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My Fabulous Girl Boss

Chapter 46
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Chapter 46 Jason reacted rapidly. He would respect Kayson if he only helped him cure his wife‘s illness,

but not to this extent.

After all, Kayson was related to the patriarch of the Tinsleys in Skyspring, so he did not dare to slight


Compared to Kayson, Trevor was nothing. Since Kayson was someone from the Wolfenden camp, it

went without saying that he would not be related to the Lawsons.

After listening to what he said, Kayson did not agree instantly. Instead, he asked, “I‘m currently in The

Tetrad. If I take over this, will it count as the achievement of my team?”

“Well...” Jason fell silent as he frowned tightly. “You‘re in the fourth project team? But I heard that The

Tetrad of Wolfenden Corp. is made up of the descendants of the board members in your company. They

are incompetent, so I‘m afraid that won‘t happen.”

Jason hesitated for a moment before continuing swiftly. “Besides, I won‘t have any say in the Westcity

Plot No. 8 after transferring the ownership to Wolfenden Corp. I‘m afraid the people in Wolfenden Corp.

won‘t let your team handle the plot either.”

Kayson was both helpless and speechless after hearing what Jason said. It seemed to him that the

“name” of The Tetrad had spread to other cities as well.

“Forget about it,” Kayson said after thinking for a while. “Can you let the general manager of Wolfenden

Corp., Ms. Sadie Wolfenden, sign the transfer of ownership of Plot No. 8? Besides, I want you to request

The Duo to handle the project.”

Jason was stunned. It was a bit difficult for him to do something like that since it was not his company. As

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an outsider, it was inappropriate for him to poke his nose into the affairs of another company. Seeing the

hesitation in Jason‘s face, Kayson looked at Yvette and said seriously, “It seems to me that there‘s

something not right with Mrs. Queen‘s body. Both of you don‘t have any

children yet, right?”

At that moment, not only Jason but even Yvette couldn‘t keep her composure.

“Dr. Yarde, are you saying that...” Yvette said, her voice shaking, while her eyes were filled with

excitement and nervousness.

“Maybe I can try and help you and Mr. Queen solve your problem.” Hearing what he said, Jason hastily

said, “If Wolfenden Corp. refuses to hand the Westcity Plot No. 8 to The Duo, I‘ll terminate the transfer of


Although he sounded calm, there was a spark of excitement at the bottom of his eyes. Kayson smiled

and replied, “Thank you very much, Mr. Queen.” Yvette could barely suppress her excitement. The

couple loved each other very much. Jason had a big family, and he was successful in his career.

However, they did not have any children despite having been married for many years, and it had been a

thorn in her heart.

She had sought help from many doctors, yet none of them could do anything

Although Jason did not say anything and treated her the same, she was guilt–ridden and felt she did not

deserve him.

She hadn‘t said anything, but Kayson could see through her mind. This was something that even

Zachary was not able to do. Even though the chance was slim, she would hold on tight to it.

At that moment, Jason‘s phone rang, and he answered it. It was a call from his assistant, telling him he

was downstairs with the things he had asked for. Soon, the items were delivered upstairs. There were

five of them, but there was one item that captured Kayson’s attention–a bracelet.

“Who gave you this?” Kayson asked as he pointed at the expensive bracelet.

“This bracelet?” Jason‘s expression changed. “It‘s a gift from Mr. Lawson for my wife.” “This is it. This

bracelet is the reason, I suggest you extract the substances on it for laboratory tests, Mr. Queen.”

Jason‘s face turned grim. He did not expect that the source of his wife‘s health problem would be

Trevor‘s gift. ‘How dare he do this to me?‘

“That‘s not necessary. I trust your judgment, Dr. Yarde!” Jason said sternly.

Jonathan looked at him and asked with a smile, “Mr. Queen, you aren‘t going to give something as

valuable as Plot No. 8 to Trevor just because of a bracelet, are you?” “Of course, I‘m not. Although this

bracelet is of great value, my wife has plenty of them,” Jason said with a rage–ridden voice. “I have been

down–and–out before, and people say that when they are in trouble, the ones who can lend a helping

hand are true friends.

“I don‘t know how, but Trevor got in touch with one of my friends that have helped me in the past, so I

had no other choice but to do him a favor.”

Jonathan let out a laugh and said, “I see!” He was able to understand it. The most difficult debt to pay in

this world was a debt of gratitude

Kayson reminded, “Mr. Queen, I don‘t believe that Trevor would have the guts to do something like that

to your wife. To be on the safe side, you should look into it first.”

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Jason looked at Kayson in gratitude and replied, “Sure! I will! Thank you very much, Dr. Yarde.”

“Kayson,” Zachary chimed in, “It‘s about time. Why don‘t you give Mrs. Queen a physical checkup and

then call it a day?” Both Jason and Yvette‘s hearts skipped a beat, and they became nervous. “Sure.”

Kayson nodded, and their hearts raced.

Yvette sat in front of Kayson and stretched her arm forward so that Kayson could feel her pulse.

Jason was beyond nervous, but he dared not make any noise as he was worried he might disturb

Kayson. He held his breath and waited for Kayson‘s diagnosis.

After roughly a minute, Kayson retracted his hand.

“Dr. Yarde, how is my wife? Is she... Can we still have babies?” asked Jason.

Yvette fixed her gaze at Kayson worriedly. Kayson nodded. “Don‘t worry. I know how to help your wife.”

“Really!?” replied Jason. He was so excited that he nearly jumped up from his chair. Yvette‘s eyes turned

red around the rims. She rose to her feet, and just when she was about to get on her knees, Kayson

stopped her. “What are you doing, Mrs. Queen?”

“Dr. Yarde, if you really can help me, I‘ll be in great debt to you.”

Seeing his wife‘s reaction, Jason spoke as well. “No, not only my wife but me and the entire Triumph

Land will be in great debt to you!”

“It‘s not a big problem. You don‘t have to do this,” Kayson said while shaking his head.

Both of them then got to their feet. Kayson then continued. “I‘ll perform the dry needling on Mr. Queen

later and prescribe her a few medicines.”

“Okay!” Jason replied excitedly while nodding. Jonathan took a deep breath inwardly when he saw how

respectful Jason was to Kayson despite his social status.

‘If Yvette can get pregnant, I‘m afraid he‘ll treat him even more respectfully. It seems like I must be more

alert and seize the opportunity myself.‘