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My Ex-wife's Hidden Personalities

Chapter 1
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Chapter 1 You Can Have as Much Money as You Want

Late at night, Freya Kaufmann was already sound asleep when she suddenly felt her clothes being

pulled off. She opened her eyes with fright.

It was Radley Monaghan, her legal husband.

The man’s expression remained cold as usual. Even though they were doing the most intimate thing

together at the moment, he couldn’t even spare a gentle expression for her.

They had been married for two years, but the number of times where he had come home had not

exceeded ten.

Freya’s face turned pale. She bit her lips as she tried to recall her memories, but her consciousness

gradually dissipated. She eventually passed out under Radley’s unrestrained plunder.

The next morning, sunlight shone through the slits of the curtains onto the bed. Freya slowly woke up

as she felt soreness all over her body. She smiled bitterly.

Turning her head, she found that the spot next to her was already cold.

Radley had left long ago.

She had gotten used to it.

Freya got up from bed. The soreness all over her body that was hard to ignore made her movements

slow. She picked up the clothes on the bedside and got changed, then tidied up the messy bed.


A faint sound was heard from behind her.

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Freya turned around and saw Radley, dressed formally in a suit and leather shoes, opening the door

and coming in.

Men who had been in high positions for a long time always had a cool and arrogant look in their eyes,

as well as an innate nobility and dominance.

Freya was surprised. “You haven’t gone to work yet?”

“Take this.” Radley ignored her question but handed her what he had in his hand instead.

Freya took it unconsciously and looked down as she turned the packaging box over, only then did she

see the words on it.

Contraceptive pills.

Unintentionally, she squeezed the package tight as she lowered her head and said softly, “Radley, I

don’t want to take it…I…”

“Take it.” Radley frowned and interrupted Freya immediately before she could finish her sentence.

He hated her submissive and acquiescence look.

Freya’s eyes dimmed, and she pursed her lips.

She opened the packaging box and took out a pill, then picked up the glass of water that had been left

overnight on the bedside, and swallowed the pill with the remaining water in the glass.

She didn’t want to take them.

She was allergic to contraceptive pills.

Taking them would cause rashes over her.

But Radley didn’t know.

He didn’t care about her, what was the point of saying it?

Freya put the water glass back. Before she had the time to stand up straight again, she heard the

man’s cold voice again. “Freya, let’s get a divorce.”

The harsh words pierced Freya’s ears. She looked at him incredulously. It took her a long time before

she finally regained her voice and asked with difficulty, “Why now…”

Tomorrow…would be our second wedding anniversary.

Radley’s voice was calm and indifferent, and his words were straightforward and cruel. “Freya, you

know that I don’t love you.”

“I married you because I needed a marriage partner, and you were obedient enough, that’s all.”


“She’s back.”

She’s back.

In fact, Freya didn’t know who “she” was.

But she had accidentally seen the photo in Radley’s wallet and had heard the name that Radley

unconsciously mumbled at night.

Freya’s eyes turned red, and she instinctively reached for his sleeve.

Radley ruthlessly avoided her grasp and said bluntly, “You can have as much money as you want.”

Freya’s hand froze mid-air as she stammered, “Is this how you see me?”

So, he thinks I married him just for his money?

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Radley frowned.

Did you not?

He remembered how happy she was when he gave her the secondary card to his bank account.

“The villas on the outskirts will also be put under your name. Get ready and go to the city hall this

afternoon.” After he spoke, his phone rang.

He quickly took out his phone and glanced at it, his eyebrows and eyes softened. “It’s all settled. Wait

for a while, and I’ll be there soon.”

After hanging up the phone, he didn’t say anything more and left.

Freya stumbled down the stairs like a walking corpse and left the house.

The servant worriedly stopped her and asked, “Madam, what’s wrong? Where are you going?”

Freya’s voice was hoarse as she answered, “I’m just going out for a walk by myself. I’m fine.”

She wandered on the street aimlessly, not knowing where to go, but she knew that if she stayed in that

house any longer, she would suffocate!

At this moment, her phone vibrated.

Someone sent her a picture.

Freya instinctively bit her lip.

In the picture, a slender woman was clinging to a man tightly. They were embracing each other,

intimately entwined.

Her heart hurt so much as if it was about to burst.

Freya bit her lips until they bled. She felt cold all over, and she was trembling.

Her gaze became unfocused, and somehow, she walked across the street in a daze.

Suddenly, a passerby waiting for the traffic light shouted, “Watch out!”

Before Freya could react, she was hit by a truck and thrown into the air.