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Love's New Bloom by Simone Hastings

Chapter 97
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Chapter 97 Only a Lover

When Kyle arrived at the hospital with the meal, it was already past five in the afternoon.

Wearing her patient gown, Erin walked over to the couch and sat down. Chandler had already opened

all the meal boxes Kyle brought.

The coffee table was filled with Erin’s favorite dishes. They were all packed neatly in exquisite mini


Tears sprung to Erin’s eyes when she saw that. Choking with emotion, she said, “These are all the

dishes I love…”

An unusual tenderness flashed across Chandler’s eyes as he gently brushed her long hair. “I wanted to

cook for you myself, but now that you’re hospitalized, I had Kyle search for all the dishes you love in

the city…”

Before he could finish his sentence, Erin, deeply moved, threw herself into his embrace and sobbed

softly. She never expected. him to be so attentive.

She never anticipated such meticulous preparations made just for her.

The best way to win over a foodie was to treat her to all her favorite dishes.

Erin’s heart was captured by this table filled to the brim.

Chuckling softly, Chandler took the napkin from Kyle’s hand and wiped away her tears. “Silly girl, you

refused the thirty million I offered back then because you thought it was too little, but now you’re moved

to tears only by a table full of food. Erin, you are such a foolish and naive foodie.”

She took the napkin and wiped away her tears while pouting. “You’re the foodie…”

“Stop crying. Let’s eat together.”


With tears still brimming in her eyes, Erin looked utterly adorable. Unexpectedly, Chandler was

captivated for a moment, and his icy heart softened ever so slightly.

Erin impatiently grabbed the utensils and stuffed her mouth with food. It didn’t take long before her

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cheeks bulged out as if she was a squirrel.

Chandler helplessly said, “Slow down. You’re going to upset your stomach! Nobody’s going to take your

food away.”

Erin giggled mischievously and continued to devour her food.

Throughout the entire time, Kyle stood by, witnessing firsthand as Erin, the power–eater, consumed a

portion of food that could satisfy three grown men. Astonished, he furrowed his brows. Did Erin have

three stomachs?

Yet Erin, whose eyes were sparkling with delight, was not yet satisfied. As she reached her fork toward

a piece of prawn, a large hand swiftly and accurately snatched her utensil away.

Ignoring Erin, Chandler had finally reached his limit and exclaimed, “Kyle, take away all the food!”

Erin grew anxious and protested, “Don’t take it away. I haven’t finished eating!”

“Erin, I did everything to save you, and now you’re going to eat yourself to death. That’s unfair to me.”

Chandler’s expression turned icy. He had expected her to control herself after getting her fill, but

clearly, he had underestimated Erin’s appetite!

Kyle had already started silently packing the meal boxes, thinking to himself that if Chandler didn’t

intervene, he would have

to step in and take things into his own hands.

Chandler firmly grabbed Erin’s hand and said, “Let’s go. We’re going to take a walk in the park now!”

Forcefully, Chandler pulled her along, disregarding the fact that she was still in her slippers. As they

walked, Erin turned back to glance at the uneaten dishes, her eyes filled with a deep sense of anguish.

He forcibly turned her head back and coldly warned, “If you keep acting like this, I’m going to get



Reluctantly, Erin lowered her head and followed him.

Five minutes later, they arrived at a small park within the hospital grounds exclusively reserved for VIP


While Erin was still unconscious, Chandler had a helicopter transfer her to the city’s best hospital, the

Liberty General Hospital.

Chandler held her in his arms as they sat on a white wooden bench surrounded by a bed of roses. Erin

was immediately. captivated by the beautiful scenery and gradually forgot the delicious food from


However, not long after, Erin held her stomach in discomfort.

“What’s wrong? Do you have a stomach ache?” Chandler asked.

Erin blushed and nodded as Chandler looked at her helplessly. He reached out to massage her

stomach. “You really deserve a good scolding. You’re all grown up, yet you act like a child…”

Erin whispered, “The food was just too good…”

Chandler gently flicked her nose. “You’re just a little pig.”

Erin noticed the fondness in Chandler’s eyes. She felt a sense of panic in her heart, and her eyes

began to well up with tears.

“Why are you crying again?” His soothing voice made Erin melt in his embrace.

His strikingly handsome face under the moonlight set her heart ablaze. She could feel her heart

pounding in her ribcage, and for the first time, she felt an inexplicable sense of fear.

Suddenly, Erin wondered if she would ever be able to love another man if she lost him.


She said, “Chandler, don’t be too nice to me. I’m afraid I won’t be able to let go when we have to part


His hand continued to massage her stomach, and he fell silent at her words.

Of course, he understood the implications of what she said.

“Erin, just stay with me. That’s all you need to do.”

Ultimately, he didn’t say the words Erin hoped to hear, and she could only hide her disappointment


Wiping her tears away, she asked, “You said earlier that you saved me? What does that mean? Didn’t

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you say that I have anemia?”

Chandler was taken aback for a moment. He slipped up in the heat of the moment. Taking a deep

breath, he decided to reveal the truth to Erin. He thought it was important for her to be cautious in case

she encountered such a situation again in the


Hence, he concisely told Erin the story.

After he finished, Erin remained shocked for quite some time before returning to her senses. “Who

could it be? I don’t

remember having any enemies. And our family… the biggest enemy I’ve ever encountered was

probably Dana.”

Chandler responded solemnly, “It’s not as simple as you think. You were lucky this time, but the culprit

will surely strike again. Our enemy is in the shadows while we are out in the open. I cannot guarantee

you won’t be targeted again, so you must be extra careful of the people around you. I will have Hans

continue to protect you in secret.”

Erin accepted his suggestion readily. “Okay, I understand.”

“Also, I’ll get you a car so you can drive yourself around more easily.”

She then looked at him oddly. “Why do I feel like I’m your mistress?”

Chandler tapped her forehead lightly. “You silly woman, I don’t have a wife or girlfriend. Why would you

be my mistress?”


As soon as the words left his mouth, he regretted them. A hint of sadness appeared in Erin’s eyes.

“My stomach is fine now…” She lowered her head and pulled his hand away.

Erin struggled to get down, and Chandler didn’t force her to stay in his arms.

“I’m a bit tired. I’ll go back to get some rest.” She left without looking back.

Chandler didn’t follow her. He wanted to comfort her but didn’t know what to say. From the beginning,

she was destined to only be his lover.

He couldn’t promise her anything else.

Yet, she silently accepted everything. A hint of worry began to grow in Chandler’s heart. He feared that

one day, she might

leave him.