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Meet My Brothers by Red Thirteen

Chapter 465
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Chapter 465

Mia’s eyes widened in disbelief as she watched Timothy rip apart the prenuptial

agreement. “What on

earth are you doing?”

She couldn’t believe that Timothy had actually torn up the agreement!

Clutching the torn documents tightly, Timothy firmly stated, “We don’t need this


Mia couldn’t help but detect a familiar tone in Timothy’s voice, reminiscent of their

conversation at the


She quickly lowered her head. “Even if this document didn’t exist, I wouldn’t want a penny

from you, Let’s just go to the courthouse this week.”

As Mia was about to leave, her wrist was suddenly grasped by someone, their palm

unusually warm,

Her heart raced, and she felt a slight flush as she asked, “What are you doing?”

Timothy’s voice lowered as he spoke, “Mia, I’ve realized that I misunderstood you. I wasn’t

aware of this

prenuptial agreement. I don’t see a reason for us to divorce.”

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Mia stood frozen in place, utterly stunned by his words.

Eventually, she lifted her gaze, a hint of resignation showing in her smile. “Had I heard

those words six months ago, or even just a few months back, I would have been

overjoyed. But now…”

“What’s changed?” Timothy asked. Observing Mia’s smile, Timothy felt a growing sense of


settling in.

Her gaze remained firm as she responded, “Now, I’m convinced that divorce is the right


“If it’s about the twins, there’s no need for concern. I’ve promised to care for them as if

they were my own, and I intend to honor that commitment!” Timothy reassured her.

Mia shook her head. “While the children are a factor, they’re not the primary concern.

Timothy, I married

you because I truly liked you back then.

“Now, I’m looking for a marriage that isn’t just about settling, but one where there’s real


between husband and wife.”

Timothy met her gaze. “If you’re expecting me to fall in love with you, I can’t promise that.

However, as Mrs. Barett, you’ll have all the authority and privileges, sharing in everything

I possess!”

From his perspective, sharing mutual benefits was the cornerstone of maintaining a


“But that’s not what I want,” Mia insisted. “I want to marry for love, above all else.”

Mia understood that Timothy wasn’t considering a divorce now because of Laura, yet she

wasn’t willing


to make compromises.

Eventually, Timothy became silent.

Mia withdrew her hand. “Mr. Barrett, it’s best if we part ways amicably.”

Upon hearing her words, Timothy tugged at his tie, feeling a wave of uncertainty unlike

any he had experienced before.

He desperately wanted to hold onto Mia, yet he realized that despite his efforts, he

couldn’t persuade her to stay.

Dealing with emotions was uncharted territory for Timothy, leaving him too uncertain to

offer any


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Unable to hold back any longer, Timothy finally asked, “So, is this why you’re in such a

hurry to finish your credits? So you can return to Nord City with Connor and the twins?”

As Timothy voiced his thoughts, Mia’s expression betrayed unease. How had Timothy

become aware of her plans?

Observing her reaction, Timothy recognized that he had struck a chord. Yet, despite this,

he felt even more powerless.

“Mia, the Lane family’s situation is far more complex than my family’s. Moving to Nord

City might not be the best choice. It’s wiser for you to stay here!”

At least within the Barrett family, Mia had Laura and Timothy to protect her.

“This is my decision!” Mia declared. Having already made up her mind to live with her

brothers, she found Timothy’s words somewhat perplexing.

Despite Mia’s limited knowledge of her brothers‘ family situation, Timothy seemed

surprisingly well- informed.

Had he conducted an investigation?

Nonetheless, it appeared that Timothy hadn’t discovered her relationship with Connor.

Was this a stroke of luck or a missed opportunity?

Looking up at Timothy, Mia said, “Well, I’ll be on my way then.”

“Wait, please take these items with you.”