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Secretly The Billionaire Boss by Debbie chocolate

Chapter 137
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Chapter 137: Preparation Grey left the restaurant early as Beatrice called him that she was on her way

to SU world.

Aphrodite seemed tired anyways so she used the opportunity to retire to bed earlier. The telephone

rang suddenly and Grey picked it up. “Hello, boss. There’s someone here to see you,” Tina announced.

“She said she’s Miss Beatrice,” she added quickly. “Alright, tell her to come in,” Grey responded and

the phone went off. The door opened a few minutes later and Beatrice walked inside. “Grey,” she called

happily. Grey stood and met her halfway. “I hope you aren’t so exhausted?” Beatrice smiled. “A little but

I need to give you feedback before I go home to rest.”

Grey regarded her for a moment and noted the happy expression. “You looked

happy. Is everything alright?” Beatrice nodded briefly. “I got all the wildflowers. Fortunately for me, I

also got the ingredients. Though, not all. We have to book some but since I don’t have any money on

me, I was unable to do it,” she revealed.

Grey hit his forehead slightly in regret. “I totally forgot! I should have given you my card. It’s not too late,

I will give you the card before we part. So, you would be able to make any orders.” Beatrice smiled.”

That’s fine. What about the company? I need to drop the ingredients I brought,” she pointed out. “Yes,

let’s go,” Grey led her out of the office.

Tina was initially by the door and was straining her ears to hear what they were discussing. When she

saw that they were coming out, she hurried backward and acted as if she was just coming. “Sir, I need

to show you some files,” Tina lied as Grey stepped out with Beatrice. Grey waved it away. “I will check

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it out later. Put it on my table,” he ordered and walked into the elevator with Beatrice.

Tina regarded them for a moment before she brought out her phone and placed a call to Jane. Jane

picked it up immediately.

“Hi, Tina. Any news?” “Yes, Grey just left with a woman. But Guess what, Aphrodite was here earlier on

and they had lunch together.”

“What!” Jane exclaimed softly.” How is that possible? How did Grey know Aphrodite? Are you sure it

wasn’t about business?” “I’m sure it’s not. Aphrodite has always come here. I don’t know their

relationship but there’s something about Grey that I can’t put my mind on.” Jane had always been

curious as to who Grey was after the incident that almost cost her a job. She felt strange about Grey.

So, she told Tina to spy on him and let her in with everything that she heard or saw. It was with her that

she was able to know that Grey didn’t come to work the day before.

Jane hated anything that could disturb her job. So, she complained to Hercules earlier, thinking that

Hercules would find Grey incompetent and so fire him. She also told Tina to make a misappropriation

so that it could aid her. Grey would eventually leave the company. Hercules won’t have the choice but

to fire him. “You can try to find more. Tell me whenever you get anything else,” Jane informed her.

“Alright, ma’am.”

Grey pulled over at the parking lot of the company. A car was packed beside him. He knew that Linda

was around.

They walked inside the company. Linda was at the desk, jotting down some things.

Grey and Beatrice moved closer to her.

“Hi, Linda,” Grey greeted. Linda looked up. “Oh, good afternoon, boss.” Grey nodded at how active she

was. He reminded him of Maria, which was why he was going to compensate Maria. “Here’s the

creative manager. She’s in charge of the production of the creams. So, let her know about the

employees because she would be the one working with them. Also, she’s my mother. So, whatever

respect you will give to me, should be given to her as well,” he revealed.

“Oh!” Linda smiled and turned to Beatrice.” Welcome ma’am, I’m so glad to

meet you.”

“Same here. I need to get to my office and know where the warehouse is so I can drop off some

ingredients,” she informed.

“Sure, I’m so glad you came today. The interview is scheduled for tomorrow. So, you would be here to

judge as well.”

Beatrice nodded with a smile.” That’s cool.”

A lady emerged from the elevator. She moved closer to them. “Oh, here’s my daughter. She’s a

marketeer. I thought she would be useful as our company is new.” “Hello, I’m Emily,” She introduced

herself with a smile. ” I don’t know if you can employ me. I will do great in my job.”

Grey regarded her for a moment.” It’s alright,” he smiled. “She speaks like her mother. I’m sure she will

do a great job.”

“Thank you so much, Mr. Grey,” Linda was so happy.

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Linda was one of those single mothers that struggled to give their children everything they wanted.

After struggling to send Emily to school, it hasn’t been good with them. Leaving the job notice from

Grey came as a huge shock to her. She thought she would be doomed again. But with Grey, she was

eventually smiling again. “So, Emily. Will you show manager Beatrice to her office? And to the

warehouse?” “Sure, please come,” Emily offered and led Beatrice away.

Grey turned to look at Linda.” I need you to hurry with the interview. We need

some things for this production. We need stickers and others.”

“Yes, and the containers. Yes, I understand and I’m going to move to that. I will make the estimation

and the other prices, then I will get back to you,” She


“No,” Grey shook his head briefly.” See my mother. She would give you the money. I will drop my debit

card with her,” he revealed. “Oh, alright.”

“I just want everything to happen as fast as possible.” Linda smiled. “I assured you that it would I will

work overnight for this.” Grey smiled, impressed.” You will get a bonus for your effort.”

Linda chuckled. “That’s great. Thanks, boss.”

“So, there should be some men there that can be employed as one of the securities. I want this building

to have as much security as it can. We can’t afford to get our recipe stolen,” he divulged. Linda

nodded.” I understand. I will do that right away.” A message popped up on Grey’s phone suddenly.

Grey read through and realized it was from Nora.