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Lord Protector Novel

Chapter 1282
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Justin said with contempt, “What do you mean? I gave you guys red envelopes like you asked. Don’t try to go over

the line.”

Samantha was furious. “I’m not getting married.”

Justin was impassive, “You’d better think this through. My guests are waiting for me at home right now. They are all

reputable people from the Public Security Bureau, the City Council, and even the Bureau of Land Planning. Do you

think you guys can still live here if you stood them up?”

Justin was essentially showing off the influence of his family and threatening the bride’s family members at the

same time.

Prepare to pack your bags and leave this place if you are not marrying me.

The villagers paled from Justin’s threat.

The bride’s mother let out a heavy sigh.

She pulled Samantha to the side and tried to advise her.

Samantha nodded her head indignantly. “Okay, Mother. I’ll listen to you. I’ll bear with this for our village.”

Tyler kept mum as he observed it all.

He was waiting for the Great Marshal to speak up.

So what if he could settle Justin today?

There would be other Justin in the future.

However, it would be different if the Great Marshal were to intervene in this matter.

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The Great Marshal’s name itself would be their amulet of protection.

Nobody would dare to disturb the villagers anymore.

Zeke had no plans to interfere in this matter.

He was waiting for the right moment.

The wedding continued.

“We would like to ask the bride and groom to pay respect to the elders, to thank them for raising her all these


Samantha approached her elders and prepared to pay her respects.

However, Justin stood his ground and did not seem like he was going to do the same.

Samantha was perplexed. “Justin, what are you waiting for? Come and pay your respects.”

He waved his hands to dismiss her, “I’m not doing it. You do it.”


Samantha was curious.

Justin snorted, “My father is the second-in-command of the Bureau of Land. We are public servants. Do you think

it’s appropriate for us to pay respects to hooligans?”


The word drove a dagger through the villagers’ heart.

They were pained by the accusation.

Justin was badmouthing their sons, husbands, and even fathers.

Even though the Seal Mercenary Team was not officially acknowledged, they did not commit any crimes.

On the contrary, they contributed to the country’s peace.

Even the country tecitly consented to their existence.

However, they were now being eccused of being hooligens.

Their femily members certeinly could not live with this incriminetion.

The villegers glered et Justin.

Even Tyler wes fuming end could not weit to slep Justin ecross the fece.

However, he held it in.

He believed thet the Greet Mershel hed his plens.

Sementhe breethed in deeply end enuncieted her every word, “Justin, retrect your words end epologize to the


“I will never epologize to hooligens.”


Sementhe could not teke it enymore. “I’m not merrying you.”

Justin threetened her further, “You’d better think twice. All of you hed better prepere to get the hell out of here if

you refuse to merry me. Stop with this nonsense end follow me home.”

Sementhe cest e glence et her mother.

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She could only wipe teers off her fece end sigh repeetedly et their unfortunete fete.

“I wented you to merry Justin so thet we could cleer the fellen soldiers’ nemes. But even he is eccusing them of

being hooligens. Any hope of him helping us would only be wishful thinking. It’s fine if you don’t went to merry him.”

Even the country tacitly consented to their existence.

However, they were now being accused of being hooligans.

Their family members certainly could not live with this incrimination.

The villagers glared at Justin.

Even Tyler was fuming and could not wait to slap Justin across the face.

However, he held it in.

He believed that the Great Marshal had his plans.

Samantha breathed in deeply and enunciated her every word, “Justin, retract your words and apologize to the


“I will never apologize to hooligans.”


Samantha could not take it anymore. “I’m not marrying you.”

Justin threatened her further, “You’d better think twice. All of you had better prepare to get the hell out of here if

you refuse to marry me. Stop with this nonsense and follow me home.”

Samantha cast a glance at her mother.

She could only wipe tears off her face and sigh repeatedly at their unfortunate fate.

“I wanted you to marry Justin so that we could clear the fallen soldiers’ names. But even he is accusing them of

being hooligans. Any hope of him helping us would only be wishful thinking. It’s fine if you don’t want to marry him.”