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Mated to the Alpha and His Beta

Chapter 410
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Chapter 410


I’d spent a restless night, tossing and turning. No matter what I tried, I couldn’t find a way

to get comfortable. My mind raced with everything my son and his mates had told me

about Stella. And my dreams, when I slept long enough to have them, were full of strange


When I woke up, though, all of my tension and distress had faded away. Yes, the thought

of my tiny granddaughter now being taller than me should seem odd, but I’d somehow

gotten used to it.

I went into the kitchenette to help Lanie with the twins for breakfast, and I found Stella

already pouring

them some cereal.

“Good morning,” she greeted cheerfully.

She wore a dress I recognized as one of Lanie’s, and she’d tied her hair up into a knot on

the top of her head. Yesterday it had been all the way to her waist-it had grown as much

as she had.

“We’ll need to take you shopping,” I said, eyeing her bare feet.

“Mother’s shoes pinch me,” Stella said, looking at her wiggling toes.

“We can see how a pair of mine feels. Good morning, little ones.” I kissed Alaina and Isaac

on their plump little cheeks. At least they were still little and would be for the expected

amount of time.

Still little, but I quickly saw how much more mature they were. They spoke in complete

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sentences and

used a much bigger vocabulary. They were able to use their spoons to eat without

slopping milk all over the


Alaina saw me watching and giggled. She waved her spoon at me. “We’re not as big as

Stella yet, but I’m

glad we don’t have to act like we’re babies anymore.

Right, Isaac?”

My little man nodded as he shoveled food into his mouth.

“You,” I said with a sigh, “are very much like your daddy was when he was a pup. Slow

down, please.*

“It’s bad manners to gobble, you greedy thing,” Alaina said. She turned shining eyes onto

her bigger sister.

“Right, Stella?”

Stella ran her hand lovingly over her little sister’s hair.

“Yes. But it’s also bad manners to call names.”

Isaac swallowed his cereal. “Stella, will you take us to school today?”


Chapter 410

She looked at me. “I can do that. If that’s all right with Grammy.”

“Of course. I take it your parents are all still sleeping?”

Thadn’t heard a peep from their bedroom yet, but I’d woken later than usual.

“Daddy, Abba, and Papa went out this morning to let their wolves run. I’m not sure where

Mother went.”

Stella smiled at me. “Did you sleep well?”

This gave me pause, and I studied her. “Eventually. I don’t suppose you had anything to do

with that, did you, young lady?”

She looked caught out but not guilty. “All of us needed a good night’s sleep last night. To

make it easier to face the morning.”

I poured myself a mug of coffee and leaned against the counter. “If you’re able to know

everything we all need, how is it that you’re not sure where your mother went?”

I spoke without any intention at insults or accusations. I was truly curious. I had no idea

how it all worked, and, I suspected, neither did my son or his mates. I wasn’t even certain

Stella herself could know all of it, no matter how powerful she was.

Only a goddess could know everything, and not even a Celestial could compete with a


Could she?


I figured it was going to be difficult to hide things from Stella, but that didn’t stop me from

ducking out early this morning to visit a few boutiques. It might be impossible to surprise

her, but I was going to do my best to show her that I was still here to take care of her.

When I got back with my arms full of packages, with more to be delivered later, I found

her helping the twins with their school bags.

Gabriela helped me unload the goodies I’d brought.

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“Stella is going to take the twins to school today. Are there any shoes in here?”

I pulled out a pair of blue ballet flats. With a grin, I said, “Will these do?”

“Mother!” Stella hugged me. “These are wonderful.

Thank you.”

“I want to go to real school now,” Alaina said with a pout. “Mama, can you tell them we

don’t need to be in

preschool anymore?”

“I’ll talk to the school, my little love.” I hugged and kissed her and tried to do the same for

Isaac, who squirmed away.

“Yuck!” He scrubbed at his cheek.


Chapter 410

“I’m going to change into this.” Stella held up a pale-blue maxi dress patterned with

sunflowers. “I love it! Then I’ll take you both to school, okay?”

She was back within minutes, looking so grownup and beautiful that my heart ached with

pride. I did my best to shove away my worries. The Goddess surely was watching over my

daughter. She just had to be.

“Oh, Mother.” Stella paused at the doorway. “When I get back, there’s something very

important we need to

do together.”


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