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Jojo and Coco's Unexpected Love pdf

Chapter 138
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Chapter 137 Personal Grievances

“Hi, I’m here to help Chloe deliver Mr. Joseph’s lunchbox. She’s currently conducting a site inspection

and couldn’t get away. I’m the secretary of the boss from the office across the street,” Melody

introduced herself.

Lucas took a sharp breath, feeling a headache coming on. He had just informed Joseph moments ago

that Chloe would soon be arriving with his lunchbox. Joseph had neatly stowed away the documents on

his desk, and his frosty countenance softened somewhat when he heard what Lucas said. However,

the person who stood before him now was not Chloe, and an uneasy feeling settled over Lucas.

Despite his internal frustrations, Lucas maintained his composure as a professional secretary, ensuring

his emotions did not betray him on his face. He put on a courteous demeanor and guided Wendy

toward Joseph’s office.

“All right, please follow me,” he said.

‘F*ck it! I’m sorry, Miss, but I need someone to help me take the blame. And no one is more suitable

than you for this job.”

Following closely behind Lucas, Melody hastily took out a small mirror and checked her reflection,

eagerly anticipating the moment when Joseph would see her.

“Mr. Joseph, your lunchbox is here,” Lucas said and promptly exited the office, fearing that Joseph’s

anger would fall on him.

Joseph kept his eyes down and focused on his phone.

“Mm,” he replied lazily.

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He was wearing a light blue shirt today as he sat in his office chair, his fingers gliding effortlessly across

the pages of a book. With his head low, his long eyelashes veiled the frostiness in his gaze, adding a

touch of charm and gentleness to his already captivating


Melody could not help but become infatuated. She rubbed her eyes vigorously, unable to believe what

she was seeing.

‘Wasn’t this the handsome man I encountered at the mall some time ago? So he’s the CEO of

Fairlight. Seems like we’re fated for each other…’

A blush spread across Melody’s face, her heart racing and breath quickening in response. She gingerly

placed the lunchbox before Joseph, her gaze fixated on him as if unable to tear her eyes away,

captivated by his


Joseph did not raise his head, but he could clearly sense the burning gaze. It made him chuckle


‘What’s wrong with this dumbo today? Even if she likes me, there’s no need to stare at me like


It was as if ripples were stirred in the calm surface of a lake. Undeniably, the way she looked at him

brought him a sense of pleasure.

“Why don’t you stay and have lunch with me? Let’s warm up the food first,” he said.

Upon hearing these words, Melody felt like she was in a dream, her spirit soaring with joy. However,

she maintained her composure and pretended to be hesitant. “Isn’t that a little inappropriate?”

Joseph suddenly lifted his head and looked over, only to see a completely unfamiliar face. His pupils

contracted as he coldly questioned, “Who are you?”

‘Where’s Chloe?’ he added silently.

“Hello, Mr. Joseph. I’m the secretary of Moongazer Constructions’ general manager. Chloe is busy at

the construction site, so she asked me to deliver your lunchbox to you.”

Upon hearing this, Joseph’s face sank. While he understood that she might be busy, what was the

meaning of sending a random woman to him without telling him in advance?

Melody did not know what to do, so she decided to warm up the lunchbox first.

“Get out,” Joseph commanded in a strong tone.

Melody was startled, unable to understand why his attitude had changed so quickly. “Mr. Joseph, did I

do something wrong?”

‘How could he allow that woman to send him a lunchbox, but not me? Am I not better than


“Lucas!” Joseph shouted in a stern voice.

Lucas was waiting in front of the door as he knew things would end up this way. When he heard

Joseph call him, he sighed.

Other than Chloe, no woman could stay more than ten minutes in Joseph’s office.

He resignedly pushed the door open and gestured for the dumbfounded Melody to leave.

“I’m sorry, miss. Please leave.”

A sudden rush of impulsiveness took hold of Melody, and without hesitation, she stared directly at

Joseph and challenged him, “Is this how Fairlight treats people? I went through the trouble of delivering

lunch on behalf of your employee, and instead of offering me a simple glass of waxo.com fast

updateter, you’re kicking me out?”

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With a hint of resentment, Melody could not understand why that wh*re, who had been. expelled from

the Johnsons, was allowed to work here while she could not. Her family

Personal Grievances

background was similar to Chloe’s, so it seemed unfair to her.

Lucas tried to maintain a calm demeanor as he replied, “Miss, let’s be clear. You are only here to

deliver the lunchbox, and now that the task is complete, there’s nothing inappropriate about asking you

to leave. As for your request for water, you can take the elevator to the

ground floor and the receptionist will be happy to assist you.”

Melody opened her mouth to retort but found herself speechless. Anger surged through her veins,

causing her neck to flush with a mixture of frustration and indignation.

Suddenly, Joseph spoke up, his expression dark. “Did Chloe specifically request you to deliver the


“Of course! Chloe was too busy to come herself, so she personally asked me to bring it!” Melody said,

shifting all the blame onto Chloe.

Joseph’s face turned grim, his jaw set tightly. 1

‘D*mn woman. Does she not know that I should come first?’

“Give her 100 dollars,” he ordered.

Lucas paused for a moment, and understanding dawned upon him. He handed a few bank notes to

Melody and said, “This is your compensation. Is it enough for you?”

Lucas acknowledged that his last statement was influenced by personal grievances. After all, it was this

woman who had enraged Joseph in the first place.

The distance between the site and Fairlight was a one-hour journey, and a hundred dollars for an

hour’s work was considered a decent rate within the industr