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Save Myself from Desperation by Cara Agnes

Chatper 381
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Chapter 381

After Miranda opened the door, the two people outside came in.

Netizens in the livestream finally saw that Ashley, who had not been for two months,

finally appeared in front of the public lens today.

a seen

The temperature has been cooling down a bit in the past two days. Ashley wore an off-

white long windbreaker with a silk dress underneath. Her long black wavy hair was

scattered around her shoulders like seaweed.

The woman’s skin is snow-moist and delicate, her red lips are delicate and bright, and her

delicate facial features are like roses in the snow, stunning and eye-catching to the


Even though she hasn’t appeared in person for two months, once she appears on camera,

her breathtakingly beautiful face can easily steal everyone’s attention.

However, Ashley, who appeared again after two months, seems to be a little thinner than


The man standing next to Ashley was wearing the same style of black trench coat as hers,

with a spotless white shirt underneath. He had broad shoulders and long legs. He was

indescribably handsome and noble, and every inch of his body exuded a sense of ascetic


The livestream room was originally full of viewers watching variety shows, and the number

of people was not very large.

Now as soon as they heard that Ashley and Valentin had appeared, more netizens rushed

in, and the popularity of the livestream skyrocketed.

Especially the Bluelove CP fans of Ashley and Valentin. Since the last recognition party, we

can finally see the two of them appearing again.

[Woo woo woo, we finally saw our Ashley. She looks even prettier after not seeing her for

two months! Just seems to have lost a little weight. ]

[Wow, these two people are wearing the same style of windbreaker, couple outfits!]

[Open your eyes and see, these two big guys are the real beauty and the real match!

Other unrelated parties please leave!]

[Wait a minute, Ashley was just recording a variety show, and Valentin



Chapter 381

sent her here in person? You’re so squeamish, right??]

After Ashley entered the door, she hugged Miranda and then greeted Bryce in the living


Seeing the camera set up, Ashley blinked in surprise, turned to Miranda. and asked, “The

camera hasn’t started filming yet, has it?”

Miranda waved her hand, “No, the director said that the filming will not officially start until

three o’clock in the afternoon.”

Ashley glanced at the time. It was three o’clock in the afternoon, which was still early. She

looked at Valentin with a crooked smile, “Then let’s sit for a while. When the filming starts,

you can go and rest next to it.”

After speaking, he explained to Miranda and Bryce, “He just came with me, he won’t

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appear on camera.”

At this time, netizens laughed wildly on the barrage.

[Hahahahaha, laugh to death, Mr. Kingsley has appeared on camera, we all saw it!]

[I just entered the livestream room, what’s going on? Don’t the guests know that the

cameras have started filming?]

[Hahahaha, yes, none of them knew. It’s okay now. Mr. Kingsley just accompanied Ashley

to record the variety show, but he also appeare the scene! ]

[Wow, I want to see how they get along in private-]

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Netizens can see that Bryce, who has always been unruly, is obviously little reserved and

reserved when facing Valentin.

This is not a character breakdown, after all, how can anyone not be cautious when facing

a man of Valentin’s status?

Everyone sat down on the sofa in the living room.

Miranda hurriedly asked, “Ashley, Mr. Kingsley, what would you like to drink? A drink or


Ashley caught a glimpse of the Coke in front of Bryce. It looked like it was refrigerated.

There was a layer of water droplets on the wall of the cup. It must taste very cool. She

immediately raised her hand with bright eyes, “I want an iced Coke too!”


Chapter 381

As soon as she finished speaking, Valentin, who was sitting next to her, calmly pressed

down her raised hand and said to Miranda, “Just two cups. of coffee.”

Miranda was stunned for a moment and soon understood.

The weather has cooled down in the past two days, and Ashley has just been discharged

from the hospital. Her body has not fully recovered and is still a little weak. For the sake of

her health, Mr. Kingsley naturally does not want her to drink such a cold drink.

Miranda smiled and brought two cups of coffee over.

Ashley didn’t drink as much as she wanted. She puffed up her cheeks in dissatisfaction

and looked at Valentin to argue, “You know, when the weather is cold, in winter, eating ice

cream is the most enjoyable. Drinking a drink It’s the same thing.”

The man raised his eyebrows slightly, unmoved, “Then you can’t drink it


Ashley, “…”


Ashley held up her hot cup of coffee and looked up at Bryce. She was surprised for a

moment and almost squirted out the coffee in her mou

I didn’t look carefully just now, but now I look carefully and realize…

“Bryce, why have you turned so dark!”

As soon as he heard the word “black”, Bryce’s face suddenly turned darker, “Black, what’s

black! I’ve been filming in the desert for two months. I just came back. I’ll be back in a few

days for nothing!”

He has been filming away from home for the past two months and only occasionally uses

his mobile phone to contact Ashley.

I just came back from filming the set two days ago. I saw the news on the Internet about

Ashley and Valentin’s relationship breakup. I couldn’t believe it and sent Ashley a message

to ask.

Now it seems that Ashley and Valentin have a good relationship.

As for why Ashley hasn’t appeared online for two months, he is also a little confused. It’s

probably because something serious has happened…


10:47 1

Chapter 381

But the most important thing now is not to call him evil!

His fragile little heart cannot hear the word black!

“Ashley, you can say that I’m not obviously white, but you can’t say that I’m black,


Ashley, “…”

Miranda laughed so hard that her stomach ached, so she ran to the room and brought a

large bag of snacks over.

Ashley didn’t drink iced Coke, so she could quench her thirst with some snacks.

Not long after eating, Valentin held her hand down and said, “This is too spicy and salty.

You can’t eat too much.”

Ashley hadn’t had enough of it yet, but she was being supervised here and there. Her lips

curled up, not to mention she looked pitiful.

Valentin looked at her aggrieved kitten look, couldn’t help but raise his hand and pinched

her cheek, “You can eat whatever you want when you feel better.”

He said and handed the water glass over, “Are you thirsty? Drink some


It was indeed salty, and Ashley was really thirsty. She glanced at him a groan, picked up

the water glass and drank.

Netizens in the livestream room were eye-opening when they saw thi

[Damn, no, it’s not, the management is so strict, you are not allowed to eat more snacks,

and you were not allowed to drink ice cola just now…]

[If my boyfriend controls me like this, I will definitely be annoyed. What’s wrong with me

eating some snacks? What happened if I drank a bottle of iced Coke? What’s bothering

you? Really, Valentin has too much. control, he is so controlling…]

[Hiss, these two people actually get along like this in private? ]

[But Valentin also said later, “You can eat whatever you want after you feel better.” What

does that mean? ]

Bryce looked at the way Ashley and Valentin got along and felt a little strange, and asked

suspiciously, “Why didn’t you respond to the Internet



Chapter 381

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Ashley put down her coffee cup, “What’s going on?”

Bryce raised his chin, “Netizens speculate that your relationship has broken down.”

Ashley, “Oh, this isn’t a big deal. I’m going to make a direct statement on the show later.”

Valentin frowned, “The relationship is broken?”

In the past two months, he has been worried about Ashley’s condition and has not taken

time to pay attention to things on the Internet.

Seeing that he didn’t know yet, Bryce immediately took out his phone, pulled out the

video of Valentin and Monia edited by a netizen, and handed it to Valentin for him to


On the barrage at this time, netizens were stunned.

[Holy shit, I never thought that this video would be so lucky that it would be seen by

Valentin himself!]

[So, he still doesn’t know about the rumors on the Internet?]

[Oh my god, look at Mr. Kingsley’s face! Only halfway through the video his face looked so

cold and scary!]

After the video finished playing, Valentin heard the words he said to Ashley, “Thank you,

madam, for giving me a title,” being edited to another woman. The displeasure in his eyes

could not be overstated.

Netizens who thought Valentin and Monia were very sweet in the video

ere so frightened that they didn’t even dare to speak out when they saw

the man’s face.


Later, netizens in the livestream saw that Valentin took out his mobile phone, pressed the

screen a few times, as if to send a message, and then turned off the phone screen.

[what’s the situation? What did Valentin do?]

[I don’t know, I think I sent a message!]

[Damn, I always feel that Mr. Kingsley at this moment exudes the aura of a powerful




Chapter 381

[However, when he saw that video, he didn’t do anything except look unhappy. Why didn’t

he come out to defend Ashley? ]

[maintain? He was so strict with Ashley just now, and he didn’t let her eat more snacks or

drink ice cola. Did he really respect Ashley and treat her as his wife?]

Just when this barrage was posted, a netizen suddenly discovered the clue.

[Holy shit, shit! Go and see it! The double video between Valentin and Monia was deleted!

Delete the entire network!!]

[? ? ? Don’t make trouble, I just brushed it again. ]

[You can try brushing it again for me now. ]

[Help, I took a look and it’s really gone! Can’t find it anywhere on the internet! ]

[Oh my god, that message from Valentin just now actually meant that this video was

deleted from the entire internet? Damn it, delete it when you say it, this, this, this… really

a boss! Who can ordinary people do it? ]

[Ah ah ah, also, go check it out, Valentin’s LiveMe account that has not been used since

registration has posted a new LiveMe! ]

The will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!