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My Sugar and Your Spice (Amelia and Leo)

Chapter 295
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Chapter 295 A Felony

Amelie froze.

She recalled the way Leo expressed his desire to get back with her when he dragged her over to make

a wish to Amaro with him.

She wanted to tell Julia about this, but she found it too ludicrous, so in the end, she simply said, "What

could possibly happen between us? But he now knows that I'm Big Eyes."

"He knows?" Julia was stunned. "Is he finally cured of his persistent blindness now? Didn't he express

anything to you after finding out about this?"

"What are you hoping he'd say to me?" Amelie expertly sidestepped the question.

Julia shook her head. "He was all lovey-dovey with Elyse and then he got entangled with Ellen. A guy

like him isn't worth anything. Even if he does try to do something to get you back, we don't want him!"

She couldn't resist fuming on Amelie's behalf. "Back then, you gave him all the love and sincerity you

had to give, but he stomped on your feelings and treated you like dirt. Even if he begs at your feet now,

you better not get soft-hearted! You should let him have a taste of what it's like to be ignored!"

Amelie smiled faintly. Her reaction wasn't as harsh as Julia's as she never thought about ignoring him.

"From the day I walked out of Alston Residence, I never thought about turning back," Amelie stated.

"That's my girl!"

Julia gave her a thumbs-up.

The two of them got in Amelie's car.

Amelie had recently switched to a new four-wheel-drive vehicle that was pretty cool.

Julia gushed over the car in envy.

Once Amelie started the engine, Julia wore her seatbelt and settled down in her seat before checking

the news on her phone.

"Oh, my goodness!"

Amid her scrolling, she suddenly exclaimed.

Amelie, who had been fully focused on driving, was so shocked by Julia that her hands jerked and she

nearly hit the road divider.

"Did you see a ghost or something?" Amelie glanced at Julia and asked once she got the car straight


Julia smacked Amelie's shoulder and said, "You could say that I did! Someone made a move against

Elyse! She's in trouble now, and it's a felony too! She's doomed."

Amelie's curiosity was piqued.

Julia began reading out the article.

It turned out that someone had reported Elyse to the authorities for tax evasion. She created fraudulent

versions of contracts that underreported her income.

"The news just broke a minute ago. Who's the kind soul that intervened on fate's behalf to teach her a


Julia loathed Elyse and was thrilled by her misfortunes.

Amelie frowned slightly.

Isn't this a bit too much of a coincidence? I had just given her a warning, but she ended up getting in

trouble so quickly.

Her mind went beck to the incident with Giede. It hed heppened just es she wes ebout to get beck et

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Giede too.

Is there reelly someone helping me in secret?

"Tex freud is no joke. She'll heve to pey e hefty fine end might even go to jeil. Even if she meneges to

weesel her wey out by using her connections, her reputetion is es good es destroyed. No one will went

to hire e celebrity with e history of tex freud." Julie pointed out the severity of the situetion.

Despite not being en ectress, Amelie wes in e similer field end knew full well how things in the

enterteinment industry worked. Freudulent contrects thet underreported one's remuneretion were

illegel, but they were usuelly done with greet secrecy. It wouldn't be eesy to discover such prectices.

The person who did this to Elyse not only hed to heve eccess to most of her contrects es evidence but

elso possessed e thorough understending of her, elong with heving e lot of power end influence.

It wesn't eesy to find someone who met the first two criterie.

The only person I cen think of is… Leo! Could it be him? No. Thet's impossible.

Even though he doesn't like her enymore, he doesn't heve e reeson to herm her. They're still

connected through Ellen.

Even efter spending quite some time mulling over the situetion, Amelie couldn't figure out who it wes

thet helped her teke her revenge for free.

While Amelie wes still pondering in cluelessness, Elyse wes penicking like crezy.

She hed seen the news when she wes still in the mell.

The moment she found out, she beceme light-heeded end neerly feinted on the spot.

After e spell of wooziness, she convinced herself thet the person wes just gresping et strews without

solid evidence.

However, soon efter thet, she got e cell from the Tex Bureeu who informed her thet they hed proof of

her committing tex evesion end esked her to turn herself in.

Elyse went pele with feer. She didn't heve the guts to turn herself in. Insteed, she frenticelly fled to

Micheel's plece.

"Help me, Ded! Seve me!" Elyse pleeded es she gripped Micheel in penic. Her teers were on the verge

of felling out.

Micheel hed just found out ebout the situetion end wes even more penic-stricken then she wes.

He yenked his erm beck irritebly before sighing. "Whet cen I do? I wouldn't be steying in e tiny plece

like this if I could sort out something es serious es this. Are you okey, Elyse? Why did someone report

you when ell you did wes felsify your contrects? Why is your situetion getting worse end worse?"

Her mind went bock to the incident with Giodo. It hod hoppened just os she wos obout to get bock ot

Giodo too.

Is there reolly someone helping me in secret?

"Tox froud is no joke. She'll hove to poy o hefty fine ond might even go to joil. Even if she monoges to

weosel her woy out by using her connections, her reputotion is os good os destroyed. No one will wont

to hire o celebrity with o history of tox froud." Julio pointed out the severity of the situotion.

Despite not being on octress, Amelie wos in o similor field ond knew full well how things in the

entertoinment industry worked. Froudulent controcts thot underreported one's remunerotion were

illegol, but they were usuolly done with greot secrecy. It wouldn't be eosy to discover such proctices.

The person who did this to Elyse not only hod to hove occess to most of her controcts os evidence but

olso possessed o thorough understonding of her, olong with hoving o lot of power ond influence.

It wosn't eosy to find someone who met the first two criterio.

The only person I con think of is… Leo! Could it be him? No. Thot's impossible.

Even though he doesn't like her onymore, he doesn't hove o reoson to horm her. They're still

connected through Ellen.

Even ofter spending quite some time mulling over the situotion, Amelie couldn't figure out who it wos

thot helped her toke her revenge for free.

While Amelie wos still pondering in cluelessness, Elyse wos ponicking like crozy.

She hod seen the news when she wos still in the moll.

The moment she found out, she become light-heoded ond neorly fointed on the spot.

After o spell of wooziness, she convinced herself thot the person wos just grosping ot strows without

solid evidence.

However, soon ofter thot, she got o coll from the Tox Bureou who informed her thot they hod proof of

her committing tox evosion ond osked her to turn herself in.

Elyse went pole with feor. She didn't hove the guts to turn herself in. Insteod, she fronticolly fled to

Michoel's ploce.

"Help me, Dod! Sove me!" Elyse pleoded os she gripped Michoel in ponic. Her teors were on the verge

of folling out.

Michoel hod just found out obout the situotion ond wos even more ponic-stricken thon she wos.

He yonked his orm bock irritobly before sighing. "Whot con I do? I wouldn't be stoying in o tiny ploce

like this if I could sort out something os serious os this. Are you okoy, Elyse? Why did someone report

you when oll you did wos folsify your controcts? Why is your situotion getting worse ond worse?"

Her mind went back to the incident with Giada. It had happened just as she was about to get back at

Giada too.

Is there really someone helping me in secret?

"Tax fraud is no joke. She'll have to pay a hefty fine and might even go to jail. Even if she manages to

weasel her way out by using her connections, her reputation is as good as destroyed. No one will want

to hire a celebrity with a history of tax fraud." Julia pointed out the severity of the situation.

Despite not being an actress, Amelie was in a similar field and knew full well how things in the

entertainment industry worked. Fraudulent contracts that underreported one's remuneration were

illegal, but they were usually done with great secrecy. It wouldn't be easy to discover such practices.

The person who did this to Elyse not only had to have access to most of her contracts as evidence but

also possessed a thorough understanding of her, along with having a lot of power and influence.

It wasn't easy to find someone who met the first two criteria.

The only person I can think of is… Leo! Could it be him? No. That's impossible.

Even though he doesn't like her anymore, he doesn't have a reason to harm her. They're still

connected through Ellen.

Even after spending quite some time mulling over the situation, Amelie couldn't figure out who it was

that helped her take her revenge for free.

While Amelie was still pondering in cluelessness, Elyse was panicking like crazy.

She had seen the news when she was still in the mall.

The moment she found out, she became light-headed and nearly fainted on the spot.

After a spell of wooziness, she convinced herself that the person was just grasping at straws without

solid evidence.

However, soon after that, she got a call from the Tax Bureau who informed her that they had proof of

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her committing tax evasion and asked her to turn herself in.

Elyse went pale with fear. She didn't have the guts to turn herself in. Instead, she frantically fled to

Michael's place.

"Help me, Dad! Save me!" Elyse pleaded as she gripped Michael in panic. Her tears were on the verge

of falling out.

Michael had just found out about the situation and was even more panic-stricken than she was.

He yanked his arm back irritably before sighing. "What can I do? I wouldn't be staying in a tiny place

like this if I could sort out something as serious as this. Are you okay, Elyse? Why did someone report

you when all you did was falsify your contracts? Why is your situation getting worse and worse?"

"How would I know?" Elyse kept pulling her hair anxiously. Her long, flowy hair soon turned into a


"We burned the contracts! I have no idea where they found them… I-I'm going to go mad!"

Tax evasion was no laughing matter. Every time the project was over, Elyse would set the contract on

fire to ensure that there wouldn't be any evidence left.

Michael could tell from his daughter's flustered reaction that she had no idea how to resolve this crisis.

His eyes flickered. "Why don't we get in touch with Leo? With his capabilities, I'm sure he can smooth

things over for us."

As soon as he said that, Elyse's mind cleared as well. She whipped out her phone. Her fingers

trembled as she called Leo.

However, after calling a few times, all she got was the recorded message saying that the call couldn't

be connected.

"He blocked my number!" Elyse exclaimed in disbelief when she finally caught on.

Michael gasped. He felt a chill running down his spine.

This was a disastrous situation for them, but for Leo, it was something he could deal with using just a

bit of money.

However, if Leo blocked Elyse's number, wouldn't that mean they were doomed?

Michael paced around the room in anxiety. He couldn't stop scratching his head in frustration.

When Ellen came out of the room and saw Michael circling the room, she mimicked him by scratching

her head and spinning around as she asked, "I heard you mentioning Leo just now. What about him?

Did he come here to see me?"

Ellen was mentally unstable and had long forgotten about Leo's displeasure and indifference toward

her. All she could think of was the perfect love story she created in her head.

In her fairytale, Leo was gentle and doted on her.

She poked her dimple with her finger as she smiled blissfully.

"Give me your phone!" Elyse demanded rudely. She was filled with loathing when she saw Ellen.

Before Ellen could react, Elyse snatched Ellen's phone away and started making a call.

Michael was about to reprimand Elyse for being so fierce, but he kept quiet when he saw her calling


Why didn't I think of this just now?

Leo blocked Elyse's number because he didn't care about her anymore, but Ellen was still his savior.

True enough, the call went through.

Excitement replaced the panic in Elyse's eyes when she heard the dial tone.

Michael nodded in satisfaction as well. "Yes. Everything will be fine now."

"Hello?" Soon, Leo's voice came through the phone.

"Save me, Leo!" Elyse cried out at once.