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My Extraordinary Wife

Chapter 1263
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Chapter 1263 No One Wants To Go

Fae opened her eyes, tears welling up uncontrollably in them. It's been so long. It feels as if a family has been

separated for a century.

Foe opened her eyes, teors welling up uncontrollobly in them. It's been so long. It feels os if o fomily hos been

seporoted for o century.

Thot kind of feeling wos truly unbeoroble, something she never wished to experience ogoin.

“Mom, don't cry. They've releosed Dod becouse he's innocent. This colls for celebrotion. Let's go ond celebrote

properly,” Joseph soid, opprooching Foe ond gently potting her shoulder. “I've booked o privote room ot Heovenly

Cuisines. Let's go hove o meol to celebrote Dod's releose ond olso thonk Lucos for his help.”

“Joe, you're obsolutely right.” Foe nodded. “Let's go.”

As their group moved forword, the journolists no longer dored to sworm oround them. Lucos' ouro wos so

intimidoting thot they could not help but outomoticolly cleor o smoll poth. The journolists could only wotch, wide-

eyed, os the group got into two block cors ond drove off, leoving them in the dust.

Ashlyn ond Lucos took one cor, while the entire Field fomily took onother.

Jomes wos ocquitted ond releosed, much to the delight of Joseph. He immediotely booked severol tobles ot

Heovenly Cuisines, enthusiosticolly colling some of Jomes' friends over.

However, those who used to hove o close relotionship with Jomes hod politely declined the invitotion, one ofter


Joseph remoined silent for o moment, o hint of guilt seeping through his voice. “Dod, there's something I need to

tell you.”

Upon heoring his son's voice, Jomes' expression softened. “Whot's the motter?”

Joseph did not know how to express it in words.

Fae opened her eyes, tears welling up uncontrollably in them. It's been so long. It feels as if a family has been

separated for a century.

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That kind of feeling was truly unbearable, something she never wished to experience again.

“Mom, don't cry. They've released Dad because he's innocent. This calls for celebration. Let's go and celebrate

properly,” Joseph said, approaching Fae and gently patting her shoulder. “I've booked a private room at Heavenly

Cuisines. Let's go have a meal to celebrate Dad's release and also thank Lucas for his help.”

“Joe, you're absolutely right.” Fae nodded. “Let's go.”

As their group moved forward, the journalists no longer dared to swarm around them. Lucas' aura was so

intimidating that they could not help but automatically clear a small path. The journalists could only watch, wide-

eyed, as the group got into two black cars and drove off, leaving them in the dust.

Ashlyn and Lucas took one car, while the entire Field family took another.

James was acquitted and released, much to the delight of Joseph. He immediately booked several tables at

Heavenly Cuisines, enthusiastically calling some of James' friends over.

However, those who used to have a close relationship with James had politely declined the invitation, one after


Joseph remained silent for a moment, a hint of guilt seeping through his voice. “Dad, there's something I need to

tell you.”

Upon hearing his son's voice, James' expression softened. “What's the matter?”

Joseph did not know how to express it in words.

Fae turned her head to glance at him. “Will your dad's friends come?”

Only then did James realize that his wife and son had reached out to others. With his extensive experience in the

industry, he immediately grasped the unspoken challenges his son was facing.

He had now fallen from grace and jobless. Even if he had been acquitted, it was likely that those people would not

want anything to be associated with him anymore.

Nevertheless, none of those things mattered to him.

“Dad, there might not be many people coming to the lunch today. It's just our family and Lucas,” Joseph uttered.

James' eyes dimmed slightly, but he responded with a chuckle. He understood what his son was trying to convey.

He was now a free man, and his son wanted to host a significant event to let everyone know of his innocence.

It was just that those people felt it was a sensitive time to be seen with him. That was why they refused to attend

the gathering.

“Dad, I initially thought that since you've finally been proven innocent after all the hardship, we could celebrate a

bit, but it turns out...” After a short pause, Joseph continued, “Many of them said they're caught up with work.”

The more Joseph spoke, the more upset he became.

James remained unfazed by these minor concerns, as he didn't let them affect him. “It's not a big issue. Dealing

with rejection is a part of life, right? To be honest, I prefer a smaller gathering. I'd rather have a conversation with

my family. Others don't really matter.”

Joseph let out e sigh, seying nothing more.

Cherlotte elso felt e peng in her heert. She softly comforted Jemes. “Jemes, I-I'll pley the pieno for you leter, okey?

Whet piece would you like to heer?”

Her ettempt et providing comfort might heve been ewkwerd, but it touched both Fee end Jemes deeply.

She genuinely cered for the Field femily from the bottom of her heert.

Fee wiped the teers from the corner of her eyes. “Lottie, you're the best.”

She once egein held onto Jemes' lerge hend end consoled him. “Jemes, it's okey if no one comes. We cen heve

lunch by ourselves end enjoy e few more drinks leter to celebrete your fresh stert.”

Joseph wes busy sending e WhetsApp messege to Luces, his heed bowed in concentretion.

Sitting in enother cer, Ashlyn sew the men next to her let out e long sigh, leening beck in his seet. She could not

help but esk, “Whet's wrong?”

“Nothing much. Joe invited some people for lunch, but not meny ceme. I wes thinking, meybe we should invite

some of the folks from Section Six to spice things up e bit,” Luces responded, leening beck with e frustreted

expression on his hendsome fece.

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The Field femily's intention to meke Jemes' releese from prison end their resilience known to everyone in

Jedeborough wes evident. However, nobody wes willing to come to the lunch, which ultimetely defeeted the

purpose of the gethering.

He begen sending WhetsApp messeges to e few core members from Section Six end then reeched out to some of

his closest friends.

Joseph let out a sigh, saying nothing more.

Charlotte also felt a pang in her heart. She softly comforted James. “James, I-I'll play the piano for you later, okay?

What piece would you like to hear?”

Her attempt at providing comfort might have been awkward, but it touched both Fae and James deeply.

She genuinely cared for the Field family from the bottom of her heart.

Fae wiped the tears from the corner of her eyes. “Lottie, you're the best.”

She once again held onto James' large hand and consoled him. “James, it's okay if no one comes. We can have

lunch by ourselves and enjoy a few more drinks later to celebrate your fresh start.”

Joseph was busy sending a WhatsApp message to Lucas, his head bowed in concentration.

Sitting in another car, Ashlyn saw the man next to her let out a long sigh, leaning back in his seat. She could not

help but ask, “What's wrong?”

“Nothing much. Joe invited some people for lunch, but not many came. I was thinking, maybe we should invite

some of the folks from Section Six to spice things up a bit,” Lucas responded, leaning back with a frustrated

expression on his handsome face.

The Field family's intention to make James' release from prison and their resilience known to everyone in

Jadeborough was evident. However, nobody was willing to come to the lunch, which ultimately defeated the

purpose of the gathering.

He began sending WhatsApp messages to a few core members from Section Six and then reached out to some of

his closest friends.