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Meeting The One For Me

Chapter 296
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Chapter 296

Lyra nodded. “I didn’t expect you to care so much about those two children.”

“Of course, they're my children!” Nathan replied, grabbing his phone and preparing to


“Is there another problem with Evergreen Biotech? | know the person in charge of Evergreen Biotech’s Cascadia

region, Taylor, and also...” Lyra paused here, and she picked up her coffee cup. “I'm quite familiar with the

founder of Evergreen Biotech. | can assist if you need any help. You should know that Taylor was also invited to

my uncle's birthday banquet.”

Hearing Lyra mention her relationship with the founder of Evergreen Biotech, Nathan's grip on his phone


But considering the woman before him had malicious intentions, he said, “We'll talk about it if necessary.”

Lyra watched Nathan's departing figure with a cold smirk.

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Anyone would naturally feel close to those who shared their blood-except for George, who was simply confused

and couldn't distinguish between family and outsiders.

Lyra picked up her bag and headed outside, dialing Noah's number. “Have you arranged the mid-year report

meeting for the board of directors at 10:00 am?

“Don’t worry,” Noah replied nonchalantly. “You've spent so much money buying shares from us, totaling exactly

ten percent. You can attend! But we agreed, once you secure the position of Chief Financial Officer at Lambert

Corporation, you'll givefive percent of


Lyra smirked. “Are you still worried I'll break our written agreement?”

At 9:00 am, Ryan introduced Audrey during the weekly morning meeting.

Audrey quickly transitioned into work mode. After briefly standing up to introduce: herself as Audrey Lambert,

she got down to business.

“I've reviewed the market analysis and sales strategies presented by the Electronics Department and the Sales

Department last week. There's a point I'd like to address.” Sitting to Ryan's right, Audrey spoke at a moderate

pace, enunciating clearly.

Based on the analysis from the Marketing Department and the latest research reports, she refuted the sales

strategies proposed by the Sales Department.

Audrey proposed a higher budget and requested that the Sales Department collaborate with the Marketing

Department to revise the strategy.

She emphasized using emotional appeal as the main focus-along with local collaboration-to launch a Domestic

Brands Cultural Festival.

She insisted that all brands under the Lambert Corporation participate and, if possible, involve other domestic

brands as well.

“The current enthusiasm for domestic brands is not yet high, but it's steadily increasing. Leading this wave of

joint efforts among domestic brands is the most appropriate for Lambert Corporation. We can create a national


The Director of the Marketing Department responded quickly, “We can have the proposal ready within three

days, and our department will contact other traditional domestic brands right after the meeting.”

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After the meeting adjourned, Ryan stood up and gestured to Audrey. “Cto

“Okay,” Audrey replied, handing her belongings to her assistant.

As the Marketing and Sales directors exited the meeting room, they commented, “Ms. Lambert's market insight

is impressive! Ever since she returned from Meplaria and successfully developed her own product, | knew she

would lead the trend of domestic manufacturing and brands.

“I mentioned utilizing this trend over dinner before, but you didn’t believe me.”

The Sales Director frowned. “I actually quite liked the product-proposed by our Electronics Department. The

required budget isn’t too high, but Ms. Lambert just wants to make a big splash as a newcomer! Her enthusiasm

is directed mostly at our two departments.”

Once inside the office, Audrey watched as Ryan instructed Julian, “Make sure no one

comes in.”

“Understood!” Julian responded.

As soon as Julian closed the door, Audrey was pulled into Ryan's embrace as he stood. leaning against the edge

of the large desk.