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Scars Of A Broken Bond by Calv Momose

Chapter 49
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Chapter: 49

How could she compare to Galilea?

“Sabrina, remember, stop yearning for things that are no longer yours.

Divorce him.”

Sabrina could not bear to stay. She craved to leave. She yearned for her father.

She intended to resign. She wished to escape to a land of mountains and rivers, give birth

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to her child in secret, and raise it herself.


Thunder echoed outside.

Startled, Sabrina awoke from her thoughts, heart hammering.

Gazing into the dark room, she inhaled deeply and wiped the sweat from her brow.

Images of fire, blood, and the horrors of that day flashed before her.

Each time she shut her eyes, she was met with the shrieking sound of brakes and the

vision of her bleeding father, his bones exposed.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

Teeth gritted, Sabrina trembled, sweat beads forming on her forehead.

Her breathing grew ragged, and the scenes in her mind started to blur.

Struggling out of bed, Sabrina searched her cupboard until she found her medication. She

unscrewed the bottle and poured out a single pill.

As she was about to consume it, she remembered her pregnancy and that she was

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forbidden to take it.

With a shaky hand, she replaced the pill, returning to her curled position in bed.

“I’LL be fine. Just hold on. I’ll be fine.”

The thunder continued to rumble, intermittent flashes of lightning painting the Late-night

silence with dread.

Suddenly, a faint sound resonated. The subtle twist of the doorknob.

Though muted, it was particularly clear in the quiet room.

Sabrina tensed up, her gaze fixated on the door. She shrunk further into the quilt, leaving

just one eye exposed to watch the door. She held her breath, daring not to move.

The door was opened.

A tall figure began to approach the bed.