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Pregnant and Rejected by My Alpha Mate

Chapter 122
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#Chapter 122 – Contingencies

Lv. 1


“Daddy do you have ta go?” My pup’s tiny voice cuts me right to the core.

Has there ever been a worse feeling than this? Than leaving my family and not knowing if I’ll ever see

them again? Than knowing that if I can’t fix things with Blaise, their lives might be forfeit, and I won’t be

around to protect them?

“I wouldn’t be going unless I absolutely had to, Lila bean.” I explain earnestly, cupping her tiny cheek in

my hand.

“When you come back?” Lila questions mournfully, reaching towards me with both arms open.

“As soon as I can.” I promise, pulling her out of Selene’s arm and into my own.

“Next week?” She asks, her adorable face so hopeful I want to cancel my mission just to make her

happy. I can’t believe how deeply I love this little being after so short a time. I’m touched at how

attached we’ve become despite our brief acquaintance, and yet part of me wishes we had not formed

this bond. Leaving would be so much easier.

“No little one, probably not next week.” I answer gently. “But I promise I won’t stay away a moment

longer than I have to.”

Lila’s face is turning pink, and I can already see the tears coming on. Axelwhines in my head, Selene is

already softly crying and the salty scent is driving me up the wall. Squeezing my daughter tight, I reach

out and pull Selene into my embrace as well, holding my family close

Sure enough, Lila is crying within moments, pitifully weeping against my neck as I kiss my mate

goodbye. I have to fight the instinct to claim Selene one last time before I go. We made love twice this

morning already, but the taste of her honeyed lips beneath mine is only too tempting. “I’ll be back

before you know it.” I swear huskily, staring into Selene’s red-rimmed eyes.

She nods, tenderly extracting Lila from my grasp and making soft shushing noises when the toddler

objects with whines and wails. The last thing I see before sliding into the car is Selene gently bouncing

our pup in her arms while the child sobs my name. “Daddy! She’s squirming to escape my wife’s grasp,

undoubtedly wanting to run after me, and Selene finally turns to carry her away into the house, the

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sounds of her own, muted tears tormenting my supernatural ears.

Aiden slides into the passenger seat, offering me a sympathetic frown, “They’ll be okay.” He promises.

“Donavon and I will take care of them.”

“I know.” I breathe, “thank you, brother.” My beta is going to accompany me to the border, and his face

grows more drawn and serious as we pull out of the drive. “Everything is in place, we’ll keep you

updated with every new development here.”

“Have you found out anything more about Odile?” I prompt, all the possible misfortunes facing my

family tormenting my already

“No. We’ve been searching everywhere.” Aiden replies with a swift shake of the head.

“If anyone has seen her, they aren’t talking. But I don’t doubt your mother’s word. If ODette says she

saw Odile, I believe her. She’s here somewhere, we just aren’t looking in the right place.”

“You ought to visit Grigore, if Odile’s got any connections remaining in the city, she’ll know he’s primed

to ally against us.” | suggest firmly, wondering if it was a mistake to treat the former elder councilor so


“And the doctor?” Aiden questions.

*Just keep an eye on him.” I instruct tensely. “I know your investigation didn’t uncover any evidence of

wrongdoing, but finding nothing doesn’t mean there’s nothing to find. We’ve always known our enemy

was talented. As far as I’m concerned, Dr Kane is a suspect until proven otherwise.”

My Beta nods in agreement. “I think you’re right. There have been too many coincidences with his

involvement, either someone is using him as a pawn, or he’s helping to pull the strings.”

As we pull onto the main road out of the city, my mind drifts to our other unanswered question. “Any

word on Arabella?”

#Chapter 122 – Contingencies

*Only that she went East after her exile.” Aiden explains, shooting me a meaningful look.


I repeat. “You don’t think…?”

“I don’t know,” my friend grumbles. “But I wouldn’t put anything past the bitch.”

“Well said.” I remark dryly, pulling the car over just before we cross the border into rogue territory. We

both exit the car, and I circle around to my second in command. “Take care of my girls.” I implore him,

knowing i need not ask.”

“I’ll guard them with my life.” He vows, “You just worry about getting back in one piece. If you die and

force me to become Alpha, I’ll kick your ghost ass.”

“I’ll do my best.” I chuckle, giving him a forceful hug and patting his back.

“Goddess speed, Alpha.” He salutes me when we part. The next thing I know he’s transformed, shifting

into a huge gray wolf and disappearing into the trees. I return to the car, pointing it towards the Calypso

territory and praying this won’t be the last time! see my home.


The steady thrum of the shower emanates through the open bathroom door, an endless stream of

water splattering against the tiles. As I near the doorway I realize the sound is slightly off, broken and

scattered, as if the shower head has been removed from its cradle and redirected from its usual

downward spray.

The water’s clean scent is muddled by the familiar perfume of Sophie’s shower gel and her own unique

fragrance. As linhale her lovely aroma I realize it’s changing, deepening and growing even

sweeter than before-heightened by arousal and the primal hormones triggered by meeting one’s mate.

A muffled whimper punctuates the rain-like pitter-patter, and I realize why the water sounds so strange,

and why my little lamb’s scént is so especially irresistible at the moment.

“Just what do you think you are doing?” I demand playfully, peeking my head into the shower stall.

Sophie jumps almost a foot in the air, a bright red flush coloring her cheeks as she jerks the shower

head away from her swollen clit. Drake! What? |… It isn’t…”

She stammers hopelessly, wrapping her arms around her body to hide her nakedness from view.

My mark is still rosey red against my mate’s fair skin, the swollen indentation of my fangs blazing at the

juncture of her neck and shoulder. Though I couldn’t stop myself from marking her, I haven’t yet

claimed her body, wanting to give her time to get used to the idea of being mated before introducing

sex into the equation. Apparently I’ve waited too long.

“Yes, my love?” I tease, stripping off my clothes and joining her under the shower’s spray. Sophie’s

eyes widen in surprise, and she determinedly keeps her attention above my waist.

Her pink tongue darts out to lick her lips as she gazes warily up at me, “I don’t know what’s gotten into

me.” She admits nervously.

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“I do.” I rumble warmly, pulling her taut body flush against mine. “You’re going into heat.”

If I thought Sophie had been red before, she’s positively scarlet now. “I am?” She squeaks,

unconsciously clenching her thighs to relieve the ache at their center.

“You are.” I confirm with a predatory grin, but that’s no excuse for taking matters into your own hands.”

but I don’t understand.”

“I’m your mate. Your pleasure belongs to me and me alone.” I explain sternly, grasping her nape so

she’ll look me in the eye.


#Chapter 122 – Contingencies


Squirming with need, Sophie frowns in confusion, “My pleasure?”

Belatedly I realize nobody was ever around to explain the ways of men and women to my sweet mate.

The only person who might have borne the responsibility was Martin, and I’m extremely glad he didn’t.

“Why were you using the shower head that way, little lamb?” I inquire.

Her golden eyes drop to the ground. “I don’t know.”

“Yes you do, baby.” I encourage, petting her in slow soothing patterns.

Her voice is so quiet I almost don’t hear her reply. “Because it felt good.”

“Mhmm,” I purr, “And what do you think might have happened if I hadn’t interrupted you?”

“I don’t know.” She says again, her anxious movements rubbing her naked flesh against mine in a way

that is only too distracting.

“Would you like to find out?” I tease, dropping my head to trail kisses along her throat.

“Drake,” she whimpers, leaning into me. “I feel so strange, I need…” “Yes?” I prompt when she trails off

in uncertainty, “what do you need, my love?”

Before Sophie can get another word out my phone begins to ring, blaring the ringtone I reserve for

serious pack business. Cursing under my breath, I step out of the shower and lean down to retrieve the

device from my abandoned clothes. Bastien Durand’s name flashes across the screen, and I whip it up

to my ear. “This had better be good.” | greet the Nova Alpha gruffly.

Deep laughter meets my ears. “I know that tone.” Bastien jokes, “Am I interrupting play time, Drake?”

“What do you need, Bastien?” I question sharply, not in the mood for his jests.

“I need to ask you a favor.” He replies, sounding so sober my annoyance wanes.

“Has something happened?” I ask, my heart pounding a bit faster.

“Not yet.” Bastien sighs, “But I have a bad feeling it will. I need your help.”