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Meeting The One For Me

Chapter 57
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Chapter 57

Audrey gave a thousand dollars to Eda, asking her to help take care of Harper for half a month.

Eda agreed to help but refused to accept the money. “Harper is a good girl. She always helps things upstairs and

also cleans the house forat Christmas.

“I'm happy to look after her. Please don’t worry about the money. It’s no trouble to cook a meal for two. Besides,

with her company, an old lady like ine won't be lonely!”

“Mrs. Hughes, | know you are kind, but this is a token of my appreciation.” Audrey put the money in Eda’s hand.

“Please accept it.”

In the end, Eda could only accept it.

Before leaving for the airport on Tuesday morning, Audrey repeatedly reminded Harper, “Remember to call me

every day. Don’t forget to check the gas and door locks before leaving the house and going to bed every day.”

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With a schoolbag on her back, Harper nodded obediently and opened the taxi door for Audrey.

“I'm leaving. Ask Mrs. Hughes to callif you need anything.”

Harper signed with a smile. “Don’t worry.”

As soon as the plane landed, Audrey received a text message from Harper.

She tirelessly reminded Harper to stay safe and eat well before taking the airport bus back to Cloudmill


Once she reached the school, Audrey headed straight to the laboratory to check the data without even returning

to her dormitory.

Coming over with a glass of water, Daphne saw Audrey frown at the data on the screen and asked, ” What's


“I think the data generated by the computer doesn’t match that of our three practical experiments in the past

three years.” Audrey turned around and said, “I'll run it again with a quantum computer.”

“It's already nine o'clock!” Daphne quickly said, “The quantum computer will likely run it until tomorrow

morning. Not to mention, you can’t leave once it starts...”

“It’s okay!” Audrey sorted out the experimental data and records at hand with a smile, rising with a heavy pile of

files in her arms. “The sooner the data comes out, the earlier we can tackle the problem.” Looking at Audrey's

hastily leaving figure, Daphne couldn't help but sigh. “Audrey is so energetic!”

“It’s not that she’s energetic. It's because her adoptive mother died suddenly.

“When her sister was around before, she acted tough to deal with things at home. Now that she suddenly

relaxed, she'd dwell on grief if she didn’t find something to do.”

Chapter 57


Azure stood in front of the water dispenser. “When my grandmother passed away, | had to keep myself occupied.

Once | had toff, I'd feel depressed!”

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

“Then, after Audrey is done checking the data, let's find smore work for her lest she be idle!” Daphne said.

“You should change your nto Devil!” A male senior turned around, joking with a grin. “Let's just not let

Audrey be alone. She will be less likely to fall into bad moods when the atmosphere is lively. Justin, you can

organize something!”

Looking down at the microscope, Justin smiled and said, “Our teacher has poached Joseph Gought from abroad.

Are you worried that it won't be lively with him here?”

“But | heard the old geezer talking on the phone this afternoon. It seems Joseph won't cto the laboratory

until after Christmas.” Daphne curled her lips.

“I heard he’s going to help his cousin prepare for a proposal ceremony, as well as celebrate Christmas and visit

relatives, and so on. He's not even taking the laboratory seriously.

Audrey stayed in the laboratory all night without returning to the dormitory. At dawn, she saw Harper's message

with an emoticon, saying she was going to school.

Looking at the data printing, Audrey put her phone on the printer and rubbed the back of her neck in
