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Let Me Stay The Night Novel (Christina and Nathaniel)

Chapter 623
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Chapter 623 Restless

Nigel was hesitant. Everyone knew that he was Barnaby’s illegitimate child, but Barnaby had yet to acknowledge

him formally.

Until now, Nigel had only met Barnaby once behind everyone’s back.

Nigel was no naive young man. Barnaby might’ve promised to make it up to him, but he could sense the

reservations held by his father.

Despite wielding the Stone family’s power to manipulate situations to his advantage, Nigel couldn’t shake off his

underlying lack of confidence. While he could easily exert control over individuals like Winston, he recognized that

his abilities would pale in comparison to someone as cunning and ruthless as Nathaniel

Curious, Nigel asked. “What is Nathaniel’s Achilles’ heel?”

He has taken the bait!

Winston’s eyes gleamed with excitement as he pushed himself up from the snowy ground, gradually edging closer

to Nigel. “His wife and children! Nathaniel has a reputation for being fiercely protective of his children and family

back in Jadeborough. If you can exploit that weakness of his and make him work for you, it would yield remarkable

results with minimal effort.” xo.com fast update

Winston thought Nigel would heed his advice, so he did not expect the latter to react conversely.

“You’re planning to scheme Nathaniel for his money and then backstab him, aren’t you? Do you think Nathaniel is a

fool? Perhaps you’re already on his radar.” Nigel jeered. “Even if you have a death wish, don’t drag me into your

mess. Remember, I expect the money in three days. If you fail to deliver, I’ll ensure you pay the consequences!”

After delivering the threat, Nigel gave Winston’s chest a forceful kick. Winston failed to dodge in time, and he

tumbled headfirst into the snow.

Nigel quickly made his way to his car and drove off, leaving Winston fuming in the cold. As he watched Nigel’s car

disappear into the distance, Winston clenched his fists and vowed, “Nigel, mark my words. 1 will seek revenge one

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On the way, Nigel received a call from Barnaby. He quickly hopped on a plane to head back to Hallsbay.

As they were short on time, Barnaby came to the airport to pick Nigel up,

After getting into the car, Nigel greeted him warmly. “Dad.”

Barnaby nodded with satisfaction and proceeded to address the matter at hand. “Sheridan has organized a family

dinner for tonight, and he specifically requested the presence of all Stone family members. Since you and Yerek are

part of the family, I will arrange for both of you to join us. As for your wife and Anya, it would be more appropriate

for them to join us on another occasion. Tonight’s dinner is not suitable for their attendance.”

Nigel had not laid eyes on his wife and Anya since Christina reclaimed their mansion.

In his eyes, they were nothing more than a burden. Considering Barnaby’s obvious disdain for them, Nigel saw no

reason to invest any care or concern toward his family

When faced with the choice between personal benefits and family, Nigel resolutely prioritized the former without


“Dad, Yerek and I will do as you say,” Nigel replied, his voice filled with delight. “I’ll give him a call immediately so

that he can make the necessary preparations. We wouldn’t want to cause any embarrassment, especially since this

is our first family dinner with you.”

Barnaby seemed unfazed. “It’s just a regular family dinner. While Sheridan may be the current head of the Stone

family, I still hold considerable influence within the family. And now that I have decided to acknowledge both of you,

no one can prevent me from doing so.”

Hearing his promise, Nigel relaxed.

That very night, Nigel and Yerck showed up at the Stone family dinner clad in formal outfits.

The seating arrangement for the family dinner was organized based on the number of attendees. The Stone family

members were taken aback to see two Gibsons present at their family gathering.

Barnaby swiftly instructed the butler to arrange two additional seats, ensuring that they were positioned to his right.

It was evident to everyone present just how significant Nigel and Yerek were to him.

Different thoughts played in the minds of all the Stone family members as they exchanged silent gazes. Sheridan

finally made his entrance, arriving fashionably late to the family dinner.

As soon as Sheridan entered the dining room, his eyes locked on Nigel and Yerek. Concealing his emotions, he

settled into the seat across from them and turned to Barnaby, who sat in the main seat. Raising an eyebrow, he

voiced his opinion, “Grandpa, considering this is a family dinner, I believe it would be more appropriate to exclude

external guests.”

Nigel’s and Yerek’s expressions immediately darkened, but they skillfully concealed their emotions, aware of

Barnaby’s presence.

Putting on a facade of generosity, Nigel forced a smile and responded, “Sheridan, Yerek and I are here to dine with

your grandfather and to meet the rest of the family. We have no intention of involving ourselves in your internal


Meanwhile, Barnaby seethed with anger as Sheridan publicly humiliated him. He uttered darkly. “Indeed. Am I not

allowed to bring someone to our family dinner after I retire without seeking your prior approval? Nigel and Yerek

are going to join the Stone family, and you will be seeing them frequently. It would be wise to adapt to their

presence as soon as possible.”

Hearing that, everyone turned to Sheridan, seemingly waiting for his response.

After taking a sip of wine, Sheridan shot both Nigel and Yerek a mocking look.

“Grandpa, if you insist that they return to the Stone family, I shall resign from my post as the head of the Stone

family,” he announced.

Barnaby’s face scrunched up in anger as he glared at Sheridan. “Is this a threat?”

Sheridan raised an eyebrow in response. “Grandpa, I’m acting in the best interest of the Stone family. As you’re no

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longer in control, you might not realize the extent to which the rumor about the Stone family’s illegitimate child has

affected Stone Group. The company’s shares plummeted by ten percent overnight. and the board of directors is

furious about it. The PR department did its best to mitigate the situation, but

the company’s value continues to decline. If we don’t take decisive action to address this, even if you were to

personally take charge again, I doubt you could halt the downfall of Stone Group.”

Barnaby was ready to retort, but Sheridan added, “Of course, if you have a more suitable candidate for succession,

I don’t mind relinquishing my position so you can reunite with your family.”

The survival of the entire family hinged on Stone Group, and Sheridan had earned widespread recognition for his

leadership since assuming control of the company.

Even the typically difficult members of the board of directors held him in high regard. If Sheridan were to step

down, it would plunge Stone Group into disarray and uncertainty.

At once, Nigel and Yerek became everyone’s common enemies. They grew restless, their initial arrogance all gone.

As Sheridan had claimed, they were now mere guests of the Stone family.

Recognizing himself as Sheridan’s elder, Nigel was ready to voice his opinion, but Yerek, sensing the tension, firmly

held his hand down, silently advising him against acting rashly.

Recognizing Yerek’s silent warning. Nigel restrained himself from speaking out impulsively, but the anger boiling

inside him was evident by the tight clench of his jaw. He remained seated, seething with frustration, while the

hostile gazes of the family members bore into them.

Sheridan was Barnaby’s most prided heir, and reality refused to allow him to get a win-win solution.

After careful consideration of the situation, Barnaby chose to prioritize his dignity and maintain his stance. “Nigel

and Yerek’s return to the Stone family does not alter any of the decisions that have been made. My intention is

simply to have them rejoin the family.”

Sheridan remained adamant about not allowing the illegitimate child to rejoin the Stone family. While their presence

may not immediately affect the current decisions, he understood that circumstances could change in the future.

“Grandpa, I can’t help but think that Grandma would be disappointed if she knew about your decision. Remember

the promise you made to her before she passed away?”