Hey Guys! Sorry I disappeared. This summer has been crazy as I'm sure it is for most parents. I coach 2 sports and both my kids play sports (that I don't coach). Just when I thought I was catching up I caught the worst case of the Rona I have ever had. I have been down with a blinding migraine for a week.
I don't know how many of you have experienced full on sympotoms, but I never had this was rridiculous and mad respect goes out to people who have had this over and over again. 1 I can actually look at a computer screen now, so givea couple days to catch up and edit the next chapter. I should have something up by the end of the week. Search the Find Nøvelwebsite on Gøøgle to access chapters of early and in the highest quality.
As Always, Thank you so much for your support and your feedback.