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No Way Back by Anna Mac

Chapter 33
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Chapter 33

Jane looked like she had seen a ghost as she stared at Dwayne.

Even Lila had a look of disbelief.

Dwayne Fowler.

The hot-tempered Dwayne Fowler who had wrongly accused Jane of being a thief. The

Dwayne Fowler who had humiliated Jane in front of everyone.

Did he offer his apology to Jane today without being asked?

And he was so meek and did not lose his temper at all.

They thought that Dwayne had been replaced by someone else. Whatever it was, this was

not the Dwayne Fowler they remembered.

“I know you’re very shocked,” Dwayne said. “That day, I was too hot-tempered and had

falsely accused you.

“I am truly very sorry about that. I have a bad temper, but I’m not blind.” Dwayne was

feeling a little upset.

It was because of the way Jane was looking at him.

She looked at him as if he was a brainless, rash, and impulsive idi*t.

Was she kidding him?

If Dwayne was truly such a person, how could he possibly have graduated early from the

Sports University with the best results in the school’s history or made a name for himself at

the World Wrestling Entertainment Tournament?

He had lost his cool that day because the incident had involved Madelyn. She was Dwayne’s

most important and precious little sister.


Jane could not help but laugh lightly.

He did not think he was blind.

Now that was funny.

That had to be the funniest joke Jane had ever heard.

In Jane’s mind, every single member of the Fowler family was rotten to the

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Chapter 33

core. Nothing could save them.

They were not merely blind. Their hearts were rotten. They were possessed by the devil.

Otherwise, why would they be so cr*el to their biological sister and

daughter after being separated for 19 years?

Instead, they protected and coddled their adopted daughter Madelyn since she was young.

They gave her everything she wanted.

The cost was the Fowler family abusing Jane. From physical to psychological, they

humiliated her viciously. They forced her to fall into depression and contemplate self-

cutting. She was even on the brink of committing suicide.

“I know you can’t stand me, Jane, but I don’t live for what you think of me. I’ve apologized,

and my conscience is clear,” Dwayne said.

“I don’t want to let down the honor that I’ve gained or let down my teammates who believe

in me. I was wrong, so I’ve admitted it.”

At the same time, Dwayne looked at the scald wound on Lila’s leg.

“Lila, allow me to apologize on my father’s behalf,” Dwayne said. “Tell me how much

compensation you want, and we’ll settle this in private.”

That was what Dwayne assumed was best for pacifying Jane and Lila.

Did they really want Jack Fowler to apologize? That was impossible.

Once Jack, the father and the Emeritus Chairman of Fowler Corporation, lost his temper,

even 10 oxen would not be able to drag him back.

Even his seven sons and precious Madelyn would not be able to persuade


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Except for Anna.

As time went by, they learned to go along with their father.

Jack Fowler was their father.

Simply on account of that relationship, he had his children completely under his control.

Moreover, Jack cared a lot about the Fowler family’s reputation and had also experienced all

sorts of trouble.

He seldom lost his cool like that.



Chapter 33

This time was because his youngest son was unconscious. Because this concerned the

safety of his family, together with his hatred toward Jane, Jack lost his temper.

Thus, this was the reason behind Dwayne’s decision.

He decided to use money to resolve the matter.

As long as one had money and a sum was negotiated and agreed upon, everything could be


Lila hesitated on what to reply.

She hated Dwayne and wished to get away from him.

Lila also did not wish to bl*w up this matter and settle it quietly.

Most importantly, Lila did not want Jane to be the target of the Fowler family again and get


Lila was grateful that Jane was willing to demand an apology from Jack on

her behalf.

Lila was extremely satisfied with Jane’s thoughtfulness.

However, Jane thought otherwise.

“Settle in private? No way,” Jane said.

“Dwayne Fowler, who do you think you are? Who cares about your apology?

“Tell Jack Fowler to apologize to Lila, or I will never forgive him!”

Jane flatly refused Dwayne’s request.

“Why, you… Jane, I know you’re angry but haven’t you fussed enough?

“You know full well that Dad will never apologize to Lila. You know what his temper is like.

“He’s the Emeritus Chairman of Fowler Corporation. He’s as stubborn as a mule. Once he’s

made up his mind, it’s impossible to change it.”

Dwayne did not expect Jane to be so unappreciative.

No matter how sorry he felt toward Jane, his anger had also risen.

“Well then, open your eyes and watch. I will make Jack Fowler apologize to Lila,” Jane said.

“You may not have the ability, but that doesn’t mean I don’t. Lila, let’s go.”



Chapter 33

After being interrupted like that by Jack, Jane was in no mood to continue her lunch.

She took Lila’s hand, and they walked out of the cafeteria.

“Jane Fowler, you’ll regret this. Do you think you’ll be able to get away safely after

challenging Dad?

“Since we’re siblings, let me remind you. Since you’ve disappeared for 19 years, you don’t

know Dad’s temper at all.

“You’re only going to get yourself all banged up and hurt very badly.”

Dwayne simply regarded Jane as being young and aggressive.

Actually, he was so angry that he wanted to leave Jane alone.

But on account of his misunderstanding of Jane that day…

Dwayne decided to still give her unsolicited advice.

“Huh! Dwayne, do you really think you’re my big brother? I’m sorry, but I don’t see myself

as your little sister. I don’t see myself as part of the Fowler family either.

“It isn’t the Fowler family that didn’t want me. It is I who cut off all ties with the Fowler


“So don’t give me that big brother cr*p and try to lecture me from up there. I know exactly

what I should do.”

Did he want to act like Jane’s big brother now?

It was too late.

He had so many chances and so much time, but he had never said that to

Jane before.

He had never advised Jane as her big brother on what his little sister should do.

Instead, it was Jack who was unreasonable, had not gotten his facts right, and hurt Lila

along the way.

And then Dwayne suddenly jumped in as a big brother and lectured Jane to not be so

impulsive to challenge Jack.

What a joke.

This was too ridicul*us.



Chapter 33

“You, Jane, I must be blind. Why did I even think of persuading a prck like you?

“You are indeed very different from Maddie. She’s so kind and mature and obedient. She will

always do according to what I say. She’ll fulfill all my requests perfectly.

“Someone like you shouldn’t remain in the Fowler family because you don’t deserve it. You

don’t deserve to be my little sister. Maddie is enough for


Dwayne had finally shown his true colors.

He was naturally short-tempered, but he had forced himself to be calm.

Once he reached his limits, he would snap and lose his cool:

All sorts of nasty and vicious words would flow out of his m*uth.

He had inherited this personality trait from Anna.

When Anna was cornered, she would do the same thing too.

They were truly mother and son.

Even Lila was shocked.

She felt her blood turn cold.

“Oh my god!” Lila thought.

She had just thought that Dwayne had changed…

And that he was really concerned for Jane.

But that was not so.

It was all an act.

It was an act to make Jane and Lila settle in private.

Lila had never met such a heartless person before.

Or perhaps, such a living thing was not fit to be a human being.

She wished that this cr*el monster would d*e soon.

After Jane heard those words, her face was without emotion as she dragged Lila out of the


That was Dwayne’s true colors. Those were words from his heart.

In her previous life, Jane had heard those words countless times from


Chapter 33


He had cursed her endlessly, distanced himself, and chased her away. He even wished for

her to d*e on the spot.

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He compared her to Madelyn all the time. In the end, Madelyn always won.

Jane was like an ant that deserved to be trodden under Madelyn’s foot, leaving nothing


One could not change his true nature…

Like a leopard that never changed its spots.

This Dwayne was the fifth son of the Fowler family with whom Jane was familiar.

He even acted like Jane’s big brother and pretended that it was for her own good.

She was so disgusted that she felt sck.

Lila remained silent the whole time as she was dragged out of school by Jane.

“Janie,” Lila said.

“I didn’t get to eat anything, and I’m hungry,” Jane said. “Lila, let’s go to the food street

next door and buy something good to eat.

“We can’t possibly be interrupted again by the Fowler family there, right?” Jane asked


Jane gave a little smile.

Lila felt a sting in her eyes and took a sharp breath to try to hold back her tears. She

hugged Jane and said, “Janie, my heart hurts for you.”

“Thank you, Lila, but my heart doesn’t hurt anymore,” Jane said. “Touch it. It’s very hot, and

it’s also beating at a calm pace.”

Jane took Lila’s hand and placed it over her heart. Her eyes were gentle. “I never held any

expectations for the Fowler family, so why would I be disappointed or hurt?”

After being born again, Jane had moved past that.

Her supposed Fowler family…

It was a gathering of devils.

It was a beautiful-looking h*ll.

“Janie, I’ll support you. You must make Jack Fowler apologize this time.

Show it to him.

“If you need my help, don’t hesitate to ask. I’ll always stand on your side.”

Lila wiped away her tears and promised with great determination.

Lila had not wanted to create any more trouble for Jane, but the Fowler family had gone


Not only did they not see Jane as part of their family, but they also did not even regard her

as a human being.

Jane was also human and had feelings. Hiding beneath her strong exterior, was a heart that

could get hurt, feel pain, and be ripped apart.

Lila did not dare to imagine how painful it must be to be hurt by one’s family. The mere

thought of it made Lila feel suffocated.

Jane was such a strong girl that it broke Lila’s heart.

“Janie, I’m paying for today’s lunch. Go ahead and order whatever you want.”

“Since someone else is paying for me, I’ll go all out.”

Jane and Lila went to an Italian pasta restaurant they frequented.

They ordered their food.

Jane went to the restroom.

She closed the door.

She made a phone call.

She heard the lyrics, “The vast sky is my love, the flowers are blooming on

the mountainside,” playing over her phone.

Her call had gotten through.


Andy sounded pleasantly surprised.

“Andy, do me a favor,” Jane said.

“I want to sue someone, the Emeritus Chairman of Fowler Corporation, Jack Fowler.”