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Love's Perfect Match

Chapter 719
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Chapter 719 Side Story: Efforts in Pursuing Her 1

In his office at Damoria, Hank sat on the leather couch, his eyes skimming the headlines of Damoria News. As he

read, a subtle crease formed on his brow.

Meanwhile, his assistant, Noel, had grown accustomed to such moments, yet a touch of unease still lingered as he

observed Hank's reaction. "Should we take down this news, Mr. Damazio?"

How can this keep happening? The future Mrs. Damazio has already made the headlines for the 38th time this

month. Last time, she was captured blowing a kiss to a male actor on the set, igniting a significant controversy. The

time before that, she teased the new hot actor, only to be attacked by his legion of fans, and the time before that…

However, as Noel stared at the sensational headline that read 'Passionate Kiss' in the newspaper, he felt like he was

about to lose his balance.

"We've already taken down so many for her before, so let her handle this one herself," Hank remarked, his

exasperation evident as he massaged his temples.

While observing his boss' unexpected calm, Noel plucked up the courage to ask, "Mr. Damazio, why aren't you

furious despite all these incidents?"

"Because these are nothing but her tricks to provoke me."

Her tricks to provoke you? Sweat rolled down Noel's forehead at the thought. Why do I feel it's nothing like that?

"So, are you still planning to ask Miss Sullivan for dinner tonight?"

Hank's gaze turned cold, and he responded, "Yes, why not?"

Thirty minutes later, Yelena glanced at her phone and sighed. The message was as predictable as ever, and a faint

pout formed on her lips. Seriously, the same question every single day? Doesn't he realize how monotonous this is

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'No. I'm not interested in having dinner with you.'

After typing these words, she decisively turned off her phone and threw it into her bag.

Then, she raised her head and looked at Kyle Palmer, the newly crowned best actor, gazing at her with wide eyes.

She playfully curved her lips into a sly smile and asked, "Kyle, can you do me a favor?"

Kyle gazed at Yelena as his anxiety made him swallow hard. "What favor can I do for you? Oh, by the way, the

director asked me to come over and discuss it with you. It seems the scene we just shot didn't quite hit the mark, so

they're thinking of reshooting it."

Immediately, she wailed, "Why? Weren't we told that the scene was okay? I was going to have dinner with my


"It's mainly about the positioned kiss. The director mentioned you were a bit too distant," he explained as he

scratched his head with a slightly helpless look.

Yelena let out a deep sigh in response. "Well, if that's the issue, why don't we make it more genuine this time?"

"Huh?" Kyle was taken aback upon hearing this. "The director mentioned that the positioned kiss was sufficient, so

we don't need to kiss for real."

"I get that, but nailing the perfect distance with positioned kisses can be tricky. A real kiss, just for a moment, might

solve the problem. It's not like it's a big deal."

However, his cheeks reddened, and he tried to find excuses to avoid the situation. "Maybe we should focus on

perfecting our positioning first. I'll do my best to nail that aspect. Moreover, we don't have to keep reshooting like


"What's wrong?" Puzzled, she looked at him with a scrutinizing gaze. "Do you have an issue with me? Kyle, I think

there's something wrong with you. You seem perfectly at ease kissing your co-stars naturally during filming, but

when it comes to me, you always insist on precise positioning."

Someone who has been crowned the best actor can't possibly be a timid novice, but his reaction seems as if he's

averse to kissing me. As Yelena pondered, she let out a faint snort. "If you genuinely have reservations about me,

let's talk to the director and cancel this scene."

"No, that's not what I meant. I'm just saying…" Kyle's hand moved in a dismissive gesture, but his words faltered.

"Since that's not what you meant, let's nail this scene properly." Suddenly, she stood up and grabbed his collar

before walking toward the camera crew. "You have to kiss for real this time, whether you want to or not. Let's finish

this quickly. I want to get off work."

When the director saw her drag Kyle over, he wiped the sweat off his forehead. "Alright, in this scene, the two of

you must convey a profound affection, especially you, Yelena. When you kiss, close your eyes and focus on the

emotion. Don't fixate on his face, or the authenticity will be lost."

"Yeah, got it," Yelena responded nonchalantly.

Then, the director turned around to look at Kyle behind him. "And you, you need to calm your nerves while acting."

After a nod, Kyle's face displayed indescribable embarrassment. "I understand, director. I'll do my best to fully

immerse myself in the scene."

"Alright, let's give it another take."

The two of them quickly got into position. However, Yelena seemed to be testing Kyle's composure purposefully by

edging closer. The subtle fragrance of her perfume enveloped his senses, momentarily leaving him a bit


Just then, she raised her finger and gently grazed his chest as she smiled seductively. "You want to kiss me, don't

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Instinctively, he nodded.

"Let's do it then." After saying that, Yelena grabbed Kyle's collar and drew him toward her.

As he gazed at the plumpness of her lips, an enchanting captivation began to take hold, almost without his

conscious consent. He slowly closed his eyes and leaned in, aiming to meet her lips with his.

However, her lips didn't experience the expected tender touch. Puzzled, she opened her eyes, ready to reprimand

the man for not upholding the professionalism they had agreed upon earlier. Yet, she was greeted by his visibly

nervous expression instead. "What's going on, Kyle? Didn't we agree earlier to kiss for real?"

Despite Kyle's arm still wrapped around Yelena's waist, an unmistakable tension radiated from him. Her instincts

tingled, and she turned slightly to catch Hank's distant look. In the meantime, she noticed Noel standing beside him,

equally taken aback.

"Are you not kissing me because of him?" she asked.

Kyle's grip loosened gradually as he straightened himself, a sheepish apology on his lips. "I'm truly sorry, Yelena. I

believe that this positioning should suffice for the scene."

Her eyes couldn't help but roll at his response. "What a coward." Then, she glanced at the director nearby and

raised her chin defiantly. "This time, it's not that I don't want to film, but this guy here can't make a move. Since

that's the case, let's reshoot this scene another day. Something urgent has come up, and I must be on my way."

On the other hand, the director didn't stop her but simply nodded with an embarrassed smile.

Without further ado, Yelena swiftly headed for the exit as Hank trailed behind her wordlessly instead of calling out

to her.

Walking out into the parking lot, she found her car. Just as she reached for the door handle, someone firmly gripped

it before she could.

"Why are you avoiding having dinner with me?" Hank stood there quietly, his face devoid of any expression.