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Savage Hunt by Jane knight

Chapter 35
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Chapter Thirty-Five: The alpha won’t let her run alone

Chapter Thirty-Five: The alpha won’t let her run alone


“For fuck’s sake, Jason. You can’t be thinking about what she’s saying. Sweets, you can’t be

thinking about joining a mating hunt and letting someone mate with you like that.”

“I am.” I said, letting my hand fall from Travis’ shoulder as he spun around to face me with

an accusatory look on his face. His wolf was so close to the surface but he needed to back

down. If he didn’t, he was going to drive Tillie to do something that none of us wanted.

“Jason, alpha. Fuck, you can’t be fucking serious? You know how they hunt, it’s savage. She

could be hurt.” Travis scrambled for words, his skin rippling as his eyes lost all color. Gone

was the bright green, replaced by the onyx color of his wolf. His anger was almost tangent,

burning brighter than the calmness that I had tried to force onto him. I knew it would piss

him off, but I didn’t need him pushing Tillie.

Our mate wasn’t like us, she was soft and kind. She was willing to do whatever it took to

protect those that she thought of as hers. She had proven that to me already. When she

realized that I would go feral if she didn’t mate with me, she had given herself to me in a

way that no one else ever had. When I had pushed her too far, she had still accepted me.

Letting me make love to her the morning after. I wished there was some way that I could

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make Travis understand.

He hadn’t been close to going feral without her. That fear hadn’t been sharp in his mind,

controlling his every waking thought.

i knew what that was like. I knew how walking that fine edge was dangerous. It would have

been so easy to give myself into that madness to hurt those around me. I wouldn’t have

wished that feeling on anyone and I had a feeling that Tillie wouldn’t either.

She had said that he was hers. Travis was right, that we were hers, too. That meant I was

willing to fight for what my mate wanted. If it meant doing something, I never thought that I

would. Then, goddess willing, I was going to do just that.

I didn’t want Tillie to join the mating hunt. But that didn’t mean that I couldn’t join it with


“I don’t need his permission or yours,” Tillie said and Travis looked away from me back to

our mate. “If I have to join a hunt to mate with him, then I will. I won’t let him go feral.”

“You will not.” Ryan said and Tillie turned to look at him. Her eyes blazing in a way that

would have made me afraid if she were a shifter. There was a fire to her that I hadn’t seen

previously. It was glorious and I wanted to rile her up until she was furious enough to fuck

me with all of that anger and all of that rage.

I had tasted her sadness when she had asked me to help her forget her ex-boyfriend. Now I

wanted to taste that fire.

“Ryan. You-“She started to say but he cut her off.

“No, Tillie. You will not take part in that hunt. It’s our job to take care of you and if you are

hunting with them-goddess, I hate to think of what could happen to you.” Ryan shook his

head. “You don’t know what it’s like.”

Tillie’s cheeks flushed as she glared between Ryan and Travis. She spun on her heels,

heading towards the house. I watched her go. I wanted to follow her but I figured she

needed a moment to breathe without the three of us hovering over her. She stomped up the

steps, wrenching open the door before stomping inside of the house. The door slammed

shut loudly behind her.

“I can’t believe you are going to let her join them.” Ryan turned to look at me. I hadn’t seen

him this mad the entire time I had known him. He was normally so calm, it must have been

some of Travis’ anger spilling over through the bond that they shared.

I could feel the faint hints of it through the bond that I shared with Tillie, even as I tried to

block the feeling away. It wouldn’t do to have those feelings clouding my judgment, not

when it concerned a hunt.

“She’s not doing it. The only hunt she will be doing is the one with us.” Travis growled,

crossing his arms over his chest. He looked over at the forest but I knew that Gideon was far

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enough away now that he wouldn’t be able to easily hunt him down. At least not if he didn’t

want Tillie pissed at him, more so than she already was.

“We can’t control her.” I said, tucking my hands into my pockets and looking out at the lake.

“The fuck we can’t. She’s too sweet for something like a hunt with Branson’s pack. She’ll

get mated with more than just the one wolf and I refuse to share her with anyone besides

you guys.”

“Travis is right. Jason, we need to get her out of here.” Ryan said, his voice held an edge to

it that I wasn’t used to.

“You guys don’t get her.” I sighed.

“And you do?” Travis huffed. “We’ve known her for the same amount of time and most of it

has been spent fucking.”

“I like to think that I do. She got pushed too far with us and she felt betrayed. So our mate

ran. Now we’re pushing her again, only this time… This time I won’t let her run alone.”

“Are you saying what I think you are saying?” Ryan asked, walking closer to me.

“That depends on what you think I’m saying.” I didn’t look over at my best friend. He might

think that he knew what I was implying but I very much doubted

