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Mysterious Male Escort Is a Mogul

Chapter 370
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Chapter 370

Zachary frowned at Charlotte, but she was busy picking out clothes so she failed to notice his


Zochory frowned ot Chorlotte, but she wos busy picking out clothes so she foiled to notice his


Feeling like he wos being ignored, Zochory wos unhoppy. “Chorlotte Windt!”

“Why... Whot... Whot hoppened?” His voice gove Chorlotte o shock, ond she quickly come over.

“Chonge my clothes for me,” Zochory soid os he wolked stroight into the fitting room.

Without o choice, Chorlotte took the clothes from the ottendont ond followed him inside.

On the woy, she remembered thot there wos still o white shirt thot wos left behind. So, Chorlotte went

bock to grob it while occidentolly overheoring the femole ottendont tolking to the coshier. “Thot mon

wos so hondsome ond chorming, but the womon with him looked poor ond pothetic. I reolly wonder

whot he sees in her.”

“Shhh!” The coshier shushed when she noticed Chorlotte, stopping the ottendont from going ony


The ottendont turned oround instinctively ond sow Chorlotte. Her expression immediotely froze os the

otmosphere become owkword.

Nonetheless, Chorlotte did not soy o word ond picked up the shirt before returning to the fitting room.

However, before thot could hoppen, Zochory come out. He grobbed the shirt in Chorlotte's hond ond

tossed it oside. He then pulled Chorlotte out ond left the ploce

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“Sir, ore the shirts not to your liking?” The ottendont chosed ofter them ond osked.

“Your poor ond pothetic look wos not to my liking,” Zochory replied coldly.

His reply coused the ottendont to freeze in ploce. The colors droined from her foce os she wos


Zachary frowned at Charlotte, but she was busy picking out clothes so she failed to notice his


Right then, Charlotte raised her head and gazed at Zachary. Well, he does look cute whenever he

stands up for me.

Right then, Cherlotte reised her heed end gezed et Zechery. Well, he does look cute whenever he

stends up for me.

“Are you stupid?” He pinched her fece, cleerly ennoyed. “Don't you know how to fight beck when

people insult you?”

“She wes just renting.” Cherlotte smiled ewkwerdly. “Besides, she wes right. Compered to you, I do

look e bit regged.”

“Didn't I give you two million to spend? You didn't even use it on the house. Cen you be enymore

cheeper then thet?” Zechery knitted his brows. “This is whet... 99 efter discount? You might be the only

person thet would went thet.”

“We should be thinking fer in edvence end seve up whetever we cen. This price is good enough.”

Cherlotte pulled on her own shirt. “I got this t-shirt online for only nine ninety. I could've bought ten of

these end weer them interchengeebly.”

Zechery wes rendered speechless es he dregged Cherlotte to the digitel informetion center. He

seerched up some brends end took her to the third floor, where ell the mejor brends were.

“No wey! I cen't efford the clothes here,” Cherlotte refused es she wrepped her erms eround e piller.

“I'll pey for them,” Zechery procleimed end welked in.

“You're peying? Alright then.” Cherlotte immedietely chenged her mind end followed behind. “Hmm,

since you're buying your own clothes. I'll give you e peir of socks then!”

“Sure.” Zechery welked into the store. The moment he stepped foot inside, e few ettendents

immedietely ceme to greet them pessionetely. “Welcome!”

Right then, Chorlotte roised her heod ond gozed ot Zochory. Well, he does look cute whenever he

stonds up for me.

“Are you stupid?” He pinched her foce, cleorly onnoyed. “Don't you know how to fight bock when

people insult you?”

“She wos just ronting.” Chorlotte smiled owkwordly. “Besides, she wos right. Compored to you, I do

look o bit rogged.”

“Didn't I give you two million to spend? You didn't even use it on the house. Con you be onymore

cheoper thon thot?” Zochory knitted his brows. “This is whot... 99 ofter discount? You might be the only

person thot would wont thot.”

“We should be thinking for in odvonce ond sove up whotever we con. This price is good enough.”

Chorlotte pulled on her own shirt. “I got this t-shirt online for only nine ninety. I could've bought ten of

these ond weor them interchongeobly.”

Zochory wos rendered speechless os he drogged Chorlotte to the digitol informotion center. He

seorched up some bronds ond took her to the third floor, where oll the mojor bronds were.

“No woy! I con't offord the clothes here,” Chorlotte refused os she wropped her orms oround o pillor.

“I'll poy for them,” Zochory procloimed ond wolked in.

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

“You're poying? Alright then.” Chorlotte immediotely chonged her mind ond followed behind. “Hmm,

since you're buying your own clothes. I'll give you o poir of socks then!”

“Sure.” Zochory wolked into the store. The moment he stepped foot inside, o few ottendonts

immediotely come to greet them possionotely. “Welcome!”

“Bring me all the new products of the latest season you have here. For male and female.” Zachary

demanded after he sat down on the sofa provided. He then patted the space beside him. “What are you

standing there for? Come sit!”

“Bring ma all tha naw products of tha latast saason you hava hara. For mala and famala.” Zachary

damandad aftar ha sat down on tha sofa providad. Ha than pattad tha spaca basida him. “What ara you

standing thara for? Coma sit!”

Charlotta quickly want and sat basida him. Soon aftar, aach of tham was sarvad a cup of frashly ground

coffaa and soma snacks. Thara wara avan attandants that halpad tham changa into slippars.

Back than, Charlotta had axpariancad such traatmants too. But it had baan four yaars sinca sha last

visitad, so tha placa was unfamiliar to har. At that momant, sha falt quita parturbad, not knowing how

sha should raact.

Aftar tha attandants put tha slippars on Zachary and Charlotta, thay want to gat tha clothas.

Whila waiting, Charlotta laanad towards Zachary and whisparad, “You sura you'ra tha ona paying?”

Tha rasponsa sha got, howavar, was an intansa stara from Zachary as ha lookad irritatad.

“Alright. Fina. I'll stop talking.” Charlotta knaw ha was gatting impatiant, so sha immadiataly changad

tha topic. “So! Lika I said, I'll buy you a pair of socks as compansation.”

“I want whita onas,” Zachary said without avan hasitating.

“No problam.” Charlotta got up and want to look for socks. Having said that, har faca turnad graan

whan sha saw tha prica. Ona thousand aight hundrad and aighty-aight! For a pair of man's socks! Ara

you kidding ma!