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Love's Change of Heart

Chapter 586
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Chapter 586 Go Ahead and Sleep Away

When the doctor listened to Leanna's description, he said, "Mrs. Pearson, Mr. Pearson's cold s

worsened mainly due to the infection and inflammation of his wound. Don't worry. He will be fine once

the inflammation subsides."

Leanna furrowed her brows in worry and asked doubtfully, "Are you sure he doesn't need to go to the


"Yes, there's no need for that. He has to, however, take his medicine and change his wound dressing

on time."

"He did. Both at noon and night yesterday."

The doctor hummed as he replied, "Tsk, this is strange indeed. Logically speaking, he should be getting


He paused for a moment before he continued, "Mrs. Pearson, have you changed his wound dressing

this morning?"

"No, not yet."

"In that case, you may need to change Mr. Pearson's wound dressing again and give him his medicine

afterward. I will make a house call if he still doesn't get better after two hours."

Leanna breathed out a sigh. "Okay. I understand."

Leanna hung up the phone after jotting down some of the doctor's instructions. When she noticed

Aidan sleeping fitfully, she went out of the room and into the kitchen to make some mushroom soup.

Once she had prepped all the ingredients and thrown them into the pot after filling it with water, she left

the pot of soup simmering on the stove. Then, she proceeded to wash the sheets that she had thrown

into the washing machine yesterday and cleaned the living room. The moment she took out the trash,

she caught a glimpse of a few pills in the trash can.

Therefore, Leanna put down the towel in her hand and squatted in front of the trash can. She narrowed

her eyes as she picked out the pills carefully. Then, she compared them with the medicine prescribed

by the doctor for Aidan yesterday.

As expected, they were exactly the same.

When she made this discovery, she felt her vein throbbing with anger as she slowly clenched her fists.

In truth, Aidan had woken up long before Leanna called the doctor. He opened his eyes and made

himself comfortable on the bed. When he heard the bedroom door being pushed open again, he

immediately snapped his eyes shut.

Leanna had entered with a first-aid kit. She sat by the bed, took out a pair of small scissors, and slowly

cut the gauze that was wrapped around his arm. Finally, she cautiously changed his wound dressing.

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Aidan groaned quietly at the sudden burst of severe pain.

Leanna slowly parted her lips and drawled, "Oh, you're awake?"

Aidan opened his eyes and looked at her. "What are you doing?"

"I'm changing your wound dressing." She unhurriedly loosened the gauze that she had tightened

earlier. "I was thinking of taking the approach of fighting fire with fire when I saw how seriously inflamed

your wound was. Who knows, it might do the trick."

He bit the bottom of his lip before he intoned deeply, "How is that going to help?"

"Well, you're awake now, aren't you? Besides, you don't need this arm anyway. In that case, we might

as well discard it."

He didn't say anything in response to her outrageous remarks.

Leanna checked on his wound, and she continued wrapping the gauze around his arm when she saw

there was no bleeding. Then, she tied it securely, rose to her feet, and left.

When the doctor listened to Leanna's description, he said, "Mrs. Pearson, Mr. Pearson's cold s

worsened mainly due to the infection and inflammation of his wound. Don't worry. He will be fine once

the inflammation subsides."

Aidan slowly sat up and leaned against the headrest of the bed. Then, he reached up and massaged

his temples.

After a while, she walked in with a bowl of mushroom soup. She said nothing and placed it on the

bedside table before promptly leaving.

Aidan waited for a few seconds. However, when he didn't hear the sound of the door closing, he

ambled out with the tray of food in his hand.

Once he arrived at the dining room, he saw that she was in the midst of her meal.

Aidan gingerly placed the tray on the dining table and slumped into the seat across from her. "Why

didn't you return to your place?"

Leanna didn't even bother looking up as she replied curtly, "Thanks to you, I, too, caught a cold."

Aidan raised his eyebrows slightly, and his lips faintly curved into a smirk.

He held the spoon with his left hand, scooped up a spoonful of the soup, and looked at her. "Have you

gone to the hospital?"


"What did the doctor say?"

"According to the doctor, I might as well get ready for my funeral if I keep stubbornly refusing to take

my medicine."

Aidan was initially confused as to why Leanna would make such a remark. Nonetheless, when he

instinctively looked at the trash can not far away, he reached up and ruffled his hair agitatedly. Damn!

She caught me!

She didn't even bother paying any mind to him as she continued enjoying her meal.

Since he knew he was in the wrong in this situation, he dared not to speak another word throughout

their breakfast.

The silence stretched on as the two ill individuals drank their soup.

After the meal, Leanna washed her own dishes, grabbed a glass of water, and sat on the couch to take

her medicine.

As soon as she took out the medicine, Aidan also brought a glass of water over, sat next to her, and

took out his pill from the coffee table in front of her.

Leanna turned her head and shot him a glare when she saw him mimicking him.

Aidan calmly tossed the medicine into his mouth and gulped down the glass of water under her

watchful glare.

Once he was done taking his medicine, he tilted his head at her, inquiring, "Why are you looking at


She snorted, deliberately looked away from him, and took her own medicine.

It was raining cats and dogs outside. The sky was dark, and it looked utterly dreary.

Still, it was undoubtedly fine weather to curl in bed at home.

As the medicine could cause some drowsiness, she yawned and fell asleep on the couch not long after

she took it.

When Aidan came out of the bathroom and saw this scene, his eyes turned tender yet mirthful.

He walked to her side, knelt down, and softly called out her name, "Leanna."

Alas, Aidan received no response.

Therefore, he reached out and pinched her nose.

Although she furrowed her brows and tried to swat his hand away, she still didn't wake up.

It seems that she has truly fallen asleep. So, Aidan got to his feet, carried her into the bedroom, and

attentively placed her on the bed.

Leanna slept soundly throughout the journey due to the effect of the cold medicine. She didn't even

grumble in protest.

Leanna slept soundly throughout the journey due to the effect of the cold medicine. She didn't even

grumble in protest.

Then, he tucked her in, made himself comfortable next to her, and gently pulled her into his arms.

Meanwhile, Leanna habitually wrapped her arms around his waist. Finally, she snuggled against his

chest as she found a more comfortable sleeping position.

Aidan kissed her forehead and closed his eyes, feeling content.

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

The room was pitch black by the time Leanna blinked the sleepiness away from her eyes. She was

feeling really lazy, so she didn't intend to get up.

Still, she stretched out her limbs and her arm, wanting to grab her phone to check the time. Alas, her

hand came into contact with a man's straight nose bridge and thin lips instead of her phone.

She instantly withdrew her hand. After a few seconds of silence, she reached out again and touched

the man's forehead. Thank goodness! His fever has subsided!

Then, Leanna looked toward the window, and through the curtains, she could see that it was already

dark outside, as well as the shining lights of the skyline. It's already so late!?

When she came to that realization, she abruptly sat up. I wonder how things are going on next door.

Yet, someone pressed her back on the bed as soon as she made a move.

"Let's sleep a little longer," Aidan mumbled huskily.

"Sleep? How can you still think about sleeping when it's already that dark outside? Go ahead and sleep

away if that's what you want."

As she spoke, she had already pushed his hand off and dashed out.

She and Maya opened the door almost at the same time.

When Maya saw her, she informed, "Oh, hey. Your brother is here, so I'll be leaving now."

Leanna nodded. "It's still raining outside. Be careful on your way home."

Maya smiled and tilted her chin proudly, saying, "Oh, that's fine. My husband is here to pick me up."

Before Leanna could say anything, the elevator happened to arrive at this moment.

Maya bid her goodbye, "See you."

After she took a few steps, she turned her head and reminded Leanna, "By the way, you have yet to

recover from your cold, so it's best that you don't return home tonight. But don't run around either, lest

no one will be able to coax your son when he starts searching for you. Just stay at Aidan's place."

Leanna felt her temples throbbing. "Okay, I get it. Just go."

After Maya left, Leanna returned to her apartment. However, she didn't enter and just stood by the

entrance. "Louis."

Louis turned around and inquired, "Has your cold recovered?"

"A… Little bit."

In the meantime, the little guy also spotted Leanna and started crawling toward her. He was babbling

as he made his way over, "Ma… Ma…"

However, Louis carried him back just when he crawled a few steps.

Then, he said to Leanna, "I will be here this weekend. You can come home right after you recover from

your cold."

Leanna ran her fingers through her hair and sighed in resignation, "Carry him. I'll get a change of

clothes from my room."