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Rejected by the Beta, Claimed by the Alpha

Chapter 81
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Chapter 81
Jaxon made a call after walking Rowena to the ward. He was on a time bomb to end every business transaction today to enable
them to leave. Canada to their pack early tomorrow morning. Yesterday, he left the meeting half way for which reason he was
sure to pay some penalties to cancel the transaction..
It was quite a lot of money and Jaxon did not mind since it was relevant. for, he and Rowena’s peace and sanity. However, he
could still get some discount on the penalty if he spoke to the CEO to explains his reason.
After a little thought, he dialed the office of the secretary to book an appointment to see the CEO. The secretary answered the
call on the first. ring and without formalities, Jaxon went on to say,
“I wish to have a meeting with the CEO concerning termination of the
recent contract.”
The secretary remembered him from yesterday when he run out of the meeting due to an emergency and her boss had informed
her to alert. him and Jaxon called back. Thinking that what ever made him to leave. such an important meeting half way was a
sign that it was more important that the meeting itself.
As such, she was not expecting him to call back so early. Also, the CEO had left the country as he said to Jaxon yesterday and
she wondered if Jaxon would be willing to deal with their managing director as their CEO suggestion.
“Mr. Clinton, our CEO already left the country,” the secretary said politely. Jaxon had forgotten that bit but also recalled it
“Yes, he said so. Kindly arrange the meeting between me and his managing director.”
The secretary sigh with relief at the fact that he even brought up the option himself what she was afraid of mentioning it to him
like his father suggestion.
“Well noted.” She said before asking, “For what time please?””
Jaxon wanted everything done today so he didn’t want to go there and waste his time waiting for the manager, for which result
he decided to book the appointment.
Chapter 31
The manager could have still attended to him if he just walked in butt Jaxon wanted everything to be perfect, so there wouldn’t
be a need to come back again like he planned.
“An hour is
fine because I’m just forty-five minutes away and setting off .

The line went silent for a few seconds and he knew that she was trying to confirm to the managing director. Jaxon wanted to end

the call and call again later confirm the time when she said,
“Your appointment has been confirmed to be in an hour.”
“That is fast, thank you very much.”
Jaxon was indeed grateful at the speed with which the secretary booked the appointment for him, unknown to him that she had
been expecting him to come back since he left in a hurry yesterday.
“You are welcome, Mr. Clinton,” she responded before ending the call.
Jaxon had reached the car park and about into his car when he was approached by two hefty men in police uniform.
“Excuse me sir.” One of them tapped Jaxon on the shoulder for him to be aware that he was the one being addressed. The
second one frowned a little, since the face looked familiar. He was an elderly man of not less than fifty. As he tried to recall how
he knew him, it did not take long before he remembered.
His son used to work with Jaxon and he said a lot of good things about him. It was one of those days when his son was attacked
on his way. home from work and his phone and wallet stolen, that the information reached Jaxon and he felt that the young man
needed a car.
Jaxon bought it for him without deducting it from his salary. It was due to this that this man went to thank Jaxon but he was sure
that Jaxon would not recognize him since it’s been ages.
“How may I help you? I have an important appointment,” Jaxon said seriously. The first officer from the Royal Canadian Mounted
Police (RCMP) who was also the young was about to speak, the elder one said politely,
“I’m sorry sir, but we would have to invite you to the station for
Chapter 81
He was very sure that Jaxon was not guilty of what he was accused of since to him, Jaxon was an angel.
“Questioning for what?” Jaxon asked impatiently,
The young officer looked the other way and Jaxon followed his gaze before the understanding settled. Beverly was standing
there with the man Jaxon showed mercy because he had not touched Rowena.
Therefore, it was not hard for Jaxon to understand that Beverly had pressed charges against him and he had no idea of how to
defend himself since he did not have proof.
If Rowena was unconscious, then how could she recall the thing that happened? That is, she could not become Jaxon’s witness.
Whereas since. she was the reason why Jaxon was violent, she could not be the perfect witness and Jaxon did not have one.
“The charges of assault,” the younger police said.
“I will come to the station myself,” Jaxon said after a careful thought. Since he already booked an appointment, he had to cancel

them and face the penalties. However, since he was doing it all because of Rowena, he was certain that it was all for good.
“Are you sure?” The young officer asked again since the elder one had not contributed anything and that is somebody’s pain.
“I will be right behind you and I’m not going anywhere,” Jaxon said in annoyance before starting the car and running out of gas

after picking the children.
The officer agreed for him to report to the station on his own but Beverly was upset, and said to the officer, “What if he runs off?”
“He won’t.” the elderly officer quickly saw it and spoke.
“He should be arrested, handcuffed, I mean,” Beverly instructed since she felt like the officers were being too lenient on Jaxon
including allowing him to drive to the station by himself and with no police escorts.
“I know Mr. Clinton from eight years ago. He is a very disciplined man,” the elder officer said and the younger one finally
understood the reason. for his colleagues’ sudden politeness.
“But he assaulted me,” Beverly insisted. She was afraid that Jaxon would divert to the airport or drive in a different direction and
Chapter 81
“Let’s talk at the station,” the old officer said, since he did not want to engage her in long talks.
On the way, Jaxon called the secretary again. “I’m very sorry but something came up and I won’t be able to make it. Please
cancel my appointment until further notice or better still, I will send you an email on what I want done.”
“Yes, Mr. Clinton,” the secretary agreed but though there was disappointment in her tone, Jaxon did not discern it.
When Jaxon was done, he wanted to call Rowena but wasn’t sure if she even found her phone from leaving it unattended to the
last time so he decided to mindlink,
‘I’ve been arrested for assault. Please call Jason to send you to the hotel. when you close from work.’)
Rowena mind linked back almost instantly with worry through the mindlink, ‘What happened?’
“You don’t think I made it easy for Beverly and the man she asked to take the pictures you, did you?’ Jaxon chuckled at his own
word whiles. Rowena said,
‘Let me call uncle Jason to come over to help you. I can make my way to the hotel,” Rowena said seriously but Jaxon refused.
For as long as Beverly was still on the loose, he did not feel that Rowena would be safe
without him.
‘NO. Your safety is more important and trust me, I will be fine.
‘Okay, please keep in touch and don’t tell me to not worry because I am,'” Rowena half-jokingly said thought the mindlink.
‘I love you, Jaxon said, hoping that it would make her to feel better and she responded,
-‘I love you too.’ No one heard their conversation except the two of them.
Jaxon arrived at the police station and so did Beverly and the man she set Rowena up with. When Jaxon was following the

officer inside the station, Beverly went to the officer and said,
“Please let me have a word with him first.”
The elder officer was slightly upset. He did not want any delays.
Chapter 81
“You have to hurry. We need to take his statement before deciding on what to do,” the younger officer reminded Beverly. He did
not want to waste time but Beverly quickly said,
“I won’t take much of your time.”
As Beverly went to Jaxon, she smiled and asked, “Jax, how are you going to get out of this? There were cameras in the house
and videos could be edited, you know?”