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Savage Love On His Wheelchair

Chapter 1446
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"You don't have to ask me, and | won't tell you, | know you won't listen to anything | say now, since that's the case then | don't

want to say much, | just hope that one day in the future you will remember our conversation today."

Mong turned to leave after he finished, and Crystal looked at his forlorn back, knowing that she had always owed him.

"I'm sorry big brother, I'm doing this for your own good, one day you'll understand."

"Senior sister, Master has asked you to cover."

At this time, a girl dressed in an alluring manner cover and shouted at Crystal with a disdainful face.

"Thank you, senior sister, | know."

The girl in front of her has always liked Mong, but Mong's eyes are only for her, and because of this, she has not been difficult for


"What, don't you want to know what Master called you over for?"

The girl suddenly asked Crystal, who was about to leave.

If it was in the past, maybe Crystal would have talked to her, but today she really wasn't in the mood.

Ignoring her, Crystal left on her own.

"Hmph, still pretending to be noble when you're dead."

The words fell, and the girl did not go after her, but twisted her shapely figure and left.

"Master, you're looking for me?"

The door was left open and Crystal looked inside at the middle-aged man who was sitting on a stool smoking a cigar and shouted.

The man in front of him had a pair of sharp eyes as well as the ability to see into people's hearts, and when he saw Crystal, he

simply held her back with a faint glance and said, "Where did you just go?"

"lI went out for a walk, is the master looking forfor something?"

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The middle-aged man looked at her, took a puff of his cigar then exhaled it slowly before asking with a questioning tone, "Are you

sure you just went for a walk outside?"

At the word, Crystal looked up at him, at this tthe master's eyes were full of frost, covered with killing intent.

She knew she was being followed when she went out today.

As for who it was, she didn't have to think about it to be able to.

"Since Master doesn't believe Crystal, Crystal has nothing to say."

The middle-aged man suddenly stood up, a fist viciously staggered on a side table, instantly split in four.

"Crystal, do you think I'm getting old or that | really can't do anything with you? Do you really think | don't know about all these

things you've done behind my back?"

The hands tightly clasped Crystal's pointed chin, the body exudes a cold intent said.

"Crystal doesn't understand what she has done wrong to make Master so angry?"

"I see that you are not seeing the coffin, since this is the case then don't blme for being ruthless."

The words fell, the middle-aged man shouted to the outside, and soon four men cin outside, "Bring her down toto watch."

"Master, senior sister was just confused for a moment, please spare her this time!"

Mong ordinary lifetfell to his knees and pleaded with the middle-aged man.

"No pleading for her, don't think I really don't know anything about the things she did, wait forto go back and see how I will fix


The middle-aged man did not expect his most prized disciple to betray himself.

"Master, since you said Crystal did something wrong, then please also ask Master to say clearly, what exactly did Crystal do to

make Master so angry?"

If only because she met Fiona then she had enough explanation to make them believe, but it is clear that at the moment the

master is angry not necessarily because of this,.

"If you hadn't gone and tipped them off, how would Rosemary have been taken away at this time?"

The middle-aged man stared at her coldly. If it weren't for her, he would have already captured Rosemary, and once he caught her,

the mysterious treasure would have been his.

"Master you are saying that Rosemary was taken away?"

"You know in your heart what you have done yourself."

If not for the fact that she still has a use, he would have just shot her.

Crystal felt the implacable killing intent in the middle-aged man's tone, and indeed, their master had never been a man of mercy.

"I'm not tipped off, the reason I'm out tonight that's because | went to see an old friend."

"What do you want with her?"

"Trying to get her to convince Rosemary to work with us."

The middle-aged man looked at her with slightly narrowed eyes, and saw that there was not the slightest difference in her eyes,

and what she said was also what he had mentioned to her before, did he really misunderstand her?

"Master, | can testify to this point for my senior sister, she toldbefore."

With these words, Crystal turned her head to look at him. Although she was angry in her heart, she thought that Rosemary was

taken away, then Fiona must have mistakenly thought that she had done the deed.

Crystal's heart is even more annoyed when she thinks that she has been used. She didn't expect that she would end up helping

someone else to be a dowry, and Fiona already had misunderstandings about herself, and after this time, it seems that their

misunderstandings are even deeper.

Crystal closed her eyes in pain, but thought of the road behind her, and if that day did come, this was nothing but the best ending.

At the very least, they won't be sad and upset.

"The master has begun to suspect you, these days you should stay here obediently, do not make any other moves, or else again

by the master found, will not be in as lucky as today."

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

Mong led her back to the room, pulled out a cigarette and lit it, took a drag, and said slowly.

"I'm tired and want to rest for a while."

After saying that, Crystal directly lay down on that simple bed, pulling over the quilt and directly burying her head all in the cup.

"Then you get srest, I'll go out first."

Dropping the words, Mong left her room.

As soon as Mong left, Crystal immediately lifted the quilt and stared up at the top with wide eyes, what she wanted to know now

was who had taken Rosemary away.

But Mong is also right, now the master has been suspicious of her, if she has any action at this time, then want to explore the back

of things will not have the opportunity.

At this time, Zoe rushed back to their original place to see Summer was dressing with Shelley's wounds, and his own secret guards

brought a lot of dead and wounded.

"What's going on?"

Seeing him return, Shelley just tried to stand up when the wound on her abdomen was pulled and she immediately cringed in pain.

"Don't move!"

Zoe rushed forward to support her, see her body in many places hanging color, eyes instantly filled with a layer of thick killing


"Is the injury serious?"

"Just a little injury!"

However Zoe was not asking her, but Summer who was standing off to the side.

"The abdomen, the shoulder blade were shot, the more serious is the abdomen, but the bullet | have taken out, the other places of

injury to not serious, only superficial injuries."

"Big brother, I'm really fine, the most important thing now is to find my sister-in-law as soon as possible and get her back,

otherwise one more minute | stay, my sister-in-law will be in more danger."