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Reborn, Reawakened, Rekindled

Chapter 24
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Chapter 24

A few minutes later, Oscar called, his volee full of surprise, “Irene, what’s the deal with the transfer? I

can earn my tuition myself!”

“You’re still a student, you should focus on your studies, otherwise, if you encounter difficulties in your

courses, or even can’t graduate, then what?” I’m lying on the bed, my voice a little lazy, “Rosemont

College is a solid school. You shouldn’t waste your time in endless part time jobs. You should focus on

your studies, your future will be bright. Pay me back when you graduated and find a job.”

“…” Oscar seemed to choke up a bit.

Suddenly I felt bad, and I wondered if I was being too cun ning, taking advantage of such an innocent

kid. Oscar thought I was being kind, but in fact, I was just playing nice.

Given Oscar’s background, for him to get into Rosemont College and survive there, he has to work

harder than others. All things considered, I genuinely admire such a persistent person.

“Enough said, if you’re short of cash, just let me know. You can think of it as me sponsoring you, pay

me back when you graduated and get a job. If you really feel guilty, then pay me back a little more as

interest.” I said.

This money isn’t a big deal to me, but it gives me a sense of balance, and it helps Oscar, so it’s a win-


I guess Oscar really had no other options, otherwise, he wouldn’t still be working part-time the day

before school starts.

After hanging up, Oscar accepted the transfer. He replied, “Thank you, Irene, I’ll definitely pay you


I didn’t reply, just put my phone aside and went to sleep.

The next morning, I got up early, got dressed up, the white dress made me look elegant and

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sophisticated, and a light makeup made me look refreshed. I grabbed my cello and had Bailey drive me

to Rosemont College.

Upon returning to campus, I was filled with emotion. Seeing those vibrant freshmen reminded me of my

own college days, it felt like they were just yesterday.

Back then I was so excited I wanted to jump for joy, the thought of finally going to the same university

as Neil made me more excited than winning the lottery.

I followed the route from my memory to the concert hall of the music department, a place all music

students would pass by. It was surrounded by transparent floor-to-ceiling windows, with a stepped

stage in the middle.

There were fifty-two of graduated students performing today, and we were playing The Blue Danube, a

classic piece.

The positions on the stage were already arranged. After we quickly settled in our places and got ready,

there was no rehearsal or practice, we relied solely on our mutual understanding.

We are all talents graduated from the music department of Rosemont College, even after years of

social grind, we still maintained our skills, otherwise, we wouldn’t dare to take this challenge.

As the melody started, I felt the passion and vitality in the music, and I was completely relaxed.

The gathering crowd made our makeshift orchestra even more energetic. We played several classic

pieces in a row until noon.

The enthusiastic applause made me feel extremely satisfied. As I looked around the crowd, I saw

Oscar standing there, his eyes bright and focused on me. When he caught my gaze, he waved shyly

but friendly.

nodded at him with a smile. After the orchestra dispersed, I walked up to him and greeted him.

“Irene, I didn’t know you play the cello, that’s amazing!” Oscar praised me without hesitation.

“My major in college was the cello.” I carried my cello and chatted with Oscar as we walked, the

environment made me feel much younger, like I was back in college.

“I think girls who like music are very charming.” The wound on Oscar’s face was almost healed, but

there were still scars at the corners of his mouth and eyes. He was dressed in sportswear, looking

energetic. When he said this, I felt a little charmed by him.

Could he already have feelings for me?

Then Oscar shattered my illusion, “Bonnie also studies music, but she studies vocal music, not

instrumental music.”

Isn’t that just like Barbara? She is also planning to become a singer.

I sighed inwardly. It seems that Oscar’s feelings for Bonnie are deep, and it might be hard for me to get

involved. But if Neil could guide Bonnie to shift her feelings, then I would have a chance. After all, my

goal is just to find psychological balance, not to find true love.


Bonnie appeared in front of us, she was wearing a white dress, full of youthful vibes, she looked more

innocent than me.

Seeing me and Oscar together, she had no doubts, instead, she greeted me with surprise, “Irene, what

are you doing here?”

‘I just performed in the concert hall and happened to run into Oscar.” I replied with a smile.

‘I heard there was a fantastic symphony performance in the concert hall earlier, Irene, were you

performing too? What a pity, I was busy with club activities and missed your performance.” Bonnie’s

beautiful face was full of regret, I could tell she sincerely felt that way.

“I couldn’t find you just now, and your phone was unreachable.” Oscar said.

There was a hint of uneasiness in Bonnie’s eyes, as well as a touch of tiredness, even her smile

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seemed forced, “I had my phone on vibrate today, I didn’t hear it.”

“It’s indeed busy and chaotic at the beginning of the semester, shall we go grab a bite together? My

treat.” I asked the two of them with a smile.

Bonnie shook her head, “Irene, thanks for your kindness, but I have to tidy up my dorm later, I’ll just

grab something at the cafeteria, Oscar, what about you?”

Of course, Oscar would follow his girlfriend without hesitation, “I’ll go to the cafeteria too. Irene, next

time Bonnie and I will treat you to a meal.”

“Alright, I’ll be going then.” I didn’t insist, nodded, and left.

In the car, Bailey was waiting for me. After I got in, I told him to drive me home.

We hit the road, cruising through Rosemont College’s sprawling campus, and I got flashbacks of the

good old days when I used to sneakily tail Neil, always finding an excuse to bump into him accidentally.

Suddenly, a silver car slowly drove by us. If my eyes weren’t deceiving me, that was Neil’s profile in the

half-rolled down window.

Why the hell was he driving this car around Rosemont College? This ride was much more low key

compared to his usual flashy wheels.

The only explanation I could think of was that he was here to see Bonnie, and he didn’t want to draw

any attention.


No wonder Bonnie looked so off just now, her eyes filled with exhaustion, Neil must have been a pain in

her neck these last few days. After all, his forceful approach would rub anyone the wrong way,

especially Bonnie, who’s already got a boyfriend.

I wasn’t sure if Neil had spotted me just now, but he was probably too wrapped up thinking about

Bonnie to notice anything else.