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Mysterious Male Escort Is a Mogul

Chapter 2319
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Chapter 2319

On the mountain, Mylo and his men ended up locating the abandoned car instead of


Right then, he knew Anthony and Francesca were nearby. When he was about to send his

men out for a search, he received a call from Sean.

Mylo reported everything to Sean in detail. A few minutes later, Sean answered, “Stop the

search. Retreat!”

“What?” Mylo was stunned. “Mr. Lindberg jumped through hoops and loops to locate

Francesca, and we're on the verge of finding them. If we give up now, wouldn't everything

be in vain?”

“I told you to retreat!” Sean ordered.

“Okay.” Mylo didn't dare to say anything else. He and his men abandoned the search.

After hanging up the phone, Sean reported, “Mr. Lindberg, Mylo and his men are


“Okay.” Danrique nodded.

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“But... Why?” Sean asked cautiously. “We're on the verge of finding Ms. Felch.”

“Would Anthony be smart enough to abandon his car and flee? She must've told him to do

that. Since she's so determined not to see me, why should I force it to happen?” Although

Danrique looked calm, the sadness in his eyes was unmissable.

“Perhaps she's still angry.” Sean heaved a sigh and added, “However, the problems are

only going to get more serious if you guys don't meet up. No matter what, you need to

talk it out.”

Danrique kept silent and stared at a table filled with the things she had left behind.

“So... Should we let Mylo and his men stay there or—”

“Tell them to come back,” Danrique ordered. “Don't bother her anymore!”

“Noted!” Sean then relayed the order to Mylo.

Danrique continued flipping through his documents. Over the past six months, he had

been focusing solely on his work. It was as if that was the only way he could keep his

frustrations off of his mind.

Sean knew Danrique wanted to stabilize his own position as soon as possible so that no

one could threaten him again. Once Danrique had achieved that, he would bring

Francesca home.

In just six months, Lindberg Corporation was back on track.

Due to what happened the last time around, Danrique eventually got rid of Harrier and

Kevin. Those two men had shares in the company, and they would be paid dividends at

the end of the year. However, they were no longer involved in the operations of the


Besides, ever since Lindberg Corporation was stabilized, Hazel had returned from

Danontand to help Danrique manage Lindberg Corporation. Naturally, her position in the

company was very high.

Moreover, the president had stopped creating trouble over the past six months. Instead,

he was performing his role as the president very well. Whenever he was to mention

Danrique and Lindberg Corporation, he had nothing but praise.

Even though everything seemed peaceful, Danrique knew it was just the calm before the

storm. Although I miss Francesca, I can't bring her back by force. Maybe I should wait until

things are more stable.

When Mylo and his men were on their way down from the mountaintop, one of Mylo's

subordinates told Mylo that a loft nearby had lights on. They thought Francesca was most

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probably there.

Upon hearing that, Mylo gave it some thought. We better not betray Mr. Lindberg's orders.

With that in mind, he decided not to be bothered by that and brought his men away.

By the time they arrived at the foot of the mountain, the sky was already dark.

On their journey to the airport, Mylo noticed tire tracks along the way. Could it be that Ms.

Felch had already left the mountain so that she could avoid us?

Meanwhile, Anthony was constantly on his guard the entire time because he was afraid

that the people from the Lindberg family would catch them. He was always looking out the

windows worriedly. He only breathed a sigh of relief late that night. It's already so late, and

we still haven't seen anyone unusual approaching us. We should be in the clear now.

Francesca's wound was taken care of, but she was still unconscious. At the same time, the

nurses were taking care of her kids.

While Kimberley had gone out to buy food and necessities, Anthony was watching over

Francesca in the ward.

At that moment, everything seemed perfect. Like a happy family, they were there to

welcome the newborn babies.

At around seven the next morning, Francesca woke up in a daze and heard a nurse asking,

“Please name the children soon. We need to register them and assign wristbands to them

so that we won't make any mistakes.”