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Second Chance Luna

Chapter 90
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Chapter Ninety-One

“Alpha, you wanted to see me?” a young warrior stepped into the office

“Yes, Dash,” Zain nodded encouraging the young male to enter

Like most werewolves, Dash had a dark complexion as well as hair and eyes. Given that wolves originated from the Mediterranean region

many still bore the hallmarks common to that area even after centuries of breeding

“How can I help you, Alpha?” Dash asked as he stood in front of the desk

“We have ourselves a little problem that could become an issue,” Zain said. “It seems the royal family is not happy with Blue Moon's Luna.

They are attempting to petition the Council to declare was on the pack.”

“Why would the royal family do that? What did the Luna do?”

“She was born,” Zain sighed

The answer only confused Dash more and asked, “Alpha, I don’t know much about politics but I do know we have close ties with Blue

Moon. Do you...plan on supporting them even against the royal family?”

“That is the question,” Zain sighed, “but you won't like this next part.”


“You remember that friend of yours from your old pack?” “Phoebe?” Dash asked. It had been years since he saw or even spoke to her, the

one wolf who seemed to understand him. If not for her support he wouldn't have been able to leave. He would have taken her

Chapter Ninety-One

Chapter Ninety-One

“Alpha, you wanted to see me?” a young warrior stepped into the office

“Yes, Dash,” Zain nodded encouraging the young male to enter

Like most werewolves, Dash had a dark complexion as well as hair and eyes. Given that wolves originated from the Mediterranean region

many still bore the hallmarks common to that area even after centuries of breeding

“How can Thelp you, Alpha?” Dash asked as he stood in front of the desk

“We have ourselves a little problem that could become an issue,” Zain said. “It seems the royal family is not happy with Blue Moon's Luna.

They are attempting to petition the Council to declare was on the pack.”

“Why would the royal family do that? What did the Luna do?”

“She was born,” Zain sighed

The answer only confused Dash more and asked, “Alpha, I don’t know much about politics but I do know we have close ties with Blue

Moon. Do you...plan on supporting them even against the royal family?”

“That is the question,” Zain sighed, “but you won't like this next part.”

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“You remember that friend of yours from your old pack?” «.,.Phoebe?” Dash asked. It had been years since he saw or even spoke to her, the

one wolf who seemed to understand him. If not for her support he wouldn't have been able to leave. He would have taken her

Chapter Ninety-One with him but her mother just passed away and her father wasn’t doing well

He contacted her later after he settled in at Strawberry Moon only to learn she had taken in two orphans. Given her caring heart it didn’t

surprise him at all. It pained him all the more because no one in Rimrock appreciated her efforts. And it especially annoyed him her own

fated mate didn’t appreciate her

She never breathed a word who had been dumb enough to reject her but he had his suspicions. Phoebe was intelligent, kind, humble and

treated every pup like her own. It was obvious to him she was meant to be Luna, which meant the fool had to be their Alpha

Dash couldn't stand it the fact that their Alpha took a chosen mate when his fated mate was right in front of him. Others in the pack warned

him fated bonds didn’t sever completely unless their wolves accepted the rejection as well which meant Phoebe would be subjected to his

betrayal every night he was with his chosen mate. He wanted to help and practically begged his Luna to request a transfer

Luna Chandler warned it would be a long-shot especially if the Rimrock Alpha was her mate but agreed to try. It had been rejected. Dash

practically begged Phoebe to make the journey to Strawberry Moon even if she had to go rogue. But she wouldn't leave the pups and she

wouldn't allow them to go rogue with an uncertain future

He shouldn't have been surprised. Phoebe was impossibly stubborn and it irritated him how she undervalued herself. She was so busy

taking care of others she never bothered about herself

“I don’t understand, what does this have to do about Phoebe?” Dash asked, his mind returning to the present

“She's Blue Moon's Luna.”

Chapter Ninety-One

Dash remained silent as the news sunk in before suddenly doubling over in laughter. It was too much. Phoebe, dear, sweet Phoebe, who had

been treated like s**t by their own pack, rejected by her mate, was now the

Luna of the world’s most powerful pack. It was too much. The Goddess certainly knew how to twist a screw

“Dash?” Zain let him go for awhile before trying to calm him, “are you okay?”

“Yeah,” Dash caught his breath, “you're sure? I mean, was she all right?

Did Alpha Jason treat her all right? Was she happy?”

“Ive known Jason for quite a few years,” Zain said. “He has been desperate to find his fated mate. I've never seen any wolf look so tirelessly

for their mate. I can assure you he adores her and I would say worships the ground she walks on.”

“He does?”

“Rest assured his devotion knows no bounds.”

Asmile twitched Dash’s lips. Finally, someone appreciated and treated Phoebe with the love she deserved. She deserved every moment of


“He also adopted the orphans she took in,” Zain said

“Really? He did?" Dash asked surprised. “An alpha?”

“There is nothing Jason will not do for his Luna to make her happy.”

Dash heard many rumors of the Blue Moon Alpha. He was reserved, unemotional and distant. Jason treated everyone with respect but he

avoided emotional entanglements. Many thought he was cold but that didn’t stop several she-wolves from pursuing him. He didn’t spare

any of them a single thought

Chapter Ninety-One

It was hard to believe Alpha Jason could be soft and adoring let along adopt pups that had no relation to him. Could it really be true?

“But...you said the royal family is against Blue Moon's Luna.”

“I did,” Zain nodded. “The king seems to think she will destroy the fabric of werewolf society.”

“Phoebe?” Dash exclaimed. “Impossible! There is no way. Phoebe is the kindest, most selfless wolf ever to live. There is no way she is

capable of that.”

“only met her for a few moments but... am inclined to agree,” Zain nodded. “She was quite charming and sincere.”

“She is,” Dash quickly agreed. “Absolutely.”

They were both silent for a time thinking about the startling facts

“How could the king even think that?” Dash suddenly asked. Did the king even meet Phoebe?

“\..[ think it has something to do with her wolf's color,” Zain said. ** She’s silver.”

“Silver?” Dash repeated

“You didn’t know?”

“No. She never shifted in front of anyone. Most in the pack thought she was wolfless.”

“But not you?”

“Well, no. I mean, my wolf said she had one and deserved to be respected.”

“Interesting,” Zain muttered, “very strange. But we should learn more shortly. New Moon is planning to contact Blue Moon. They should be

able to inform them about silver wolves which just leaves the royal family angle and why they hate silver wolves.”

Chapter Ninety-One

“What are we going to do?” Dash asked feeling sick to his stomach

They couldn't simply do nothing. Phoebe deserved to be happy and if the Blue Moon Alpha made her happy then they should be left alone

“That is the question, isn’t it?” Zain sighed

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It was the question plaguing him since the princess’s birthday. Blue Moon was a close ally and they shared blood ties. But even more than

that Zain genuinely like Jason. Jason was intelligent and noble-minded. He came from a strong bloodline and possessed a powerful aura but

he wasn’t domineering. Jason preferred to coordinate and network with conversation rather than giving orders

He was likeable with a firm moral compass. He was admired and his opinion often consulted. None of this went to his head. He wasn’t

arrogant and he didn’t make demands or attempt to oppress others. Perhaps this made the royal family underestimate him

The king actually thought he could command Jason. And he thought the other packs would support conflict against Blue Moon. Zain wasn't

sure if the king was blind or just stupid. But that still left what they were going to do

At a thousand members Strawberry Moon was a prominent pack though not quite at the level of the ancient packs. Still they had quite a bit

of influence and a respected voice. So what move did they want to make? What message should they send?

Aknock interrupted his thoughts as Chandler entered, “Oh, am I interrupting?”

“Not at all,” Zain smiled welcoming him with a hug and quick kiss

Already his anxiety diminished with his Luna's presence

“Luna,” Dash nodded in recognition and respect

Chandler was the epitome of a proper Luna: carrying yet firm, gentle

Chapter Ninety-One yet strong, intelligent and quick-witted. Every pup was his own and any time a pack member had an issue no matter

how small he was there

“What brings you here?” Zain asked. He certainly didn’t mind his Luna's visits but Chandler generally spent his day with various pack

members and organizing events

“Em just sent a message,” Chandler said, handing him his phone

Zain frowned reading it before shooting Chandler a look only to see his face was equally concerned. He looked to Dash still standing in

front of him

“Dash, I want you to take a hundred of our best and head to Blue Moon to support them.”


“Go. Get it done.”

“Yes Alpha!” Dash spun on his heel and departed on his mission

Zain looked at Chandler, “What do you think it means?”

“No idea, but it's big. If she’s sending the message to me instead of Jason they are trying to keep it secret. Blue Moon's communication is

probably being monitored. This isn’t the first time they've used us as a proxy to pass along important messages.”

Zain nodded

“I already prepared them a private jet to get them back here as quickly as possible. What do you think this is about?”

“IT don’t know,” Zain shook his head. “But Jason has waded into a much larger pond than I thought. I don’t know what the Moon Goddess is

thinking but I have a feeling nothing is going to be the same once this is
