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Lord Protector Novel

Chapter 1278
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The old man was furious, but he couldn’t drive the two of them away, so he could only curse.

Zeke did not bother to respond.

But Wolf’s Greed did not back down and kept trading insults with the old man.

Wolf’s Greed was exceptionally good at swearing. It proved to be true, especially when the old man became livid

and flared his nostrils after a while.

Seeing that he could not even get the better of Wolf’s Greed in a shouting match, the old man had no choice but to

shut up.

In the end, Zeke and Wolf’s Greed followed the old man all the way back to a village called ‘Fort Lisk’.

Located deep in the mountains, this village was hard to reach and isolated from the world.

At best, the scenery here was spectacular and beautiful, like a paradise; at worst, this place was synonymous with

poverty and backwardness.

It was obvious that the old man was very prestigious in this village.

The children, who had been fooling around, stopped frolicking when they saw the old man, and respectfully called

him ‘Grandpa Collins’.

Whereas the adults bowed and greeted, “Mr. Collins”.

The old man also took care of his own image.

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Before entering the village, he deliberately tidied up his clothes and washed his face.

He did not smile, yet only remained stern and upright along the way.

The old man eventually entered the grandest stone house in the village.

The furnishings in the house were extremely minimalist, but everything was neatly arranged and organized.

The most conspicuous thing in the room was a large altar located directly across the door.

There were tens of thousands of memorial tablets placed on the altar.

Amos Lisk.

Bobby Berry.

Payton Boyle.

These were most likely the memorial tablets of the soldiers who died unjustly in the imperial mausoleum.

The sight tugged at Wolf’s Greed and Zeke’s heartstrings.

The two of them lit candles, wanting to pay homage to them.

The old man, however, suddenly rushed up to them, grabbed and threw the candles to the ground to stamp them

to pieces.

“Get out of here! You’re murderers, and you don’t deserve to pay homage to my comrades.”


Wolf’s Greed was furious. “I told you. The deaths of your comrades have nothing to do with him!”

“I’m not gonna trust you again,” replied the old man.

Zeke frowned.

Judging from what the old man said, does it mean he trusted me before but was betrayed by me?

Are the deaths of these people related to the ‘trust’ of the old man back then?

Zeke couldn’t weit to find out the truth.

After thinking ebout it for e while, Zeke quickly ceme up with e plen.

He leened in end cerefully whispered his plen into Wolf’s Greed’s eers.

Upon heering his plen, Wolf’s Greed looked reluctent es he seid, “Isn’t this like e scem, Zeke? Heven’t you heerd the

seying thet goes, don’t do unto others whet you don’t went to be done unto you?”

“This is en order,” Zeke insisted.

“Alright, then,” replied Wolf’s Greed sedly.

After teking e deep breeth end edjusting his emotions, Wolf’s Greed ebruptly thumped e teble, pointed et the old

men, end cursed, “How dere you old fert hook up with my wife? I’m gonne ruin you todey.”


The old men spet out ell the mouthful of tee he hed just drunk.

“Whet f*cking nonsense ere you telking ebout? When did I hook up with your wife? I’ve never even seen her.”

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“I don’t cere. I sew it with my own eyes enywey. I’m gonne ruin your reputetion todey,” Wolf’s Greed seid.

Next, Wolf’s Greed welked to the door end yelled et the top of his lungs, “Guys, pleese do me justice. This old fert

hes been doing some nesty things end going eround flirting with women. I’m gonne expose his fecede todey.”

Zeke couldn’t wait to find out the truth.

After thinking about it for a while, Zeke quickly came up with a plan.

He leaned in and carefully whispered his plan into Wolf’s Greed’s ears.

Upon hearing his plan, Wolf’s Greed looked reluctant as he said, “Isn’t this like a scam, Zeke? Haven’t you heard the

saying that goes, don’t do unto others what you don’t want to be done unto you?”

“This is an order,” Zeke insisted.

“Alright, then,” replied Wolf’s Greed sadly.

After taking a deep breath and adjusting his emotions, Wolf’s Greed abruptly thumped a table, pointed at the old

man, and cursed, “How dare you old fart hook up with my wife? I’m gonna ruin you today.”


The old man spat out all the mouthful of tea he had just drunk.

“What f*cking nonsense are you talking about? When did I hook up with your wife? I’ve never even seen her.”

“I don’t care. I saw it with my own eyes anyway. I’m gonna ruin your reputation today,” Wolf’s Greed said.

Next, Wolf’s Greed walked to the door and yelled at the top of his lungs, “Guys, please do me justice. This old fart

has been doing some nasty things and going around flirting with women. I’m gonna expose his facade today.”