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Revenge of the Hideous Lady by Moonlight

Chapter 337
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“Master Sebastian…Master Henry…Master… Please forgive me, I swear I will never do it again, I

swear…” Fred Thomson looked at their backs desperately, begging for mercy in tears.

However, none of them turned back.


The door closed at the instant. The entire world had returned to peace.

Fred fell to the ground weakly, he was staring at the ceiling in despair with his body fixed on the

ground. He knew that he was finished.

The masters of Brenand and Armstrong families were targeting him now. He was afraid that neither his

father nor his uncle was able to save him from them. There was no way. Worst of all, his whole family

could be implicated because of his grave mistake this time.

Strong remorse rushed through his blood, he could not help but felt extremely dreadful.

On the other hand, the inspector took a step back helplessly and swiftly pulled open the door. He

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glared at the police officers outside and ordered, “Send him to the detention room and we’ll wait for the

verdict later.”

Then, he caught up with the masters and escorted them respectfully all the way out of the police


As they stepped out from the police station, Stanley Batton took a cigarette out of his pocket and

placed it between his lips. Immediately, the inspector lit up his lighter and handed over to Stanley


Stanley threw the inspector a heartless gaze before he pulled out his own lighter and lit it. He took a

long drag off the cigarette and went straight to the fleet of black luxury cars parked across the entrance.

He approached a random Rolls Royce and got inside. Henry Armstrong, Sebastian Brenand and Zack

Cassidy followed after him and got into the car.

Zack hopped into the driver’s seat while Henry and Sebastian sat on either side of Stanley.

The inspector was still standing courteously outside of the car, nodding and bowing, keeping himself on

his toes.

Stanley smoked elegantly. He languidly leaned against the soft leather seat and crossed his long legs.

“Zack, back to the hospital.”

“Yes, Fifth Master.” Zack nodded respectfully.

At the same time, the men in black had already got into their respective cars.

Zack honked to instruct the other cars to move. Soon, the fleet of cars gradually moved, blending into

the flow of traffic and speeding down the road.

“Xyla is worried to death about you. You should give her a call.” Sebastian looked at Stanley and

continued, “You were gone all of a sudden after you left to buy her breakfast this morning. She tried to

call you but you were not picking up. Xyla waited for hours but you didn’t come back so she suspected

that something happened to you.”

Stanley’s expression softened right away upon hearing that. “What happened next?” he asked.

“Xyla ordered a few people guarding her to look for you. She told them to check the surveillance

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cameras around the entrance of the hospital as well as Morning Glory for the period of time after you

left her ward.”

“Henry and I happened to be having breakfast with Zack when they informed Zack about it. Therefore,

we did as Xyla said to check the surveillance cameras.”

“We saw you getting into Fred’s car. Instinctively, we understand why you got into that car and what you

were up to.”

“Then, we tried to trace you down and we found out that you were at the police station. We guessed

that you had your revenge but we were still worried about you. We were afraid that the police officers

would not go easy on you so we hurried over together…”

Sebastian explained the incident from head to tail. He lit a cigarette when he was done with his story.

He crossed his legs, and started to smoke lazily and casually.

Stanley remained silent. He called Xyla immediately.