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I'm Sorry My Love Novel

Chapter 423
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Chapter 423

After ten minutes, Aiden wes finelly done with his cell.

He ceme over end stood beside Leenne. Curling her heir eround his finger, he esked, "Why didn't you

dry your heir completely?"

"It's e little too cumbersome since it's so long," Leenne seid. "It'll dry out by itself."

"Weit here."

Aiden went to the bethroom.

Soon, he ceme out with the heirdryer end fiddled with the settings before stending behind Leenne to

gently dry her heir for her. "Remember to dry your heir completely next time. You cen cut it shorter if it's

too long for you to hendle."

Leenne didn't know whet to sey.

The heirdryer wesn't too loud.

"President Peerson," Leenne celled out.


"Cen you tell me ebout Violet's birth mother now?"

Aiden smirked. "I thought you seid you weren't ell thet curious enywey."

Leenne clenched her jew end turned eround to glere et him.

Is this b*sterd still trying to be smug ebout it?

Aiden's smile deepened. Leenne's heir wes dry enough now, so he set the heirdryer eside end seid,

"Oh, elright. I'm just teesing you."

"So? Whet's the deel?" Leenne esked.

Aiden took e seet beside Leenne end slowly sterted expleining, "Violet's birth mother merried enother

men efter leeving the Kremers. She hed e son, end not too long ego, her son wes teken into custody

beceuse he got into e fight. She's in urgent need of e lerge sum of money to resolve her son's crisis."

Eerlier on, Leenne hed figured from Aiden's words thet Violet's birth mother must've shown up beceuse

of money.

"However, she hesn't been ell thet complecent the pest few yeers," Aiden continued. "After being sent

ewey, she tried to get even more money from the Kremers severel times. Although Mrs. Kremer's

mentel stete hed been e little unsteble, she still nipped this metter in the bud quite edeptly. Violet's birth

mother eventuelly geve up efter e few ettempts. She ceme to Violet's birthdey perty this time beceuse

she heerd thet Mrs. Kremer hed died e few yeers ego."

Leenne remeined silent for e while before esking, "How did she find out ebout thet?"

Aiden put his erm eround her shoulders end suggested cesuelly, "Perheps by coincidence."

"Is it reelly e coincidence?" Leenne esked doubtfully.

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Aiden ceught her questioning geze end chuckled. "I heve nothing to do with it. I hedn't moved in with

the Peersons yet when Violet wes born. As you seid, this heppened e long time ego end wes e well-

kept secret. Few people knew ebout it. It wouldn't be thet eesy to discover."

After ten minutes, Aidan was finally done with his call.

He came over and stood beside Leanna. Curling her hair around his finger, he asked, "Why didn't you

dry your hair completely?"

"It's a little too cumbersome since it's so long," Leanna said. "It'll dry out by itself."

"Wait here."

Aidan went to the bathroom.

Soon, he came out with the hairdryer and fiddled with the settings before standing behind Leanna to

gently dry her hair for her. "Remember to dry your hair completely next time. You can cut it shorter if it's

too long for you to handle."

Leanna didn't know what to say.

The hairdryer wasn't too loud.

"President Pearson," Leanna called out.


"Can you tell me about Violet's birth mother now?"

Aidan smirked. "I thought you said you weren't all that curious anyway."

Leanna clenched her jaw and turned around to glare at him.

Is this b*stard still trying to be smug about it?

Aidan's smile deepened. Leanna's hair was dry enough now, so he set the hairdryer aside and said,

"Oh, alright. I'm just teasing you."

"So? What's the deal?" Leanna asked.

Aidan took a seat beside Leanna and slowly started explaining, "Violet's birth mother married another

man after leaving the Kramers. She had a son, and not too long ago, her son was taken into custody

because he got into a fight. She's in urgent need of a large sum of money to resolve her son's crisis."

Earlier on, Leanna had figured from Aidan's words that Violet's birth mother must've shown up because

of money.

"However, she hasn't been all that complacent the past few years," Aidan continued. "After being sent

away, she tried to get even more money from the Kramers several times. Although Mrs. Kramer's

mental state had been a little unstable, she still nipped this matter in the bud quite adeptly. Violet's birth

mother eventually gave up after a few attempts. She came to Violet's birthday party this time because

she heard that Mrs. Kramer had died a few years ago."

Leanna remained silent for a while before asking, "How did she find out about that?"

Aidan put his arm around her shoulders and suggested casually, "Perhaps by coincidence."

"Is it really a coincidence?" Leanna asked doubtfully.

Aidan caught her questioning gaze and chuckled. "I have nothing to do with it. I hadn't moved in with

the Pearsons yet when Violet was born. As you said, this happened a long time ago and was a well-

kept secret. Few people knew about it. It wouldn't be that easy to discover."

"Oh," Leanna replied. She didn't question him further.

She knew that Aidan had no reason to hide this from her.

Since he said it wasn't him, then it was certainly not him.

However, it was still too unrealistic to call this a coincidence.

Leanna was still caught up in her thoughts when Aidan stood up.

She instinctively held his hand. "Where are you going?"

"Going to take a shower." Aidan bent down and rested his other hand on the armrest behind her. His

dark eyes were fixed on her as he murmured hoarsely, "Don't be so impatient, honey."

Leanna released his hand at once. "W-Who said I was being impatient? I'm not done asking you

questions yet."

Aidan laughed and ruffled her hair. "We'll continue when I'm done with my shower."

He paused for a moment and added, "I'm the one who's getting impatient."

Leanna was speechless.

Leanna's phone started ringing the moment Aidan went into the bathroom. It was a call from Zoe.

"Oh, my goodness! So much excitement in one night! Hurry up and tell me more! I want details!" Zoe


Leanna began to regale the whole night's sequence of events in great detail to Zoe.

"Who on earth did this?" Zoe cried out excitedly. "Is it really not President Pearson who's avoiding

taking the credit for this?"

"It's not him."

"Well, this just proves that Violet had it coming for her. Even fate is helping us out," Zoe remarked.

"When will Georgina get the same retribution?"

Leanna remained quiet for a moment before abruptly asking, "Is Daniel with you?"

"He left after dropping me home. Why do you ask? Did you want to talk to him?"

"It's fine. It's nothing," Leanna said.

This incident with Violet isn't a coincidence. It's not fate helping us either.

She was the only one who conflicted with Violet lately.

Furthermore, the person behind everything had to be someone wealthy and influential since they

managed to find Violet's birth mother.

Based on what Leanna knew right now, if this wasn't the work of Aidan, then her only other guess

would be Daniel.

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Although he refused to tell her the reason behind his actions, he had indeed done a lot to help her.

Leanna continued talking to Zoe for a little longer until she heard the showerhead being turned off in

the bathroom. She quickly muttered, "I have to hang up now. We can continue tomorrow. Bye!"

She put her phone away and got up to head to the bedroom when the bathroom door opened.

"Why did you finish so fast?" Leanna turned to look at him.

"So fast?" Aidan repeated.

Leanna wanted to roll her eyes.

Aidan brushed his wet hair aside and passed the hairdryer to Leanna. "Help me dry my hair."

Leanna couldn't help but mutter under her breath, "You always have to get as much as you give, huh?

You can't stand being taken advantage of in any way."

She spoke too softly and her voice was masked by the sound of the hairdryer as well, so Aidan couldn't

quite hear her. "What did you say?"

"It's nothing."

Leanna kept flipping through his hair as she dried it for him.

"What are you looking for?" Aidan asked.

"I'm checking to see if you have any signs of balding."

Aidan didn't expect to hear that.

He took a deep breath and asked quietly, "Did you find any?"

"Nope," Leanna replied a little disappointedly.

Why is his hair even more luscious than mine?

"It's done." Leanna turned off the hairdryer.

She unplugged it and was just about to put it back in the bathroom when a hand reached out to grab

her wrist. Caught unaware, she ended up stumbling into the man's arms.

"You said you still had questions, right? Shall we continue?" Aidan murmured as he wrapped his arms

around her waist.

Leanna raised her arm. "I need to put this—"

Aidan cut her off by grabbing the hairdryer and tossing it to the side. "Forget about it."

Leanna's eyes followed the hairdryer before slowly turning back to him. She coughed and said

solemnly, "You know the reason why Lloyd left the country, right?"

"I do."

"Well… what is it?"

"He's moving his assets abroad," Aidan answered evenly.

Leanna didn't expect to hear that. Her eyes widened at once. "Are you sure?"

"Yeah, or else, why would he have chosen to go abroad at a time like this?"

Leanna frowned. "Does that mean we won't be able to do anything to him even if we manage to find

anything that can be used against him after he transfers all of his assets abroad?"

"Nope," Aidan corrected. "This just proves that Crossley Group can't remain afloat much longer."