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Mine – The Alpha's Possession by Kylie

Chapter 28
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I didn’t come out of my room for the rest

of the night. But I got up early the next

morning and I went downstairs, and I got a coffee and I sat outside watching the patrols running through

the woods. I had a lot of crap going through my head at the

moment. My mate was inside and my ex. Could this possibly be any more awkward.

I heard someone in the house behind me

and not long after that I heard someone coming out the back door.

“Ethan.” I say without looking at him.

“So, you and Alpha Jackson.” He says.

“What’s that supposed to mean?” I asked looking at him sternly.

“Well, you went straight from me to the

new Alpha of this pack. You move pretty quickly.” He says looking out at the


“Are you calling me a fucking slut?” I snapped at him.

“Well, we weren’t apart that long and you’re already getting it on with the

Alpha. I know that you are. He warned me

to stay away from you last night.” Ethan


“Whatever Alpha Jackson and I have is none of your business. You disappeared without telling me. You

didn’t think I was going to try and call? A simple heads up that you were going to be unreachable would

have been good.” I say.

“I guess I could have done that. I thought you’d be too busy getting reconnected with your old friends.”

He says.

“Well, apparently not that busy.” I say. Ethan stood there not saying anything, just looking out into the

woods. I knew

that he wanted to say something, but he was wondering whether or not to say it. I

knew him too well for him to just be

standing there.

“What’s going on here?” Jackson asked coming out behind Ethan and I saw Ethan jump and move away

from Jackson. I just

looked at the both of them and I looked

away at the woods again. I can’t believe

that he told Ethan to stay away from me.

Jackson doesn’t want me, but he doesn’t

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

want another guy to have me either.

Typical man.

“We were just talking.” Ethan answered


“Well, I’d appreciate it if you stayed the

hell away from my mate.” Jackson says.

And I looked up at him sceptically.

“Mate. Why didn’t you tell me?” Ethan

asked looking at me. And I just shrugged

me shoulders. I didn’t need to justify

myself to either of these men.

So, I just got up and went back inside. I

took my coffee to my room, and I had a

shower and got dressed. I made sure that I had everything ready for school before I

went back downstairs, and I washed out my coffee cup and put it in the drying


Jackson and Ethan were both in the kitchen, but I didn’t bother saying

anything to either of them and I left the

packhouse and started walking to school.

When I got there, I ran into principal Sawyer. It actually looked like he was waiting for me. He asked me

to come into his office, so I followed him to his office and he closed the door behind him.

“Alright. Whatever you heard, I didn’t do it.” I say just assuming that I was in trouble.

“You’re not in trouble.” He says.

“Wow. That’s a first.” I say sitting down

and putting my bag on the floor.

“I have a new curriculum for you.” He

says handing me a booklet and I started looking through it.

“Are you serious? What about the advanced classes that I’m already in?” I


“Well, I was asked to give you this. It was already made up and waiting on my desk for me this morning.”

He explained looking away from me. I knew that Jackson was behind this. Because I told him that I was

leaving. He was trying to stop me from leaving.

He really didn’t want me to have

anything to do with anyone else. He

doesn’t want me but he doesn’t want

anyone else to have me. I hit my hand on the desk.

“It was Jackson, wasn’t it?” I asked…

“I can’t tell you that.” He says after the

sudden scare that I just gave him. And he could obviously see how angry I was. My wolf was trying not to

come forward and I was fighting her to stay back.

“Listen to me. If he thinks changing my studying is going to keep me here, then

he is definitely mistaken. These are

college classes that he wants me to take.

It will just help me graduate college a lot

sooner and the further away from here I

can get.” I snapped at him and I grabbed

my bag and stormed out of his office.

What an asshole. How the hell did he

really think that this was going to keep me here. He knows that I can still do this. And I will do it just to

piss him off. He should know that by now. If someone

tells me not to do something or that I can’t do something, then I do it just to prove them wrong.

I went outside and I sat on at a table and started looking through my new

curriculum and I pulled out my phone

and started researching these courses

online to see how much detail needs to

actually go into them. And I was right the whole time, it was to keep me here longer.

These courses were going to take forever

to complete.

When kids started arriving at school, because I was here so damn early, I saw Jackson walking down the


talking to a female staff member, but all the students were still moving to the side

bowing to him as he walked past.

So, I got up and went inside the glass doors and down the hallway and when I

finally caught Jackson and the teacher, I

grabbed the teacher from behind and

spun her around and punched her

directly in the face before she even had a chance to react. Which obviously got the attention of

absolutely everyone else that was in the hallway. And pretty soon, I saw more kids run to the ends of the

hallways as their friends were mind linking them.

“Taylor. What the fuck are you doing?” Jackson screamed at me helping the

teacher up.

“Oh nothing. I just don’t like you talking to another female.” I announced firmly.

“This is not the time or the place?” He

asked. And I threw the booklet of my new

curriculum at him and he caught it.

“What the fuck is that then? You don’t

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

want me but no one else can have me. I

talk about leaving town so you do

everything you can to stop me from going. ” I yelled at him.

“Why don’t we take this to my office?” He


“I’m fine right here.” I stated refusing to

move a muscle.

“Why are you doing this?” He asked

trying to calm himself down.

“I’m not the one doing it. You are.” I


“So what if I don’t want you to leave town. That’s the only way I could think of to keep you here for the

moment. This curriculum wasn’t going to be forever.” He says shaking the book at me.

“Why not? At least by the time I graduate high school then I’ll also be halfway through college as well. It’ll

make it even easier to get the hell away from you. And further away from you.” I screamed getting closer

to him.

“Tell your wolf to back down.” He

demanded as my eyes were obviously changing colour.

“No. For once, Ava can stay. You’re hurting her more than you’re hurting me.

“I say.

“I told you to tell her to back down.” He screamed. And although I felt his Alpha aura rush past me, I

wasn’t sure that’s what it actually was until everyone else in

the hallway started to drop to their knees in pain except for me.

“You already know that shit doesn’t fucking work on me. So, you may as well drop the Aura. You’re only

hurting them. “I say calmly staring him in the eye. But he looked furious. He looked like he was

really ready to hurt someone but I didn’t care. I didn’t back down and I stood my

ground, right in his face.

It took a few seconds but he dropped the

Aura on everyone that was in the hallway

but he was still looking at me with that murderous glint in his eye.

“What the hell is your problem?” He


“I already told you. You don’t want me, but you don’t want anyone else to have me either. Is that why you

haven’t told anyone that we’re Mates? Because you still don’t know if you’re going to reject me or not?” I

asked. And I heard a

collective gasp coming from the audience and Jackson looked around at everyone that was watching us.

“We’ll discuss this later.” He said

through gritted teeth.

“Go to hell.” I say turning around and

storming out of the building.