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My Husband Is A Secret Billionaire By Wiuu

Chapter 59
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Chapter 59

Bailey was sweating profusely. His face was flustered and his eyes were slightly red.

As soon as he saw Jane running over, he couldn’t hold back his tears anymore and hurried forward. to

grab her.

“Jane, something happened at home!” Bailey said.

“What’s wrong?” Jane asked.

“Your elder sister…” he paused, out of breath, “Fiona brought a lot of people to our house and said that

she would drive us out!”

Jane heard a buzz in her cars, and her mind went blank.

“She brought a lot of workers and said that she wanted to take back the house and redecorate it for her

use! Jane, isn’t that the house that your father gave to our mother? Why should she take it back?”

Bailey added.

Jane felt her heart skip a beat. For a moment, she panicked and did not understand why Fiona was

doing this.

“Let’s go back and have a look first!” She comforted Bailey. “We’ve been living in that house for so

many years. It’s impossible to take it back so easily. There may be some misunderstanding!”

“What misunderstanding? It must be Fiona doing it on purpose!” Bailey was indignant. “She brought so

many people to our house today and directly drove me out… Humph, there are so many of them. I

can’t defeat them, but Dan can!”

“What did you say?” Jane suddenly stopped, and her face turned pale.

“Does Dan already know about this?” she asked.

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“That’s right!” Bailey nodded. “It’s such a big deal. Of course, Dan has to make the decision!”

“You!” Jane was speechless.

She glared at him, anxious and angry.

Only then did Bailey realize what was going on.

If Dan met Fiona, then Jane wouldn’t be able to conceal anything!

“Jane, I…” Bailey knew that he was in the wrong, so he said, “I didn’t do it on purpose. At that time, I

was anxious and scared, so I called Dan!”

Jane frowned and asked, “What did you tell him?”

“I didn’t say much, I just said that someone came to make trouble at home and sent him the address!”

Jane was silent for a moment. Then she took out her mobile phone and sent a message to Dan. She

did not mention anything about the house. She only said that she suddenly wanted to eat chestnut

cake from a baking shop on Western Street and wanted him to buy it and bring it to her work. During

this period of time, she had been very close to Dan, and he listened to everything she said. She

guessed that he would definitely put her first.

In order to buy the chestnut cake in that shop, he would have to queue up for a while.

This bought her some time. She could rush home first, settle her matter with Fiona, and then deal with

Dan later.

“Hey, can’t you move your hands and feet quicker? It took you so long to move a few pieces-of-

Chapter 59

broken furniture!” Fiona shouted.

She stood in the residential building with an impatient and arrogant expression on her face. The

neighbors around were all talking about this beautiful girl.

She was good-looking, but she was also like a poisonous snake, her eyes full of schemes. They

guessed that she might be a daughter of the Fallon family and Jane’s elder sister. However, the two

sisters were so different in their approach to life.

“What are you looking at!” Fiona glared at them. “Only a group of poor people would be worthy of living

in this shabby pigeon cage!”

“Heh. you are so rich, right? Since you think this is a pigeon cage, why do you want to take back the

house? At least it’s a place to shelter them from the wind and rain. The Fallon family is rich and

powerful. Why do you need this small house?” one person said angrily.

“Who do you think you are? It’s none of your business! Get lost!” she shouted in response.

She was overbearing, and the neighbors could do nothing but clench their fists silently and hold back

their anger.

“Hurry up!” She vented her anger on the workers again. “These things are not so precious! So what if

you break them? And what’s in that broken box? Throw it away!”

At this time, Jane and Bailey rushed downstairs.

Although Jane didn’t know what was in the box, she had seen her mother cherish it. Even though she

was in the hospital and unconscious, she would occasionally wake up and had told her to take good

care of the box.

Jane rushed over, desperately knocked the workers to the side, and protected the box with her body.

“Don’t throw it away!” she shouted.

Seeing that it was Jane, Fiona was stunned for a moment before a sinister and mocking expression

immediately appeared on her face.

“Why can’t I throw it away? If this house is freed up, it will be my place in the future! How can there be

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someone else’s dirty things in my territory?”

“Nonsense!” Bailey stepped forward and pointed at Fiona and said. “This is our home. What you’re

doing is tre spas sing! I’ll call the police to arrest you!”

Jane looked at the mess on the ground. There was not much furniture in the house, and now it was

even more messy.

Her mother’s clothes were also taken out and stepped on by those people and were now covered with


Jane wanted to cry at the sight of this, her anger and aggression surging together.

She slowly stood up, stared at Fiona, and asked word by word, “Why did you do this? This is my


“Your home?” Fiona laughed and told her proudly, “That won’t be the case in the future! I need a studio

that’s not too close to the city center. Otherwise, it will be too noisy, but it can’t be too remote either.

Otherwise, life will be inconvenient. Heh, after so many choices, the location and size of this house are

just right, so Daddy has promised to give it to me!”

Jane clenched her fists tightly and tried her best not to tremble after hearing what Fiona said.

Heh, what a joke!

If Fiona wanted a studio, David could rent an entire floor of an office building for her in minutes.


Ye Husband Is A Secret Millionair

Why did she have to make such a big scene in this middle-class community?

Fiona had done this with the intention of forcing her and her mother into a dead end!

“Jane, I’m going to get someone to renovate it next. Everything in this house will have to be demoed.

and renovated!” Fiona looked at her coldly. “See if there’s anything you can’t bear to part with.

and take it out! Heh, I won’t let you down. Consider this a little token of my appreciation

Hurry up for you!”