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Married in a Flash Embarking on the Journey to Wealth

Chapter 267
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Chapter 267

At the police station.

Aurelia requested for her stolen identity card be terminated and then sought to freeze Millie’s


Due to the substantial loan amount, the police were particularly efficient.

Soon, they informed her that they had traced the whereabouts of the money.

All the money was with Millie.

In a preparation of going abroad, she had even submitted a deposit of 14, thousand to the traveling


In pursuit of a better life overseas, she had taken a risky path by borrowing high–interest loans using

Aurelia’s name.

Thinking that no one could find her once she went abroad, she assumed that the debt would become

Aurelia’s problem.

With her bank account frozen, Millie would find it difficult to even have a meal.

The police promptly informed Aurelia that Millie seemed desperate for money,

Unable to use the money in her bank account, she started logging into illegal websites.

Fortunately, Aurelia’s identity card was terminated, so she couldn’t use it.

After everything was settled, Aurelia and Leslie left the police station.

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As they got into the car, Aurelia received a text message confirming the case was officially accepted by

the police.

She looked at the brief message that marked the end of a friendship and fell into deep thought.

After a moment, she noticed Leslie’s probing gaze.

“What’s wrong?”

“Why did you leave a way out for Millie?” Leslie looked at her as if he was trying to see through her.

Aurelia was different from all the women he encountered in the past.

The women around him had clear and specific goals, and they’d do almost anything to achieve them,

regardless of right or wrong.

On the other hand, Aurelia appeared brave and decisive, but also hesitant at times.

It makes it hard to understand what she really wanted to do.

Feeling exposed, Aurelia shook her head.

Chapter 267


“No, I didn’t leave a way out for her.”

“You reported the theft of your ID, but you didn’t mention that Millie stole it. You said she borrowed

high–interest loan, but you didn’t mention that the creditor came to trouble you today.”

“You begged the police to contact the bank to freeze Millie’s bank card, not because you’re afraid of

taking on the debt yourself, but because you’re afraid Millie will spend all the money. If that happens,

she would have nothing left to pay her debt. Am I right?”

Aurelia wondered if Leslie had installed some kind of cavesdropping device on her.

He truly saw through all her thoughts.

“Well… I wouldn’t mind punishing Millie, but there’s no need to trouble Millie’s parents. If Millie

squanders all that money, her parents will still have to repay it.”

“They don’t have high salaries, so how can they come up with 200 thousand? When my mother was

sick, Millie’s mother even brought me soup on a scorching day, saying I had lost too much weight and

needed to take care of my health. I still remember that.”

“Just soup?.”

Leslie, who grew up in a world of deceit, couldn’t comprehend someone being grateful for just a bowl of


Aurelia looked at him and saw the disbelief on his face.

She thought for a moment before speaking.

“Mr. Synder, I understand your point of view. You probably think I’m foolish for being so easily bought


“But ordinary folks like us don’t get involved in significant interests. Therefore, we value personal

attachments. Personal attachments are about who has been kind to me. That’s why I’m kind to them in

return. That’s essentially how human connections are formed, right?

“Of course! I’m not stupid. I’m just repaying Millie’s mother’s kindness, I won’t show any mercy to Millie.

Don’t worry. Millie won’t get away with using my information for online loans. She’ll pay for it. dearly.”

Aurelia smiled at him and Leslie couldn’t help but return the smile.

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She was slightly taken aback by his smile.

“Mr. Synder, you should smile more often. You look nice when you do.”

She raised her hand to touch the corner of his lips, only snapping out of it when she was about to come

into contact with his skin.

What was she doing?

Why was she trying to touch Leslie?

Chapter 267

He frowned.

“What’s wrong?”

“You have dirt on your face,” she said shyly.

“Is that so?” he replied.

“Yeah, it’s true.” She nodded.


He leaned closer to her until their faces were inches away.


She felt her throat running dry.

“You are wiping dirt off my face, right?” he asked.


She held her breath and raised her hand to wipe the corner of his mouth.

Watching him from up close, she couldn’t find a single flaw on his face.

Even the shadow cast by his eyelashes looked perfect.

Perhaps she was too focused as she stared at him, he suddenly grabbed her wrist.

The will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!