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My Wife Is a Superstar (Ning Tan)

Chapter 776
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Chapter 776

Initially, they were talking about Qiao Zhan, but in the end, Ning Ran was affected by the example Qiao Zhan


Is Qiao Zhan implying I'm not an elite; therefore, I'm not good enough for Nan Chen? Then again, he's not wrong.

Indeed, I'm not a successful person.

Before reuniting with Nan Chen, Ning Ran was merely an unpopular actress who could barely raise her children.

After meeting Nan Chen, she began to gain more opportunities to star in large-scale movies. It was all due to the

support of resources from Nanshi Corporation.

Thanks to Nan Chen, she even received the Best Newcomer Award.

Hence, the only reason she could be who she was today was because of Nanshi Corporation.

However, Ning Ran refused to admit defeat. She had been working very hard in her acting roles to earn the respect

and recognition of her audience. Why am I not considered a creme de la creme? What gives?

Qiao Zhan realized he had misspoken and upset Ning Ran.

Not knowing how to make it up to her at that instant, he anxiously honked the car in front of him several times.

“It's okay. There's no need for you to panic. I was never an elite, to begin with, but Nan Chen and I share many

common topics because we have two children together.”

Finally, Ning Ran found a reason to comfort herself and an excuse to refute Qiao Zhan effectively.

Actually, the defense was totally unnecessary because everyone knew that Nan Chen and Ning Ran were a

compatible couple.

Immediately, Qiao Zhan concurred with her. “Yes, that's right! Parenting is the biggest topic for you and Sir Chen.

There's another commonality between you both too. The two of you are very good-looking. No other woman can

match Sir Chen other than you, Madam.”

Ning Ran was stunned by Qiao Zhan's sudden flattery.

Yet, she could not deny how happy that made her feel. After all, no woman would reject compliments about their

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Ning Ran noticed they were nearby Lu Jingyuan's villa, so she concluded their conversation by saying, “I believe

you'll find a girlfriend that complements you, Chief Qiao. Meanwhile, I'll keep a watch out for you. Once I spot

someone suitable, I'll introduce her to you.”

“Sure,” Qiao Zhan replied.

Upon arriving at the entrance to the villa, Qiao Zhan attempted to follow Ning Ran but was stopped by the latter.

“You can wait for me here. Lu Jingyuan wants me to collect something for her, but I'm unsure if it's her private

belonging. I'm afraid it's not appropriate for you to tag along.”

After pondering for a while, Qiao Zhan agreed, “All right, I'll stay outside.”

Then, Ning Ran opened the gate, stepped foot into the compound, and walked through a narrow garden path

leading her into the villa.

Judging from the dust collected, she was guessing nobody cleaned the house recently. Otherwise, a villa that was

usually spick and span would not be so dusty.

It was so dark in the evening. When Ning Ran got to the second floor, she wanted to switch on the lights but to no

avail. The electricity seemed to have been cut off.

She wondered if Lu Jingyuan had intentionally turned the power supply off before her departure for safety reasons.

Since Ning Ran was there to pick up something, she was lazy to spend more time searching for the main switch.

Thinking she would not stay long in the villa, Ning Ran used the flashlight on her phone instead.

Slowly, she made her way into the study room.

As soon as she went inside, a shadow darted over to cover her mouth and grip her throat.

Why is there someone else inside the villa? Could it be a burglar? Ning Ran's heart raced rapidly as all sorts of

possibilities flashed through her mind.

“I won't hurt you if you keep silent, or else I'll slit your throat within two seconds,” a voice whispered.

Ning Ran could not open her mouth to speak at all, so she hummed and nodded.

Subsequently, the shadow shut the door gently and released Ning Ran as promised.

Terrified, she wanted to shout for help because Qiao Zhan was just outside.

However, the shadow held a knife to her neck as soon as she was about to yell.

Ning Ran was well aware of the danger she was in. The person might kill her if she were to move a muscle. Horror-

stricken, she dared not speak nor breathe heavily.

Then, the figure took the phone from her hand and placed it on the table.

At that moment, Ning Ran caught a glimpse of his face under the moving flashlight. It was a skinny man!

Among all the men Ning Ran knew, Ouyang Qi was comparatively thinner and weaker. The man standing before her

was even skinnier than Ouyang Qi, and the former looked sickly.

He had long hair and a face as pale as a sheet. He could be considered handsome if not for his creepy eyes that

caused one to shudder.

“Is your last name Lu?” the man asked.

Ning Ran debated in her mind, clueless as to what she should answer him.

Should I say yes or no? His fingers are slender, and he's wearing an expensive sapphire ring. He's not a regular

thief, and I doubt he's here to steal. Then, why did he show up? Is he looking for someone? Since this is Lu

Jingyuan's residence, he's probably looking for her. Why? Whatever for?

“Say it! Is your last name Lu?” The man repeated his question.

His voice was very soft, and it somewhat matched his slim build.

“No,” Ning Ran finally answered.

“Do you know Lu Jingyuan? What's your relationship with her?” the man queried.

At first, Ning Ran wanted to deny knowing Lu Jingyuan. Then, she realized he would call her out for lying. If I don't

know her, how do I get in?

“Yes, I know her, but we're just friends. Who on earth are you?” Ning Ran countered.

That man ignored her question and continued, “Where is she?”

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“She's not in Livingsfill,” Ning Ran replied.

“Where is she?”

This time, Ning Ran fell silent because she could not tell him.

As a matter of fact, Lu Jingyuan texted Ning Ran her exact location in the capital. All the details are kept in Ning

Ran's phone, but she was determined not to sell Lu Jingyuan out.

Although she could not confirm the man's identity, she feared him. Everything about him, from his gaze to the aura

he exuded, spelled trouble. He was just like a cold and poisonous snake.

“I'll cut your heart out if you don't reveal it to me.” As Ruan Anxi spoke, he waved the custom-made scalpel before

her eyes.

“I don't know,” said Ning Ran calmly.

“That's impossible! You know it very well, I'm sure,” he muttered.

“I'm clueless. Why are you looking for her?”

Ning Ran intended to maintain her composure and drag the time as long as she could.

Qiao Zhan was still waiting for her outside. She assumed he would rush in to check in on her and discover the man

after realizing how long she had been gone.

The man was scrawny whereas Qiao Zhan was buff like a bull, and they were not even in the same league.

When Qiao Zhan appeared, Ning Ran was confident he could defeat Ruan Anxi anytime.

Hence, her best option was to keep dragging the time.

Right then, Ning Ran's phone rang. It was Qiao Zhan.

He started feeling suspicious when he did not see any lights turned on in the villa, and yet Ning Ran had not


Anyhow, he obeyed the command given to him. Following Ning Ran's instruction to have him wait outside, Qiao

Zhan dared not barge into the house without permission. The only thing he could do was to call and check in on her.

Needless to say, Ruan Anxi would not allow Ning Ran to answer the phone. Had she stretched her arm out to reach

for her phone, her wrist would be cut at once.

Ning Ran was well aware of that. Thus, she did not take any action.