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Mated to the Alpha and His Beta

Chapter 407
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Chapter 407


My heart stopped when Stella revealed that she’d had to grow up so fast because there

was danger. To my surprise, Xander laughed out loud. Considering how upset he’d been

moments ago, this guffaw sounded


“Danger has been on its way for a’long da mned time daughter,” he said with a shake of

his head.

“I know that. But until now, all of you have been able to handle whatever came along.”

Stella’s smile was

crooked. “You didn’t need help from me.”

“And now we do?” Zane asked.

Stella looked at him. “It felt right, Papa. That’s the best way for me to explain it. Mother

was too worried about me to really pay attention to herself. It made her keep secrets from

you. I couldn’t be the reason for


Another rush of guilt tangled all around my heart.

“You can’t blame yourself for anything I chose to do, Stella. I was the one who decided not

to tell my mates what I was discovering. Even though I had my reasons, it wasn’t right,

but it also wasn’t your fault.”

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My daughter’s eyes-so much like Malachi’s-shone vividly green. I saw no sign of a wolf

inside them, and a pang twisted inside me. As a Celestial, Stella was in fact everything.

Why, then, did she have no wolf? It seemed like the part of her I could most identify with

was missing.

Then again, I’d spent so much time lately focused on the parts of me that were not wolf…

From low inside me, Lily whined. I imagined her rough tongue lapping at my face,

something that, of course, could never happen since we would never occupy the same

space at the same time. I could become her, and she was always a part of me.

“I’m not sure I’m getting this. You can do and be everything?” Zane asked slowly, his brow


“And you’ve always been able to?”

“She can choose her gifts,” I told him when at first Stella didn’t reply.

“So you can shift into a dragon?” Zane asked.

Stella nodded. “If I choose. Or a wolf. I can run as fast as a vampire and compel others

with a vampire’s charm. I can cast spells and make potions like the witches.”

“And you can see the future,” I said as I ran through everything I’d read in that book.

Xander let out a grumble. “Nobody can do that. The future isn’t written in stone. Every

choice we make shapes it.”


Chapter 407

“True, Daddy. But Mother is also correct. I can see into the future. I can peel away time like

the layers of

an onion and see….well, all the possibilities. It’s so overwhelming, though.” Stella drew in

a hitching little


Xander went to her at once. He might be fighting his own rollercoaster of emotions, but I

was so proud to

see my mate being such a good father. He put his arm around her shoulders until she

leaned against him. He

kissed the top of her head.

“We’re here to help you,” he said.

Stella clung to him, pressing her face against his stomach. Her voice was mu ffled. “All the


All the visions. It takes such effort to sort through it all. When I was small, I didn’t have to.

My mind

simply wasn’t big enough for it. I could pretend not to understand what I was capable of,

but that time is past.

I have to step up. I just don’t know what to tell you all about the High Council.”

Mason shot a look at me, then at Zane and Xander.

“What about them?”

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“They’re coming for us. It’s been their plan for a long time. And I know you already know

that,” Stella said

before any of us could interrupt. “But they keep changing the plans. Every time I thought I

had something

concrete to warn you about, they’d change it again. Until they make a full plan and put it

into action, I simply

can’t get a full read.”

“So, we’ll just have to be ready for whatever those as sholes decide to throw at us,”

Xander said grimly.

“I knew something like this was coming ever since we saw those pictures of Aldon.”

Stella nodded. “He’s still in the gray for me. He hasn’t yet decided the role he wants to

play. His future is

fuzzy. When I look at him, it’s like he’s a stone on the bottom of a pond. I can see him, but

he’s distorted.

I think he could turn on you, Daddy, if the right opportunity presents itself. Don’t trust


“I never would,” Xander said.

“Don’t even talk to him for now. It’s too soon. If you do, it could prompt him to make his

choice,” Stella

said. “And so far, there’s no guarantee that it will be the one that doesn’t lead to utter



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