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Mated to the Alpha Twins

Chapter 62
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Read Mated to the Alpha Twins [by Jane Doe] Chapter 62 — As we pulled into the drive way, | realized something startling. | was

no longer afraid of what the future might hold. | knew there would always be danger, that people would try and useas a

weapon but none of it seemed to matter. All this time, | had thought Alec and Kade were too good to be true. There was no

chance in h**I that | had been given not one, but two soul-mates to forever cherish and support me. Ssmall part of me

thought that whatever was blossoming between us wouldn't last. While | wasn't quite ready to go throwing around the L word yet,

there was something else | wanted.

Alec and Kade’s parents were already asleep as we entered the house. | was relieved Alec and Kade couldn’t feel my emotions

the way | could feel theirs. They would sense the turmoil and anxiety from a mile away. | tried to keep my fingers from fidgeting,

but I couldn't help the slight tremble that worked its way through my hands. While | still lacked details, Tori had toldabout the

werewolves mating process. It was funny in a way. Everything s****| | had done was with Alec and Kade, yet they still made me

horrendously nervous in new and exciting ways. As we walked down the quiet halls, towards the bedroom we shared, | realized

simply having s*x would never be enough. | wanted to tie myself to them in every way possible, to leave a mark on their soul that

couldn’t be mistaken as anything other than my own.

| wanted every gentle touch, every smoldering soul-shattering look. It all seemed too good to be true, to have a destined mate

born to love you. Perhaps it was a small repayment for the d***h and destruction that seemed to plaque a werewolf’s life. That in

the midst of the chaos, a small sliver of happiness would surface. So that no matter how long one had to live, they could do so

with happiness in their hearts. | was slowly learning to face things head on, and this was another obstacle forto face. |

wouldn't let my fear keepfrom being with them, from fully accepting them as my own.

“Can you unzip me?” | asked Kade, blushing as Alec's lingering stare followedinto the bedroom.

“Of course, sweetheart.” Kade murmured, his eyes softening as | brushed my hair to the side and turned.

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His rough fingers trailed along my shoulders, pressing harder as a shiver worked its way down my spine. The zipper was cold

against my b**e back, making a quiet noise as he unzipped pulled it down to my bottom. Kade’s fingers dipped inside the back of

the dress, grazing my ribcage and stomach. | could hear his heavy breaths behind me, and could feel the hammering of his

heart. It wasn't lust | was feeling from him, but a gentle sort of awe. Each brush over my soft skin left him feeling weightless and

happy. Even with the carefree emotions, | knew he wanted more. Alec and Kade’s desire were like an endless pit, the darkness

constantly looming, ready to take over and devourat first chance.

Instead of giving in to the overwhelming anxiety that tried to surround me, | leaned back into Kade’s touch. | let his emotions

wash over me, wiping away the lingering trepidation | felt. | was safe here, safer than | had ever been before. These two, giant

werewolves would defenduntil their last breath. It was a freeing feeling; one | had been waiting my entire life to experience. It

felt like my soul was soaring, only to be met by Alec and Kade’s.

One of Kade’s hands drifted higher, toying with the band of my thin bra. His other hand grazed lower, tracing lazy circles along

my hip bones. My legs clenched together on their own accord, my body giving into the overwhelming sensation of Kade’s rough

fingers on my soft skin. A deep, husky laugher caressed my ear and traveled down the length of my neck. | could hear Kade

inhale deeply, his nose buried in my hair.

“After your little performance earlier, tellwhy | shouldn't just take you now?” His voice dropped a couple octaves, hittingin

every place his fingers wouldn't.

A building pressure formed low in my stomach, and a budding moisture between my legs. Kade's fingers tickled the edge of my

underwear, never once straying lower. The slow circles were pure torment, but agony mixed with the sultry pleasure that lapped

at my skin.

| spoke the words before | fully registered what cout of my mouth. | was lulled by the sparks dancing along my skin,

reassured by the overwhelming desire that pulsed from Kade.

“Do it, Kade.” | murmured huskily. “Take me.”

Before | could blink, | was tossed backwards onto the bed. My legs were spread apart, with Kade situated in between. My wrists

were locked together, raised over my head. Kade’s grip on my wrists was iron clad, bringing on just the slightest amount of sweet

pain. His eyes were full of onyx fire as he stared down at me, his plush lips parted as his hot breath pressed against my cheek.

Even if | couldn't feel his emotions, | could feel the evidence of his arousal pressed against my leg. | shivered at the length of it,

at how hard it felt against my soft skin.

My face heated and all thought other than Kade left my head. | went to turn my head, self-conscious as | gained Kade’s full

searing attention. His free hand snapped up to my face, gripping my chin until | had no choice but to look at him. The way he

touchedsent an instant reaction down between my legs. His rough possessiveness heated my skin. It was like he was

staking his claim on all of me; body and soul.

“Are you teasing me, sweetheart?” Kade growled, his face pressing into the crook of my neck. “Tellwhat you want, Aurora.

Tellor | might take it all.”

“I want—all of you.” | rasped, savoring the way his entire form stiffened against my own.

His self-control was like a tether. As it snapped, a loud tearing sound echoed through the room. Scraps of dark fabric fluttered

down around us, lying in little pools on the bed. The cool air rushed against my exposed skin, makings**k in a sharp breath.

He had torn the dress from my body, had left it in shambles in his desperate need to take me—to claim me. All that was left was

my bra and underwear, a dark and lacy ensemble that was both cute and modest. If | had known | would've initiated this, |

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would've worn something better—-something sexier and more mature.

“Don't.” Kade rasped, his voice gravely as his eyes roamed my body. Those dark eyes flickered up to meet my own, endless

pools of his own desire focused on me. Each word that left his lips was like a curse and a praise, all wrapped into one dark

package. “You're perfect-so f*****g perfect.”

Kade’s teeth grazed down my neck, lingering with predatory focus on the soft skin between my throat and shoulder. As his

tongue snaked out to lick the soft patch of skin, my back arched and a sea of overwhelming sensation filled me. Pure, undiluted

pleasure radiated down my body. It washed over every cell, nerve and vein as it traveled down to my toes. My mouth was open

in a silent gasp as Kade continued toying with the small section of skin. Somewhere in the back of my mind, | remembered Tori

saying something about a mark, but | couldn't piece the words together in my scrambled mind. All thoughts were useless, the

only thing that mattered was right in front of me.

“Are you sure about this, Aurora?” He murmured quietly, his hooded eyes lifting to meet mine for just a brief second.

“I'm sure—I've never done this before, but I'm sure.” | whimpered, nodding my head a little to enthusiastically.

Kade stilled against me, “We've been the first to taste you? To kiss you?”

“Yes.” | nodded, my voice soft and heart thundering.

| was horribly inexperienced, unused to the attention and touch of men. For a moment, | regretted it all. The inexperience left me

feeling self-conscious and somewhat silly. | hadn't a clue what | was doing.

“Good.” Kade’s deep voice thundered, his eyes burning with pure satisfaction.
