
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Chapter 142: Amused Jane blinked once, then twice, unable to believe what Maria had said.

“What did you just say?” Jane inquired. “You heard me, Jane. I just said I have been promoted as the

secretary,” Maria repeated. “Yes and you have been demoted to take Maria’s position at SU world,”

Grey completed for Maria.

“What!” Jane gurgled. “No, you are lying! This can’t be! It’s very impossible!” She yelled and took her

phone, perhaps to call someone.

The door opened suddenly and the security walked in. “Take them out! Now!” Jane yelled,

uncontrollably. Her heart was skipping every beat. She didn’t want to accept it. It was just impossible

anyways. She spoke with Hercules that morning and he didn’t even hint at her. In fact, they spoke


It could be a prank. Jane was sure that the information was incorrect.

Maria huffed and dipped into her purse for her identity card. She got it delivered to her that morning.

She didn’t know what was happening at first when she saw the message that she had been promoted

until she got the mail.

Though it had always been a prayer, she didn’t know how Hercules knew her to have promoted her so

suddenly. Maria actually suspected Grey. If he was close to Hercules as she had imagined, then he

was the one that recommended her as the new secretary. And because Jane had already offended

Grey, it wasn’t weird that it was her position that Maria was given.

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“Here, it has the stamp of Hercules,” she stretched it out for the security to see.” If there’s anyone you

should touch, it should be Jane.”

“What are you doing!” Jane yelled. ” I’m the secretary! You have all seen my ID. I have been working

here for a long time!” She shouted in frustration.” Take him, listen to me!” She ordered in a thick voice.

The securities glanced at Maria, then at Jane. Suddenly, they moved closer to Grey. They were

confused but they decided to take Grey out of the office before they decide on the next course of

action. “If you lay a hand on him,” Maria spoke suddenly. “Just a hand and you will lose

your job! That’s the new supervisor and you do know that he has the right to fire you!” Maria


Grey smiled, and relaxed back in his seat. ” Let them touch me, and try to see what would happen.” He


Maria chuckled, but turned to look at the securities. ” Mr Grey is the new supervisor, he has the right

over the secretaries. You should listen to whatever he says,” she informed.

Grey regarded Jane for a moment and remembered the day he saw her with Giovanni. Even Grey

hasn’t seen Giovanni but Jane dines with him. Perhaps there were things he needed to discover about

Jane. So, he wouldn’t fire her even though it was the best thing in this situation. “Walk Jane out of this

office because it now belongs to Maria,” he decided. The securities took a short bow and moved

towards Jane. “What are you doing!” Jane yelled again. “What do you think you just did?” She

struggled with the men as they pushed her forward forcefully. “Let me go! I’m the secretary! You

seriously can’t do this to me! You can’t demote me! Hercules wouldn’t do it! You all are lying! You are

conspiring! I’m going to call Mr. Grey and confirm,” she rattled off as she was pulled out of the office.

Maria head made a flip at the name that Jane mentioned before she was pulled out. Jane just referred

to Hercules as Mr. Grey. Eerily, he has the same name as the Grey in front of her. “Think less about

her. She’s just bitter about it,” Grey said suddenly, jerking Maria out of her th

Maria looked over at Grey and smiled. “I didn’t know I would see you here.” Grey stood, a smile

hanging on his face. “Seemed like we got promoted at the same time. I guess hard work pays.” Maria

felt a surge of happiness. ” I didn’t expect it! I mean there was no way Hercules would have

acknowledged me. He has so many companies. How did he learn of my hard-work?” It was just

impossible unless he got it from someone. And well she suspected Grey. Grey’s smile widened.

“Nothing is impossible. Just being honest will do the trick, ” he encouraged. Maria couldn’t stop thinking

about it. It was just surreal but she was glad. “I don’t know anywhere around here but I will have

someone to show you to your office,” Naomi picked up the telephone and called her assistant. She met

with her

before she entered the office. Grey’s phone rang suddenly. It was Jane. He groaned and ignored it.

The door opened again and Maria’s assistant walked in. “Ma’am, here I am.”

“Carol, This is Mr. Grey, the new supervisor. Please show him to his office.”

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Carol bowed slightly.” Please, follow me. I will show you to your office.” Grey nodded and followed

Carol out of the office.

Carol led him to the tenth floor. Hercules’ floor was the eleventh floor, which was the last floor. “Do you

need anything from me?” Carol asked politely. Grey gaze searched around the office.” No ,I’m fine

now.” Carol bowed slightly before she walked out of the office. Grey’s phone rang again and it was

Jane. He sighed and picked the call.

“Hello Boss,” Jane cried.

Grey huffed and sat. He was somehow amused with Jane and wondered about Jane’s new strategies.

“Yes, what is this all about?”

“I’ve been demoted!” She revealed. “Grey demoted me and lied that it was your order. I know it wasn’t.

I told you that Grey was acting behind you. He’s just so stupid and_” “Shut up, Jane,” Grey said

suddenly, cutting her off from the word she was about to say. “Sir?” Jane was shocked. “I gave Grey

the permission. You don’t think I need your consent before I make decisions for my company, right?”

Grey demanded in a deep voice. Jane heart made a sudden thud at Grey’s revelation. “You demoted

me? And promoted Grey?”

Grey chuckled.” I initially wanted to fire you, Jane but I changed my mind at the last minute. I may still

change it again,” he warned. He hid the last joker card but he might choose to bring it out. He wasn’t

going to be insulted, not by anyone. And he wouldn’t take it with anyone that looks down on him.