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King of the Underworld by RJ Kane

Chapter 320
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5. King of the Underworld by RJ Kane Chapter 320

Posted by Admin1, 1121 Views, Released on May 29, 2023



Chapter Three Hundred Twenty


That evening, once everyone in the office had gone home for the day, Trino and his guys stopped by.

Gus and Oscar were with him, but Chen was absent this time. “He’s working on a contractor job. He

said it was really important and he wants it to be perfect, so he couldn’t get away when we told him

we were coming here tonight,” Gus said when I asked where he was, I smiled, knowing it was one of

Adrik’s projects that he was working on.

“Miha, you look much better this time,” Trino said when he walked into Adhik’s office. “How are you


“Better. It’s still too slow, but better,” I said. I’d still been coughing occasionally when I talked. The

cough sounded ho rrible, even though I was feeling


Trino cursed in Spanish when he heard my cough. “She got pneumonia after she got home from the

hospital. The doctor said it’s common after your lung collapses,” Ivan said as he helped me onto the

cabinet behind Adrik’s desk.

“Dios mio, Miha. How are you still functioning?” he asked.

I laughed. “Ask them. I haven’t been lately. I’ve done nothing but sleep for like an entire week.”

Trino looked at Adrik, who nodded his head in confirmation. “Armando has had to suffer greatly

because I’ve been bored without her,” he said, his sly

smirk on his face.

“I fully support this, Jefe,” Trino said.

“What did you find at Sal’s house?” Adrik asked.

Trino took a deep breath and blew it out loudly. He was clearly frustrated. “We found a tunnel underneath his house.

That’s how they got out without my guys seeing anything, which is advantageous for my guys. I was ready to ki ll

them if they’d fallen asleep and missed Sal leaving.”

“We just don’t know exactly when they left. They could be anywhere by now,” Gus said.

“They’re not anywhere. They’re in Italy,” I said.

“And they left in the middle of the night a day and a half ago,” Ivan said.

“Along with Niko and Vito at some point, as well,” Viktor added.

“How do you know they’re in Italy, Miha?” Trino asked skeptically.

“It’s the most obvious choice. There’s a very high likelihood that’s where Ricardo is as well. Sal is likely running to

him for direction now that Lorenzo is dead. Niko and Vito are simply running after their master as well,” I said. Trino

looked at me thoughtfully, but didn’t say anything. I caught Andrei’s eye. He was trying not to smile.

“Who’s Ricardo?” Gus asked.

“We think he’s really the one that’s behind this coup. He’s been working with Lorenzo for years, but he also has a

relationship with the other bosses as well. He’s the one that’s been pulling Armando’s strings behind the scenes.

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Likely since he was still an underboss. He’s been using a fake name this entire time. It was likely Ricardo that

instructed him on what name to use to keep from raising suspicion with the other bosses, as well as my father,”

Adrik said.

Oscar laughed quietly. “Italians are so dramatic,” he said quietly.

“You are not wrong, Oscar,” I said.

“What are you thinking, Jefe? Are you going after them?” Trino asked.

Adrik thought for a few moments before answering. I knew he was torn about his answer, because of me. Were I

not in the condition I was currently In, he would be much more willing to follow them to Italy and to end this all as

quickly as possible. But given that travel likely wouldn’t agree with me very well right now, he was hesitant to follow


“They can come to me. I’m not going anywhere with Sephie in this condition,” he said, firmly.

“Do you think they’ll be back?” Oscar asked.

“I do. Ricardo is apparently obsessed with me,” Adrik said, smirking. “Armando said Ricardo has been trying to

overtake me for years, from both sides

of the business.”

“Your greatness irritates those not on your level, Jefe,” Trino said. All the guys looked at me. Even Adrik turned his

chair so he could see me out of the corner of his eye. Trino noticed, giving me a questioning look.

“I said almost the exact same thing earlier, Trino. Great minds think alike,” I said smiling at him. I motioned for Ivan

to help me off the cabinet. I walked to Adrik, wanting to sit on his lap. Instead of staying at his desk, he stood up,

pulling me to one of the couches. He helped me sit in his lap and lean back against him; my legs crossed in

between his.

Adrik put his lips close to my ear, asking quietly in Russian, “are you tired, solnishko? Do you need to go back


“No, I’m okay. I was cold,” I said, pulling his arm around me tighter. I could feel the low vibration of his quiet laugh

as he brushed my cheek lightly with his facial hair.

“How is the situation with the Mexicans, Trino?” Ivan asked.

“They got word of what happened to Anthony and Lorenzo, so they’ve been quiet so far. They still remember what I

did when I took over in Colombia, Trino said.

“I wouldn’t put it past Sal and Ricardo to keep in contact with them. They’re going to need help to make this

happen, if that’s what they’re still trying to do,” I said, leaning my head back against Adrik’s shoulder.

Trino looked at me thoughtfully for a moment. He started to ask a question, then stopped himself, then decided to

ask it anyway. “Miha, how do you always know what you know? You’ve been with Jefe for such a short time and yet

you know this business better than men who’ve grown up in it. You’re a very smart woman, don’t get me wrong,

but I’ve literally never met anyone who knows the things you know after such a short time.”

I felt Adrik hold me a little tighter as we all contemplated how to answer Trino. It was Stephen that spoke first.

“Sephie has a very unique ability to understand human psychology. Because of it, she can predict what people will

do in certain situations.”

Trino shook his head, like he wanted to believe Stephen, but he wasn’t sure he did. “It’s something else, for sure,”

he said. “Is this why Armando took you? Surely he knows how unique you are.”

I scoffed. “That’s a complicated answer, Trino.”

“How so?”

I could feel my anger starting to rise at the thought of Armando thinking he ever had a chance with me, but I tried

to keep it under control, while making sure my eyes stayed normal. I took as deep a breath as I could. “When the

bosses would meet at the restaurant I used to work at, Armando would stay after sometimes and help me clean up.

He would ask me questions about my life, but I always got the impression that he was trying to set me up with his

son, who is close to my age. According to Dario, that was not the case at all. Apparently, both Armando and Sal had

been eyeing me when Ghost came back. Dario thought they were going to get into a fight over me, but then I met

Ghost and that option was taken off the table. I think it’s why Sal was going to sell me off to the highest bidder when

they took me. He’s still pi ssed. Armando, too.”

Ivan, who was sitting across from me and Adrik, said quickly in Russian, “blink, princess.”

“Shi t,” I said, under my breath, closing my eyes for a second. I managed to cough to hopefully distract anyone who

might’ve seen them. I opened them, looking to Ivan first. He nodded discreetly and winked at me.

“Sephie thinks they’d put Armando into a bit of a leadership role while I was away. I think he and Sal had started to

think they could run the city,

either together or separately. The night I met Sephie was the night they recruited all the bosses to try to overthrow

me. We’re still trying to find out how much of a role Ricardo has been playing this entire time. He seems to have

more influence than he should for someone who isn’t a boss,” Adrik said.

“We think he might have the mayor in his pocket as well,” Ivan said.

Trino made a gesture like he was spitting. “Politicians. They’re all the same. They can all be bought for the right


King of the Underworld by RJ Kane

Score 9.7

Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Artist: Released: May, 22, 2023 Native Language: English

Title: King of the Underworld (I'm the queen of the king of the


Written by RJ Kane




Magical Realism

Love At First Sight



Slow Burn



King of the Underworld-Sephie and Max

In my life as a waitress, I, Sephie - an ordinary person - endured the icy glares and insults of customers while trying

to earn a living. I believed that this would be my fate forever. However, one fateful day, the King of the Underworld

appeared before me and rescued me from the clutches of the most powerful Mafia boss's son. With his deep blue

eyes fixed on mine, he spoke softly: "Sephie... short for Persephone... Queen of the Underworld. At last, I have

found you." Confused by his words, I stammered out a question, “P..pardon? What does that mean?” But he simply

smiled at me and brushed my hair away from my face with gentle fingers: "You are safe now.” Sephie, named for

the Queen of the Underworld, Persephone, she's quickly finding out how she's destined to fulfill her namesake's

role. Adrik is the King of the Underworld, the boss of all bosses in the city he runs. She was a seemingly normal girl,

with a normal job until it all changed one night when he walked through the front door and her life changed

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abruptly. Now, she finds herself on the wrong side of powerful men, but under the protection of the most powerful

among them.


I hear my wh*te noise app cut off on my phone and my alarm slowly getting louder. I wait for the chiming bells to

stop before I roll over and hit the screen. With a deep breath, I muster the energy to get out of bed and drag

myself to the shower.


There is a steady stream of food to the back room throughout the night and the alcohol flows freely.

I’ve gotten four smacks to my a*s in the first hour. All the boss’s eldest sons are there. Lucky me.


After my short interlude outside, I returned to work and tried my best to act like nothing happened.

Anthony had apparently been chastised while I was away because he kept his hands to himself...


When I walked back into the meeting room, it was completely empty. Everyone had vanished. I can’t

say I was disappointed by this development. I busied myself with gathering up the empty glasses



I woke the next morning, well before my alarm went off, feeling like my throat was on fire. I

stretched and immediately regretted it, as my entire body felt like I had been run over by a very

large vehicle..


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