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Rejected Slave To The Alpha by Gory Anna

Chapter 21
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Chapter 21

Chapter 21.

Nelly’s POV.

The early morning sun pierced through the cra cks in my window blinds, casting a blinding glow on my

face. I groaned, cursing myself for not closing my window the night before.

I tried to use my pillow as a shield, but the light still seeped through. It was futile — I knew I was

destined to be jolted awake by the rays of the sun.

My eyelids fluttered, fighting the urge to stay closed as I tried to cling to the last few moments of sleep.

But my body was already awake, restless, and alert.

I groggily made my way to the bathroom, my eyes still adjusting to the light. I ran some cold water and

splashed it on my face, attempting to shake off the vestiges of sleep. I made my way to the kitchen, still

feeling a bit disoriented, and was greeted by a sight that jolted me awake: Alpha Kex, Emily, and Harry

were seated at the dining table, their eyes trained on me.

I immediately put on a neutral expression, attempting to appear calm and collected, but my heart was

racing. I needed to keep a level head.

“Nelly!” Alpha Kex called out, his voice breaking the tense silence in the room.

I froze in my tracks, feeling like a deer caught in headlights. I turned to face him, forcing a pleasant


“Yes, Alpha,” I said, my voice trembling slightly.

“Come join us,” he said, gesturing to the empty chair at the table.

I let out a small “uh,” feeling caught off guard by the invitation. I would rather not sit with them, but I

knew I couldn’t refuse. So I walked slowly to the table.

“No, not there,” he said, gesturing to the empty seat on the other side of the table. “Please sit here,

next to me.”

I hesitated, feeling my face grow warm as all eyes were on me. I reluctantly took the seat, acutely

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aware of my proximity to the Alpha Kex.

As I looked up, I caught a glimpse of Emily’s expression – she was seething with anger, her eyes

burning into mine. I held her gaze, mustering up a smirk.


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15:00 Wed, 21 Feb

Chapter 21


I sat there, carefully picking at my food, but I could feel the tension rising in the room. Alpha Kex

cleared his throat, his expression unreadable.

“Emily has something to say,” he said, gesturing to her. My gaze shifted to Emily, who was staring

daggers at me. With a dramatic sigh, she rolled her eyes and looked at Alpha Kex.

“I have nothing to say, Kex,” she said, her voice dripping with venom.

“Emily!” Alpha Kex said in a stern voice. Emily glared at him, but said nothing more. I quickly swallowed

the food in my mouth, trying to regain my composure. Alpha Kex turned to me,

“After breakfast, we will be going out,” he said. I nodded, my heart beating a little faster at the thought

of spending more time with him.

I could feel my palms growing sweaty, and I tried to keep my face impassive. “I will be ready.” I said, my

voice a little h oa rse,

Alpha Kex pushed his plate aside and stood up, his chair scraping against the floor. He didn’t say a

word as he left the room, the door slamming behind him.

Emily stood up, glancing at me with a smirk on her face. She leaned in close, her breath hot against my

ear. “I know what you are, like the rest of them, nothing but a s ex toy,” she whispered. “And I know that

he’s going to use you, just like he used the others.”

Her words were like a punch in the gut, and I felt my face flush with anger. I turned to face her, a sly

smile on my lips.

“Let him use me,” I said, my voice low and even. “I am ready.” Her eyes widened in surprise, her lips

parting in shock.

“You… you are crazy,” she stammered, her hands shaking. “I’m the one he wants. Everyone knows

how much he loves me.” She said, as she gritted her teeth.

“Oh, I think he sees you as more than that,” I said, my voice a purr. “I think he sees you as nothing

more than his sister. I heard he has never touched you,” I said, with a smirk on my face.

She raised her hand, as if to strike me, but at that moment, we heard Alpha Kex’s voice ring out.

“That’s enough!” he said, his tone sharp and commanding.

Instantly, Emily dropped her hand and turned towards him, her shoulders shaking as


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15:00 Wed, 21 Feb

Chapter 21


she began to s ob. She ran towards him, her arms outstretched, and he caught her in a tight embrace.

I let out an involuntary hiss, a sound of pure frustration and anger, and turned away from them. She

was lucky that she had someone like Alpha Kex to protect her.


My breath comes in quick, shallow gasps. I hurried up the stairs, my feet pounding against the

floorboards. I slammed the door of my room behind me, my hands shaking as I tried to calm myself


It suddenly occurred to me that I hadn’t asked Alpha Kex where we were going. I was so caught up in

my emotions that I hadn’t thought to ask. I quickly pulled on a pair of cargo pants and a hoodie, my

hands still trembling slightly.

I opened the door and made my way to the top of the stairs, taking a deep breath as I looked down into

the foyer. Alpha Kex and Emily were still there, and they looked up at me as I descended the stairs.

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I stood before Alpha Kex, avoiding his gaze, my eyes fixed on the floor. “You look perfect,” he said, his

voice low and calm.

I managed a weak nod, unable to speak. I felt his gaze linger on my body, and I was suddenly aware of

every inch of my skin.

“Let’s go,” he said, and I followed him to the car. The door closed behind me, and I took a deep breath,

trying to steady my nerves.

“If I may ask, where are we going, Alpha?” I asked, my voice quavering.

He gave me a sideways glance, a small smile playing on his lips. “Wait and see,” he said, his tone

enigmatic. I

Felt a jolt of unease, but I didn’t press him further. I sat there, staring out the window as the scenery

passed by. The sky was a clear blue, the sun beating down on the car, the air warm and still. I closed

my eyes, trying to relax, but my mind was racing. Where were we going? And why wouldn’t he tell me?

I was jolted awake by someone gently shaking me. I opened my eyes, my vision blurry as I blinked the

sleep away.

“Nelly,” a voice said, and I recognized it as Alpha Kex’s. I sat up, my head pounding, my body stiff and

sore. I had no idea how long I had been asleep.

I turned to look at him. “We have arrived at our destination,” he mumbled.


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Chapter 21

I turned around to see our location. I froze in my seat, staring hard at our location.



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