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My Beloved Has Risen from Death’s Embrace

Chapter 485
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Chapter 485

Isabella looked at her impersonal expression, the light in her eyes slowly dimming.

“Sorry, Xanthea, | owe you an apology, a real one.”

An apology? For wanting to surpass her in the entertainment industry, and for the lie about handing over those

scandalous photos of Matthew and Miranda?

Initially, she did resent her, for playing her and almost causing her to hurt and miss out on Orion. But, she soon

realized that missing Orion was an impossibility, and the one who really hurt Orion was herself all along..

On the contrary, she had subtly hinted at the true nature of Matthew and Miranda's relationship.

And with that, she let it go. At most, she was just a bit too fond of imitating others, which was annoying.

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“No need, it’s not about you.”

“Actually.” Isabella said, slightly lowering her head and clutching the hem of her shirt, “back in middle school, |

imitated you and competed with you because | had a crush on Samuel.”


Xanthea’s eyebrows twitched, doubting her own ears for a moment before she finally understood.

Back in middle school, Samuel was the president of the student council, always in the spotlight during school

events, known for his charm and flirting around. Half the girls in school secretly had a crush on him, so it was

normal for her to like him.

But, she struggled to understand the logic. If she liked Samuel, shouldn't she also like everything associated with

him, including her? Why compete and imitate her instead?

“At first, | didn’t know you were his sister. | just saw that he ignored everyone but was exceptionally nice to you. |

was envious and jealous, so | started imitating you, trying to get his attention. Later, | found out the truth, but

she couldn't stop.

Her beautiful appearance, bright and genuine personality, innate charm and elegance - she admired it all,

wanting to emulate her, surpass her, to be recognized by her as more than just a copycat, almost like an


Tm sorry, truly sorry. My selfishness over the years has caused you so much trouble.”

“And the reason you trickedinto the entertainment industry, competed withon the show, was because of


She nodded. Xanthea was shocked. She had harbored a crush on Samuel for so many years.

“I remember, for Samuel's birthday, he received an anonymous music box with a dancing figurine and

handwriting very similar to mine. Was that from you too?”

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“Holding onto this secret for so many years, why tellall this now? Hoping for my forgiveness, planning to

confess to Samuel?” “No.” Isabella shook her head, Tm not planning to confess to Mr. Nightshade anymore.”

“Why not?”

“He doesn’t like me.”

Past, present, he never did, and probably didn’t even remember her.

From the beginning to the end, it was just her one-sided affection. Even, he disliked her for imitating Xanthea.

Xanthea said, “You've gone through all this effort to imitate me, carrying the feelings for him for so many years,

and now you don’t even have the courage to confess?”

“Yeah.” Isabella looked down, “Not everyone can be like Orion, who, despite being disliked and rejected, can

continue to love and wait unwaveringly for years.”

Tve cto terms with it, not losing myself over someone anymore or being an annoying copycat. As for the

rest, I'll just let things take their course. Xanthea, will you accept my apology?”