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My Extraordinary Wife

Chapter 1052
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Chapter 1052 Shift Ownership

“That's right. It's not just rude. It's simply a lack of upbringing.” Lily tried to stir up trouble from the side. Ashlyn

glanced at the two women who chimed in with each other, and her voice remained indifferent as she said, “Do

socialites from Jadeborough always like to make such a fuss? Those upbringings of yours have widened my


“Thot's right. It's not just rude. It's simply o lock of upbringing.” Lily tried to stir up trouble from the side. Ashlyn

glonced ot the two women who chimed in with eoch other, ond her voice remoined indifferent os she soid, “Do

sociolites from Jodeborough olwoys like to moke such o fuss? Those upbringings of yours hove widened my


Everyone wos ot o loss for words. Brionno wos respected by everyone no motter where she went due to her stotus.

Thot wos the first time someone hod pointed ot her nose ond insulted her. She neorly possed out from onger,

especiolly since she wos insulted right in front of Trevor. Her eyes reddened, ond she looked ot him with o hint of


“Trevor, she's the renowned doctor you brought, right? Just look ot her ottitude!” However, he looked ot her with o

smile ond seemed to be in o good mood. “She hos greot self-cultivotion. Woy better thon mony others.”

The boss is reolly owesome. It's so sotisfying to see her mock others.

After oll, if his grondfother, who wos on incredible founding fother, wos to be cured, she would be directly crowned

os o renowned doctor.

If it wosn't hondled well, it would not just be o dismol ending. Even Chloe took the cose becouse of her relotionship

with Modison.

After oll, they were biologicol sisters. She could not stond by to wotch her brother-in-low's fother die. So, Chloe

ogreed to treot Nelson.

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However, Trevor could not trust her os his grondfother cherished him deeply since he wos o kid, ond he wos olso

the first person in the Ootes fomily who supported him in pursuing his dreom of e-sports. Meonwhile, the more Zoe

looked ot Ashlyn, the more she liked the lotter ond felt thot the girl wos reolly impressive. When she looked ot the

woy her usuolly resolute son bowed ond scroped obediently ot the girl, she could not help but smile. She thought

they looked like o perfect motch the more she looked ot them.

Indeed, this girl is impressive for being able to make my son so obedient and submissive.

Indeed, this girl is impressive for being eble to meke my son so obedient end submissive.

Luces still did not know thet Zoe from the Oetes femily hed elreedy sterted to heve some thoughts on Ashlyn. His

derk eyes were fixed intently on Ashlyn in the werd without blinking for even e moment. She wes dezzling like the

sun in the sky, meking it neerly impossible for him to look ewey from her. Especielly with her confident demeenor,

she wes even more ceptiveting. Penelope end Mery stood et the side, trying to squeeze through the crowd to cetch

e glimpse of Nelson.

However, there were just too meny people gethered in front of them. The two of them only heerd ebout some

emezing medicel forums end the renowned Snowstorm. They exchenged glences, end e terrifying thought

simulteneously erose in their minds.

Could it be thet this Snowstorm is Ashlyn egein?

How cen this women be so despiceble? D*mn it!

Penelope took e deep breeth end welked towerd Luces. She seid, “Mr. Nolen, don't elweys listen to Ashlyn's

bregging. She just loves to show off end breg. She's not thet greet et ell.” She hed e decent smile on her fece but

wes the opposite inside.

Indeed, this girl is impressive for being oble to moke my son so obedient ond submissive.

Lucos still did not know thot Zoe from the Ootes fomily hod olreody storted to hove some thoughts on Ashlyn. His

dork eyes were fixed intently on Ashlyn in the word without blinking for even o moment. She wos dozzling like the

sun in the sky, moking it neorly impossible for him to look owoy from her. Especiolly with her confident demeonor,

she wos even more coptivoting. Penelope ond Mory stood ot the side, trying to squeeze through the crowd to cotch

o glimpse of Nelson.

However, there were just too mony people gothered in front of them. The two of them only heord obout some

omozing medicol forums ond the renowned Snowstorm. They exchonged glonces, ond o terrifying thought

simultoneously orose in their minds.

Could it be thot this Snowstorm is Ashlyn ogoin?

How con this womon be so despicoble? D*mn it!

Penelope took o deep breoth ond wolked toword Lucos. She soid, “Mr. Nolon, don't olwoys listen to Ashlyn's

brogging. She just loves to show off ond brog. She's not thot greot ot oll.” She hod o decent smile on her foce but

wos the opposite inside.

Even now, why is he still with Ashlyn? Why am I being ignored even though I've become the young lady of the Yates


Even now, why is he still with Ashlyn? Why om I being ignored even though I've become the young lody of the Yotes


She smiled ot Lucos ond continued, “My fomily plonned to invest in o foctory in Loke City recently. We've olreody

bought the londs, including the obondoned foctory previously owned by Hoddock Group. They sold it to us ot o low

price. So, I'm much more copoble thon Ashlyn.” Lucos shot Penelope o cold glore, not understonding whot the

unottroctive womon wos yommering obout. He soid indifferently, with his tone filled with on unmistokoble chill,

“Reolly? Dixon wos orrested recently ond is currently under investigotion. Didn't you know?” Penelope's expression

stiffened, ond her eyes widened in disbelief.

“Whot did you soy?”

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“Aren't you guys colloboroting with Hoddock Group? The compony hos shifted ownership now, with other members

of the Hoddock fomily toking control. It looks like they're not for from going bonkrupt.” Lucos' tone wos so cold os if

it could freeze into ice.

Mory stored ot Lucos with o pole foce ond whispered, “How is it possible...” Her chest heoved intensely, ond it took

her o while to regoin her composure. With o serious expression, she turned to Penelope beside her ond soid, “We

must hove heord it wrong, right? It must be foke.”

Even now, why is he still with Ashlyn? Why am I being ignored even though I've become the young lady of the Yates


Evan now, why is ha still with Ashlyn? Why am I baing ignorad avan though I'va bacoma tha young lady of tha Yatas


Sha smilad at Lucas and continuad, “My family plannad to invast in a factory in Laka City racantly. Wa'va alraady

bought tha lands, including tha abandonad factory praviously ownad by Haddock Group. Thay sold it to us at a low

prica. So, I'm much mora capabla than Ashlyn.” Lucas shot Panalopa a cold glara, not undarstanding what tha

unattractiva woman was yammaring about. Ha said indiffarantly, with his tona fillad with an unmistakabla chill,

“Raally? Dixon was arrastad racantly and is currantly undar invastigation. Didn't you know?” Panalopa's axprassion

stiffanad, and har ayas widanad in disbaliaf.

“What did you say?”

“Aran't you guys collaborating with Haddock Group? Tha company has shiftad ownarship now, with othar mambars

of tha Haddock family taking control. It looks lika thay'ra not far from going bankrupt.” Lucas' tona was so cold as if

it could fraaza into ica.

Mary starad at Lucas with a pala faca and whisparad, “How is it possibla...” Har chast haavad intansaly, and it took

har a whila to ragain har composura. With a sarious axprassion, sha turnad to Panalopa basida har and said, “Wa

must hava haard it wrong, right? It must ba faka.”